Welcome to the Twitterverse

Release Date:

"To tweet or not to tweet, that is the question."
With 436 million reported people you can reach on Twitter, should you be on it or not?
Well much like any social media platform you need to consider who your audience is and then do the research as to where they hang out, and it could well be Twitter.
Samantha Kelly, aka @Tweetinggoddess believes the Twitterverse can be a brilliant platform to connect and build a community with like-minded people. Her bio reads as follows :
Twitter Expert. Sprinkler of #Twittermagic Chief Community Officer @wedo_hq Nice people collector! Director @WomensinspireIE,Ted X Speaker.
Friend of Bill W.
Samantha joined Twitter in June 2011 and hasn't looked back, she even has the coveted blue verification tick and 64k, active and engaged, followers.
In this episode, we cover off questions such as :
How is Twitter different from other social media platforms? 
B2C vs B2B?
How do you know if your audience is on there?
How do you engage on Twitter compared to LinkedIn?
Twitter has had a bad press in the past when it comes to politics, amongst other things, what impact does this have in a business context?
How might you use Twitter to engage with your audience? And in what context?
Do you build a personal brand on Twitter in the same way you might do in LinkedIn?
Can you cross purpose content between social media platforms?
Should you use scheduling tools?
New(ish) features such as Spaces, Communities and newsletters.
and more.
If you are unsure about whether Twitter is the right place for you, then this is where you need to be, let Samantha be your guide.
You can of course follow Samantha on, well, Twitter https://twitter.com/Tweetinggoddess
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/tweetinggoddess/
The Women's Inspire Network: https://www.womensinspirenetwork.com/
Wedo: https://getwedo.today/ "Kickstart your online business with Wedo: create live video and audio alleys, share content, automate invoices, take payments and send and receive money completely hassle-free. Become a Wedo beta member today!"
As ever, thank you for tuning in, let us know what you think in the comments, if you follow/connect with Samantha, be sure to mention the podcast!

Welcome to the Twitterverse

Welcome to the Twitterverse
Release Date
