What is emotional intelligence? Why is it important in the Corporate World?

Release Date:

In this podcast I listen to the wonderful Helen Gazzi from iDiscover 360 share her insight on what emotional intelligence means, alongside emotional availability and emotional adaptability.
She tackles some big subjects
Why do you go to work every day?
How do you use a challenge as a catalyst for growth?
How do you act upon what you discover about yourself?
Links to the resource she refers to
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Emotional-Intelligence-Matter-More-Than/dp/0747528306 -
Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More Than IQ -
Daniel Goleman 
Daring Greatly - Brene Brown 
Mel Robbins - https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=mel+robbin&adgrpid=58999975890&gclid=CjwKCAiAgqDxBRBTEiwA59eENxK01JWKHNkuvPDabOCO1Ji5vFVWve4guGYiqVqKern1Xs__RmS6phoC040QAvD_BwE&hvadid=318498014059&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9045997&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=e&hvrand=13833815967631388354&hvtargid=aud-857382801822%3Akwd-448973376237&hydadcr=11856_1766746&tag=googhydr-21&ref=pd_sl_8cabminzxj_e
Follow Helen on Linkedin and Instagram
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/helen-gazzi-20583896/
Instagram - @helengazzicoaching
Photo by Tengy Art on Unsplash
iDiscover360 - https://idiscover360.com/

What is emotional intelligence? Why is it important in the Corporate World?

What is emotional intelligence? Why is it important in the Corporate World?
Release Date
