Control your mind, create your results

Release Date:

Ep 89 - It's been a very up and down year for the world. Over the last year, the degree to which each person has faired ranges wildly up and down the scale - whether it be from the pandemic, social unrest, and/or political melodrama. Regardless of where in the world you live, your country has undergone a tumultuous time period in its history.
How you choose to internalize the occurrences over the last year will absolutely effect how you perceive your successes and "failures." You are in control of your mind and therefore you are in control of your results. Your mind literally creates the reality you live in and the outcomes you create for yourself.
Your adversity quotient was put to the test this last year. It may not have seen its greatest test yet. There is a long road back to whatever it is we thought of as normal back in February of 2020 - and frankly, the world was already a bit off its axis before the pandemic grinded our world to an abrupt halt mid-March of 2020.
Seek to understand how you internalize the events of the last year. Step into the space of the creator of the life you desire and be weary of the victim mindset that is so easy to slide into. You have the ability to lead your own mind through the mind field of the 24-hour news cycle. The bell has been rung. You have seen behind the curtain. Take that energetic feeling you have inside you and create something with it. The world needs you now more than ever. Not as a hero, as a challenger and coach. I'll see you there.
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Control your mind, create your results

Control your mind, create your results
Release Date
