Are you building your self-esteem at the cost of your self-worth?

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Ep 90 - Self esteem comes from external validation, whether it be from what you see in the mirror, the things you have accumulated, or from another person telling you how they feel about something you have done or accomplished for yourself or them.
Self-worth is valuing yourself through yourself. When you realize you have value and that you matter, to yourself above all others, then you are in control of your mind, your results, and your self-worth.
I got the idea for this episode watching partiers on the beaches of Florida during Spring Break. Oh did I ever enjoy spring break. My behaviors during those weeks was not my best self showing up and even though people loved my, 'life of the party' attitude and behavior - I was costing myself big time in the self-worth category because I would look back at those times and ask myself, "what in the hell was I thinking."
This isn't one of those, "do as I say, not as I did" episodes. This IS an opportunity for you to ask yourself, "am I building my self-esteem, from these external validators, at the cost of my self-worth, which come from internal validation of my values and why I matter."
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Are you building your self-esteem at the cost of your self-worth?

Are you building your self-esteem at the cost of your self-worth?
Release Date
