What is Personal Account Based Marketing?

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"86% of communications by sales, marketing & account teams are off-target and irrelevant."
In this episode, we're going to take this social and talk about how sales and marketing can become more relevant on LinkedIn to win status quo accounts. Today my guests are Kristina Jaramillo (President of Personal ABM and Stop the Sales Drop) and her partner Eric Gruber.
Personal ABM stands for Personal Account Based Marketing which means instead of speaking at accounts, sales, and marketing speak to specific accounts and the human buyers at those accounts.
I met Eric and Kristina through their recent virtual LinkedIn training, which I participated in a post-event master class.
You can get the on-demand recordings at stopthesalesdrop.com/linkedintraining.
Questions we tackle :
1.How do you describe the concept and how is it not being applied to social, email and live conversations?
2. How are sales and marketing not relevant in their social, email, and live selling conversation?
3. Can you share some examples of how sales and marketing leaders are not relevant to their LinkedIn profiles?
4. When it comes to messaging, you say that most sales and marketing teams are just pushing out what they think is their unique selling propositions and they are not entering their prospects' world. Can you explain what you mean?
5. Many companies have the data that sales and marketing need to target specific accounts - why are they getting it wrong?
6. Why do we need to go beyond campaigns and focusing on leads - and where should the focus be?
To find out more follow this link to their website and connect with the team on LinkedIn - https://www.personalabm.com/ and https://stopthesalesdrop.com/

What is Personal Account Based Marketing?

What is Personal Account Based Marketing?
Release Date
