The Power of Compliments! The Science Behind Accepting And Giving Compliments And How It Will Boost Self-esteem and Body Image!

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Compliments are not mere words of flattery; they hold immense power to positively impact our self-esteem and body image. Today- we will delve into the scientifically supported benefits of accepting and giving compliments and unpack how the influence of compliments on our self-perception can help us harness their potential to cultivate a healthier and more positive sense of self.
Now I know there is great value in internal validations. Someone can say to you over and over again that you are beautiful, smart, successful, kind and until you believe it yourself… it doesn’t change your self perception. But can some of these external compliment capture things you may not give yourself credit for? And if we learn to accept them, can they open the door to improved self-esteem? 
Accepting Compliments Can Do 3 Things: 
1. Enhanced Self-esteem: Research indicates that accepting compliments gracefully can lead to increased levels of self-esteem. When we acknowledge and appreciate positive feedback, it reinforces our sense of self-worth and validates our accomplishments or attributes.
2. Recognition of Personal Value: Accepting compliments allows us to recognize our personal value and strengths. It helps us internalize positive feedback and develop a more accurate and balanced view of ourselves.
3. Positive Self-perception: Accepting compliments can help reshape our perception of our own capabilities and appearance. When we learn to accept and believe positive remarks about our skills, appearance, or personality, it has a profound impact on our overall self-image.
Giving Compliments Can Do 3 Things: 
1. Promoting Self-acceptance: By giving genuine compliments to others, we encourage self-acceptance and self-compassion. Expressing appreciation for someone else's qualities or achievements creates an atmosphere of positivity and kindness, fostering a healthy environment for self-esteem growth.
2. Positive Social Connection: Complimenting others fosters positive social interactions and builds stronger relationships. When we acknowledge and celebrate the strengths and achievements of others, it creates a reciprocal cycle of support and encouragement, boosting our sense of belonging and self-worth.
3. They Can Shift The Narrative: Compliments that focus on character strengths, skills, or internal qualities redirect the attention from appearance-based judgments. This helps to cultivate a more diverse and holistic view of beauty, reducing negative body image concerns and promoting a healthier relationship with one's body.
In today's episode we are unpacking all of the above and what you can do to boost your own body image.
For more information on the Empowered Eating Method check out my FREE workshop: How to Eat Intuitively and Hit Your Goals or learn more about working with me 1:1 at
Cheers, and happy eating! 

The Power of Compliments! The Science Behind Accepting And Giving Compliments And How It Will Boost Self-esteem and Body Image!

The Power of Compliments! The Science Behind Accepting And Giving Compliments And How It Will Boost Self-esteem and Body Image!
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