Embrace the spectrum of your emotions

Release Date:

Ep 92 - Being afraid to feel the happy because the sad might be around the corner. I have heard this before from people, clients, workshop attendees - a huge chunk of the population seems to operate under this misguided belief that not feeling the ultimate happy somehow alleviates the possibility of not feeling the ultimate in sadness.
This is not how emotions work. The spectrum of human emotions is broad and vast. Not feeling the happy so you can dodge the sad is asinine and, frankly, ridiculous - and I should know because I operated under this assumption for decades of my life.
When did you decide to feel sad or whatever undesirable emotion it is that you are feeling? You decide how you feel. You decide how you create your reality. You are in charge of your mind therefore you are in charge of your results.
Think about this and click play because this episode will change how you experience emotions and, if you choose, change the way you create your reality.
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Embrace the spectrum of your emotions

Embrace the spectrum of your emotions
Release Date
