Framing and reframing your growth and maturation

Release Date:

Ep #126 - The way you frame and reframe your college journey will have dramatic effects toward the growth and maturation you experience during these formative years. You go through so many changes in these 10 years from 15 to 25 that almost every year feels like a lifetime of change, growth, and evolution.
Frames are shortcuts that people use to help make sense of our complex world, they provide meaning through "selective simplification," and help us organize our world into explainable and understandable categories. Many of the generalizations we use: religion, gender, race, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, nationalism, heck even the greek community are frames that help us place complex ideas and people into common, simplified categories and we, as a species, use these every day.
Frames help us to understand and interpret the world around us and explain that world to others. Morals, ethics, values, and beliefs are some of the frames we use to explain ourselves to others and even ourselves.
The issue that can arise is that when we explain, or label, our world we give meaning to what we can consciously pay attention too and eliminate other aspects of the world around us because it doesn't fit our cognitive bias, or because of the way our mind is programmed to delete, distort, and generalize.
Reframing is how we can take circumstances and events, whether past, present, or future, and choose an alternate perspective so that we can experience a more favorable position that leads us toward effective actions and more desirable outcomes/results.
You have been preparing for this evolution for the last 126 episodes and after this poddy you will understand at a deeper level why your brain frames and reframes the way it does so you can take control of your mindset and direct it toward guiding you to your highest potential.
Just hit play and let's dive in with our open minds, hearts, and energies bringing everyone into the fold - you are in the right place, at the right time...right now.
Stand up, step forward, raise your hand - it's your turn, I will call on you.
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Framing and reframing your growth and maturation

Framing and reframing your growth and maturation
Release Date
