Lazy AI is just that, lazy.

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Delighted to welcome Nigel Willson on this week's episode.
Nigel is the founder of and former CTO for Professional Services at Microsoft, he describes himself as Global Speaker, Influencer and Advisor on Artificial Intelligence, Innovation and Technology (Ranked amongst top 20 AI Influencers in the World) - ex European Chief Technology Officer but now an independent voice on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - and he is genuinely all of these things.
I met Nigel at a Microsoft event where he blew my mind and most of the audience, on the future of AI and quantum computing. He is also the first person that has been able to explain what quantum is in terms that are easy to understand, and the potential impact this is going to have on society and business.
In this episode we discuss :
What is Artificial Narrow Intelligence vs Artificial General Intelligence?
The ethical challenges facing AI as a technology.
Is the Terminator a reality.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and how business is using it today and where it may go.
The potential impact of AI on the workforce.
The dangers of lazy AI.
As a leader of a business, what do you need to be thinking about right now on AI for you and your company to remain relevant.
Connect with Nigel on LinkedIn -
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Lazy AI is just that, lazy.

Lazy AI is just that, lazy.
Release Date
