Selling Your Story Without Selling Your Soul with Gee Nonterah | Mediavine On Air Episode 32

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A well-told story can stay in someone's mind for their whole life.

As a blogger you want to find the right balance between telling and selling your story.

Gee Nonterah from the Create and Prosper Podcast joins Jenny Guy, Mediavine's Senior Director of Marketing, in a conversation about communicating your story in a way that is both relatable and profitable.

She offers some great tips for creating a community of superfans that you can start implementing today!

Helpful Resources

Repurpose Like A Pro: Mediavine On Air Episode 4Gee's YoutubeGee's InstagramGee's WebsiteGee's Podcast


[MUSIC PLAYING] JENNY GUY: Guys, it is already November. It is November 5, Thursday to be exact, which means that the holiday season is practically upon us, and this dumpster fire of a year is almost over. Can you believe it?

This is Teal Talk, and I am your host, Jenny Guy. I'm Mediavine's Director of Marketing. And I have a very important and seasonal question for you. Where do you fall on the Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah scale?

Have you already decorated? Are you listening to the music already? Are the Hallmark movies on repeat like they are for some of the Mediavine teams?

Say hi to us in the comments. Weigh in. Tell us where you fall, because it is a super important and polarizing topic.

I personally am of the opinion that whatever you want to do in 2020 is perfectly valid. If you want to do Christmas before Halloween, yes, do that. If you want St. Patrick's Day in November, fantastic. If it provides you and yours with a modicum of joy this year, I say just go for it.

I'm also in favor of normalizing full celebrations for random holidays. So in that spirit, I would like to say, Happy Men Make Dinner Day! Did any one know that was a thing? Because it is. I did research on all the random holidays.

Today is Happy Men Make Dinner Day. Yes, it's a thing. We're going to share the link in the comments. It is the first Thursday in November, and there are rules. And to make things more inclusive, I'd like to change it from men to whichever partner doesn't normally cook.

And if you normally cook for yourself, order from a locally owned restaurant. I don't know. Just celebrate. Celebrate your life. Have a great Thursday. That's what we're here for.

I know I'm celebrating today because, one, we don't have to talk about anything that's happening in our nation for an hour. My guest and I were just talking about that. But I am very much celebrating because my returning guest is the wonderful Gee Nonterah.

She shared so much good stuff during your Summer of Live episode on repurposing content. And we kept having to rush through certain topics, and we didn't have time. And we kept saying, we'll talk more about that later. And she was kind enough to come back and talk about the concept of story selling and email marketing, which we will go into more in a second. But hello, Gee! Welcome back.

GEE NONTERAH: Hi. I'm so excited to be back.

JENNY GUY: I'm so excited to have you because you're awesome. I'm going to read her bio because she is an impressive lady. She is a former registered nurse and medical scientist turned blogger, freelance writer, and YouTube creator. She is the host of The Create and Prosper Show which helps bloggers and writers create amazing content and build profitable businesses. She started My Online Biz Journey in 2014 to chronicle her journey into online business and succeeded in using that blog to attract clients for a social media content creation business.

You can find her currently on where she's passionately helping her audience make a living and build a powerful and authentic personal brand with their writing. When she's not creating amazing content, she likes to watch spy movies. What up? All right, Gee, hello.

I'm going to start out with a question for our audience. Tell us,

Selling Your Story Without Selling Your Soul with Gee Nonterah | Mediavine On Air Episode 32

Selling Your Story Without Selling Your Soul with Gee Nonterah | Mediavine On Air Episode 32
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