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110 From THE LIVE RAGGED EDGE RADIO BROADCAST/SHATTER LIVE TV WEBINAR RUSS DIZDAR © THE RAGGED EDGE RADIO CONFRONTING EXPOSING & TEARING DOWN RADICAL EVIL PDF LIVE NOTES BROADCAST WORLDWIDE TEN MILLION FIERCE & ARCHIVES RIGHT AT THE GATES OF HELLHADES PART 43 WHEN HUMANS ARE DISFIGURED HUMANS -2.0 THE FALL SIN-CODE SATAN AND THE END PREEMPTOR NEWS INTRO The old carnal nature remains in the believer: he is still a sinner, though a saved one. What, then is the young Christian to do? Is he powerless? Must he resort to stoicism, and make up his mind there is naught but a life of defeat before him? Certainly not! The first thing for him to do is to learn the humiliating truth that in himself he is “without strength.” It was here that Israel failed: when Moses made known to them the Law they boastfully declared “all that the Lord has said we will do and be obedient” (Exo 24:7). Ah! how little did they realize that “in the flesh there dwelleth no good thing.” It was here, too, that Peter failed: he was self-confident and boasted that “though all men be offended because of Thee, yet will I never be offended...though I should die with Thee, yet will I not deny Thee”—how little he knew his own heart. This complacent spirit lurks within each of us. While we cherish the belief we can “do better next time” it is evident that we still have confidence in our own powers. Not until we heed the Saviour’s words “without Me ye can do nothing” do we take the first step toward victory. Only when we are weak (in ourselves) are we strong. The believer still has the carnal nature within him, and he has no strength in himself to check its evil propensities, nor to overcome its sinful solicitation. But the believer in Christ also has another nature 111 From THE LIVE RAGGED EDGE RADIO BROADCAST/SHATTER LIVE TV WEBINAR RUSS DIZDAR © infinity, and that yields something of what heaven will be like! 1. Believers will experience the joy of a newly created environment unsullied by moral evil (Rev. 21:8, 27; 22:15). The eternal environment after the resurrection and Millennium is new—“a new heaven and a new earth” (2 Peter 3:13). The new world will be redeemed from the curse upon the present earth. There will be no physical darkness; the Lamb will be the light (Rev. 21:23-25; 22:5). In glorified bodies we will enjoy a restored and improved Eden, a place of pristine beauty and unbroken fellowship—a joyful existence with no pain, death, or sorrow (21:2-4). The new heaven and earth will provide an environment conducive to the most precious values we now know—just and loving relationships, fellowship, beauty, and significant activity. 2. Believers will enjoy the new Jerusalem, called by John Gilmore “the ultimate model city.” “Those cities which have been winning their fight over crime, crumbling housing, and declining quality education become known as ‘model cities.’ One city, devoid of detractions, perpetually clean, eternally non-threatening, will be the holy city. John called it ‘the new Jerusalem.’”132 Coming down from heaven, it owes its existence to the grace of God rather than the labors of men (Rev. 21:2). “Cities are more than masses of population, they are citadels for mutual safety, conduits of commercial enterprise, and centers of artistic and scientific creativity. The representation of heaven as a city was intended to suggest ‘intensity of life, variety of occupation, and closeness of relation to each other.’”133 The joy of heaven will be a group experience. With pain, sorrow, and suffering being eliminated, heaven’s joys will be undiluted and unending. The beatitudes of Jesus will be fulfilled. The pure will see God, the poor will possess the imperishable, the persecuted will have losses restored, the deprived will have immediate access to all parts of the renovated earth.134 In the heavenly city we will experience just and loving social relationships. Social justice and shalom will no longer be a mere dream; it will have become a lasting reality. Life will be exciting as together we reign with the Lord in the permanently peaceful kingdom (22:5). The fulfillment of the utopian dreams of the centuries will be fulfilled. Camelot will become a reality. 3. Believers will experience the joy of deathless existence in resurrection bodies. There will be an end to all physical, emotional, and intellectual decline when we experience new, imperishable capabilities in the final triumph over death. Our bodies will become all that God created them to be. There will be no diseases, no surgery, and no pain. The disabled will be restored to a lasting wholeness. Our resurrection bodies will be imperishable. Imagine activity without physical or mental fatigue. Anticipate the joy of freedom from temptation, sin, and the fear of death! 4. We will experience the joy of knowing and loving God maximally. Our ultimate aspirations will be realized when we are at home with our heavenly Father, his Son, and his Spirit. Our highest desires will be satisfied as we love God with our various renewed capacities. Our quest for unmediated experience of the ultimate reality will be satisfied. The joy of unbroken, fulfilling fellowship with our Creator and Redeemer will motivate authentic worship, adoration, and praise (Rev. 21:22). The chief end of sin-dominated humans at present seems to be to enjoy themselves forever. But of course that is ridiculous. The closer we come to the essence of heaven, the less we’ll be aware of ourselves, our surroundings, and our activities; the more there will be of our love, worship, and communion with him. There is another place for those who would forget God for themselves. And this is what Dante is saying: in heaven all our activity will be directed toward God; our enjoyment will be in him. Heaven will be Immanuel—God with us. And that will be the best.135 5. We will experience also the joy of fellowship with all other believers. As we love God we are not absorbed into the divine being, losing our identity in the process (as Eastern and process thought supposes). Communion does not mean union. In the heavenly reunion we will recognize one another; but we will no longer be afflicted with egocentricity or pride. The glorious beatific vision of God in heaven will not exclude the communion of the saints. Our distinctness as humans is not accidental nor illusory. God created us for fellowship with himself and for fellowship with other believers in his kingdom eternally. 6. As distinct, recognizable persons, we will retain our gender and ethnic characteristics. Jesus did not say that we would cease to be male or female when he taught that resurrected people would not marry or be given in marriage (Luke 20:35-36). Gender is part of who we are as persons. Male characteristics helped to identify Moses and Elijah at the Transfiguration (Matt. 17:3). Jesus’ appearance and voice in his resurrected body were recognizably male. …….The God who loves variety in rocks, flowers, and animals 112 From THE LIVE RAGGED EDGE RADIO BROADCAST/SHATTER LIVE TV WEBINAR RUSS DIZDAR © will not reduce the saints to an unrecognizable mass. Racial characteristics will be recognizable as part of our identities, but our fleshly pride in them will be transcended. We will experience the joy of loving our ethnically different neighbors as ourselves and the joy of endlessly multiplying friendships. 7. Saints will populate heaven with renewed intellectual, emotional, and volitional abilities. Our lifelong pursuit of truth will find gratifying fulfillment. “Now I know in part; than I shall know fully, even as I am fully known” (1 Cor. 13:12). In heaven self-knowledge and self-assessment will fully function. Since we will then experience God’s presence immediately, secondhand learning of God will not be needed (v. 8b). “Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face” (v. 12). First-century mirrors gave mediocre portrayals of the real thing. But with transformed minds sharpened, emotions heightened, and wills harmoniously controlled, we will learn from the Supreme Teacher himself. In heaven we will no longer need teachers or Bibles. We will not be limited to brief accounts about Jonah, David, Peter, or Paul; we will be able to talk to these godly heroes directly. And better still, we will be able to visit and share with our Lord Jesus Christ! Zondervan; Gordon R. Lewis; Bruce A. Demarest. Integrative Theology . Zondervan. Kindle Edition. 1. QUICKLY………SOUL SORROW • Do you feel it? complex • Painful • Distress • Survival



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