Overcoming Anxiety on the River

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On todays Friday Fire I talk about dealing with anxiety whether it be in life or on the river. First off, recognize that we all deal with fear and anxiety at times, so it is normal. Though what we don't want to do it left that anxiety build, so let's deal with it in 2 easy steps. In regards to the river, this can be achieved by Step 1- taking it easy and walk the rapid, paddle under your skill level and remember why kayaking is fun in the first place. Step 2- once you find your flow and 'fun factor' then you can take small baby steps to push yourself again. This combination can overcome the most crippling of fears. Give it a try and let me know if it works for you.
Please let me know what you think about this content with a rating or review on Apple Podcasts, or hit my up with a DM on Instagram @NickTroutmanKayak I would love to here more about the subjects that you are most interested in, or any individuals that you would like me to interview.
Thanks for listening,
Nick Troutman

Overcoming Anxiety on the River

Overcoming Anxiety on the River
Release Date
