Blogging On A Budget with Latasha Peterson: Mediavine On Air Episode 15

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Underpromise and overdeliver is one of my favorite maxims. Unfortunately, the marketing teams for the vast majority of blogging tools out there don’t seem to agree. So, how do you find which tools actually deliver on their promises without breaking the bank? 

Pinterest strategist and founder of the website Arts and Budgets, Latasha Peterson, joined me on the Summer of Live 2021 and shared 15 of her favorite free or cheap tools that she’s used to grow her traffic and create nine flourishing income streams.

I knew we had to turn this Facebook Live into a podcast episode ASAP, so here we are!

I’m Jenny Guy, your host of Mediavine On Air, wishing all our listeners a big welcome. If you want to follow along with Latasha’s awesome presentation while you listen, we’ve got it linked below.

Now let’s get going with the wonderful Latasha! 

Helpful Resources

How To Grow A Blog On A Budget PresentationPublisher Interview: Latasha Peterson of Arts and Budgets — Learn more about Latasha!


[MUSIC PLAYING] JENNY GUY: Hidey ho, audience. It's Wednesday, June 16, and I'm so happy to welcome you to the third week in Mediavine's fourth annual Summer of Live. I'm Jenny Guy, your host throughout each and every season. What the heck is a Summer of Live, you ask? I thought I heard you ask that. It's this crazy thing that we do at Mediavine every summer, where we go live on Facebook every week for three weeks-- three months. Three months. Bringing you experts from every corner of the content creation industry.

So, reminder that if you cannot capture the episode live, if you're watching on a replay, the replays are always available for free on Mediavine's Facebook page. And then once we edit them, we put them up on our YouTube channel. And finally, they could end up as a podcast episode for our new podcast Mediavine On Air. We'll also be sharing our guest presentations in the comments at the end of every episode, because our goal is to make it as easy and painless as possible for you to consume the content and learn. That is our goal.

Hello, everybody. Thank you for tuning in. I always love to watch our animation that Senior Graphic Designer, Susanna, made. It just makes me so happy. So, so far this summer we have talked about Pinterest with Amy Locurto and affiliate marketing with Jessica Turner. And this week, we're talking tools. Tool time, for any of my other geriatric millennials. Remember Home Improvement ? Specifically, tools that help your business without costing a fortune. We're all about growth in June.

So, let us start out with a question for the audience. Say, hello. Some of you already have. And tell us, what app do you believe has helped you out the most in growing your business? Post it in the comments. And while those answers are rolling in, please allow me to introduce my guest, who is joining me for the first time on Mediavine live, but is no stranger to us and our audience. She's here to give us the lowdown on the apps that you need to grow your business on a budget. Latasha, welcome to the Summer of Live.

LATASHA PETERSON: Hi, Jenny. I'm so happy to be here.

JENNY GUY: We're so happy to have you. All the way from the Windy City. Let me tell you a little bit about Latasha before we get started with her presentation. So Latasha Peterson is a wife, mom of three, side hustle coach, Pinterest strategist, speaker, and the founder of the blog Arts and Budgets . Because of her love for helping creatives find ways to build multiple streams of income while following their dreams, she created Arts and Budgets to help individuals find the best and most profitable side hustles for them.

She currently helps ambitious side hustlers monetize their blogs and websites by using online strategies, and with the power of Pinterest. Arts and Budgets currently gets over 100,000 monthly viewers each month and has over 40,000 followers on social media. From her side hustle,

Blogging On A Budget with Latasha Peterson: Mediavine On Air Episode 15

Blogging On A Budget with Latasha Peterson: Mediavine On Air Episode 15
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