What’s Next For Blogging with Eric Hochberger | Mediavine On Air Episode 51

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If content creators have learned anything recently, it's that the only constant in the blogging industry is CHANGE.

As we usher in the privacy-centric era for the web, the winds of change are blowing more strongly than ever, but what does it all mean for publishers?

On this Teal Talk, Jenny is sitting down with Mediavine CEO Eric Hochberger for a no-holds-barred conversation about the state of the blogging industry and everything Mediavine is doing to ensure that content creators not only survive the coming shifts but THRIVE.

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[MUSIC PLAYING] JENNY GUY: Hello. Howdy, friends. Welcome. Welcome, one and all, to another episode of Mediavine's Teal Talk. For any of our first-time viewers, welcome. This is our live program where we feature experts from around the blogging industry on any and all topics that could help content creators build sustainable businesses. So basically if it concerns publishers, we are talking about it here.

I am with you as always as your host, Jenny Guy. So happy to have you here today. We have a very big show for today, so we are just going to kind of speed through our little opening. But I did have to say that believe it or not, however you feel about the various memes announcing it, like it or not, it is already May. Mother's Day is Sunday. 2022, I have to say, is winning the award for Bat Out of Hell years. Like, I don't-- I don't know if anyone-- like, how is it already May? That's insane to me.

This is our final episode of Teal Talk before we go on our hiatus for our fifth annual Summer of Live. So I don't know how that happened, but it is happening. It is the truth. And in a world this crazy where time has no meaning, it can be comforting to rely on traditions. And from Mediavine, for Teal Talk, for this show, we traditionally start things and end things with a certain guest. He's here with me today. He's Mediavine CEO and co-founder. Please welcome the one, the only Eric Hochberger back to the program. Eric, welcome.

ERIC HOCHBERGER: Thanks, Jenny. Good to have my usual anchor spot.


ERIC HOCHBERGER: That's the anchor, right? Yeah, OK.

JENNY GUY: Yes, anchor. You're batting cleanup, for all you sportsball fans out there. Eric, is this year happening in a bananas, like, flying by crazily to you, too? Are you in shock?

ERIC HOCHBERGER: I feel like the last three years, so why make an exception to this year. Don't even-- is it May? That's great. Awesome.

JENNY GUY: What does time mean anymore? It doesn't mean anything. And I also-- I've said this repeatedly. I'm sorry for people who are hearing me say it over and over again, but I feel like anything that has happened in the last three years, like significant milestones, shouldn't count. Why? I turned 40. Why? That shouldn't--

ERIC HOCHBERGER: That means I'm not turning 40? Is that the good news?

JENNY GUY: That's what that means. That's what that means. It's crazy. OK, everybody. We are going to be talking about some important stuff today. We know you have questions about all of this stuff, because I certainly do. All of us at Mediavine do, so please post those questions for Eric or myself in those comments. We will get them to you. But let us without any further ado, Eric-- we usually have you here to talk specifically about Mediavine updates, but today we have really widened our scope to talk about important things that are impacting the whole blogging, content creation industry.

There are some big changes on the horizon for publishers, and we wanted to break them all down. So I want to just start here at the top. I don't know, again, with anyone else, it feels like we've been talking about the deprecation of ...

What’s Next For Blogging with Eric Hochberger | Mediavine On Air Episode 51

What’s Next For Blogging with Eric Hochberger | Mediavine On Air Episode 51
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