Emotional Self Awareness and Ecology

Release Date:

Ep #119 - Your ability to actually look at yourself in the mirror and evaluate yourself, in a non-judgmental way, will be a skill that pays dividends for the rest of your life. Most people can rationalize their decisions and justify their behavior, whether good or not so good, and in doing so miss their beautiful opportunity to create the massive changes in their lives that will evolve them toward the person they desire to be.
You are elevating yourself beyond that barrier. You are going to move beyond the rationalizations and the justifications and ask yourself the tough questions so you can become your meant to be. You might want to be the best partner, the best employee, the best boss, the best sibling or the best child - you most definitely want to be the best version of yourself for yourself...and in order to accomplish these feats, or the other countless ones I am not writing, you will desire to step into a place where you can evaluate and appraise your life situations without judgment and negative emotions.
The beauty of being a person who can look at themselves in the mirror and feel out the best ways for you to move forward mean you can move toward the life you want rather than trying to run from what you don't want to become or continue to be.
It all sounds great on paper...the act of doing it...well, that is the fun part if you choose to experience that way and in this episode we are going to dive into that discussion so you can be who you have always desired to be - and today is that day.
Just hit play and let's dive in with our open minds, hearts, and energies bringing everyone into the fold - you are in the right place, at the right time...right now.
Stand up, step forward, raise your hand - it's your turn, I will call on you.
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Emotional Self Awareness and Ecology

Emotional Self Awareness and Ecology
Release Date
