88. Welcoming Winter: Seasonal shifts for our habits, routines, and mealtime expectations

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On today's episode, I am sharing a little snippet from my most recent Q&A call from within the Mealtimes Made Easy Method.
On this particular call, one of the moms was sharing how she's been sick and how she feels like they got thrown into survival mode.
Despite all her good intentions and proactive efforts through the course (opening for enrollment again in January!), she was asking for advice on how to handle meal planning and feeding her family when life forces you to slow down and take it one day at a time.
Because I already had planned to talk about the seasonal shift into Winter, I thought I would share this little audio with you all as well.
We talked about:
What it looks like practically and tactically to give yourself grace
How to come up with a "baseline" that survival mode can operate off of and future habits can stack off of (as energy allows and seasons shift)
The concern over "variety" (or lack thereof) in seasons when you are barely making it (and not offering the variety you aspire to give your kids)

I know this episode is going to encourage many of you, whether you find yourself in a "winter" of sorts - literally or figuratively!
For more on the "Rhythms of Real Life" Bonus Blueprint, check out Mealtimes Made Easy Method (enrollment opens again in January 2023!).
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88. Welcoming Winter: Seasonal shifts for our habits, routines, and mealtime expectations

88. Welcoming Winter: Seasonal shifts for our habits, routines, and mealtime expectations
Release Date
