Connecting With Local Clients Through Instagram, Embracing Bad Reviews and Rediscovering Intuition As A Hairstylist

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  Ashley’s story is a perfect example of the ripple effect in your career and life that can happen when you take your dreams as a hairstylist, salon owner, or beauty industry entrepreneur seriously. We’re diving into… Focusing Your Social Media Efforts to Connect with the Local Community: Ashley shares strategies to use social media effectively to engage with the local community. Highlighting the importance of targeted content and engaging with followers. The Benefits of Turning Away Clients: Surprising insights on how saying no to certain clients can actually benefit both the stylist and the clients themselves. Exploring the power of setting boundaries and cultivating a clientele that aligns with your values. Harnessing the Power of a Bad Review: Ashley recounts how a negative review helped her reconnect with her intuition. Discussing the lessons learned from feedback and the importance of staying true to yourself. The Value of Keeping Your Book Open: Exploring the reasons why hairstylists should avoid closing their books and remain open to new opportunities. Insights into maintaining a thriving business by embracing a mindset of growth and adaptability. Pursuing Passion Projects and Time Management: Ashley's experience as a multi-passionate entrepreneur and managing time effectively. Strategies for balancing various projects and passions without compromising success. In this captivating conversation with Ashley, you’ll be treated to a perfect fusion of inspiration, practical advice, and a compelling narrative. Through Ashley's firsthand account, valuable insights on leveraging social media to foster hairstyling career growth are shared.  Her success story serves as a testament to the transformative potential of treating your business seriously and implementing significant changes to realize your dreams.

Connecting With Local Clients Through Instagram, Embracing Bad Reviews and Rediscovering Intuition As A Hairstylist

Connecting With Local Clients Through Instagram, Embracing Bad Reviews and Rediscovering Intuition As A Hairstylist
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