Does Nutrition Impact Mental Health? What You Need To Know About Food, Therapy, and Your Mental Health.

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Can you just take a quick second and look outside… maybe it's blue and beautiful, maybe it's stormy.. whatever the weather is… isn’t it amazing that we can connect right here? 
We can come together from opposing sides of the world and have a conversation. I am so glad about this because today we are talking about mental health. And the most important thing in mental health is for us all to know that we are not alone. We are all here together under the same sky. 
Here in America, it is Mental Health Awareness Month and as a dietitian with roots in eating disorder treatment, I deeply value the need for this awareness. 
If you are someone who struggles with anxiety and depression, I am really glad you are here. If you don’t, I guarantee someone you love does. So either way, this episode is going to be full of information you need to know. And while we are only scratching the surface of mental health on the show today, I hope this is a conversation that you continue. 
If you ever need additional support reach out to resources. (US) National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 
Cheers, and happy eating. 

Does Nutrition Impact Mental Health? What You Need To Know About Food, Therapy, and Your Mental Health.

Does Nutrition Impact Mental Health? What You Need To Know About Food, Therapy, and Your Mental Health.
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