119. Should your child learn to like eggs? How to address egg allergies or aversions to eggs with kids

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Are kids ever allowed to just "not like" something?
This is a question that commonly comes up, and while it could be an episode all on its own (and maybe soon will be one!), for the purposes of today's episode, we are talking all about:
Should your child learn to like eggs?
Unless your family fits one of the first three criteria I share on the episode for why it makes sense to avoid eggs, then yes - eggs can be a nutritious option that is versatile, economical, and easily available for many families.
But how do we see eggs as an egg-cellent egg-xample for the feeding environment we as parents want to foster at large? There are so many ways to crack open this question.
Well, today we will take a step back to evaluate:
Does your child love eggs? Or are they still learning to like them?
How to approach non-preferred foods, like eggs, as well as add variety and overall acceptance as one learns to like eggs
What kind of options you have for exposing your kids to new foods, like eggs, even if they won't eat them yet

Concerned about possible food allergies to eggs? Access more information here.
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119. Should your child learn to like eggs? How to address egg allergies or aversions to eggs with kids

119. Should your child learn to like eggs? How to address egg allergies or aversions to eggs with kids
Release Date
