Episode 219: Self-discipline, patience and committing to the plan

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Show notes
When you think about self-discipline do you think about punishment, restriction, and being boring?
What if I told you that self-discipline isn’t any of those things? It’s actually about freedom, adaptation, novelty and the biggest acts of self-love you can give yourself… 
Blows your mind to think of it that way, doesn’t it?
In today’s podcast episode, I talk about getting clear on your future self and why being disciplined and pushing yourself above your baseline is an act of self-love. I offer you a different way to look at discipline and the importance of setting standards for yourself. I share how to know if you are ‘on the right path’ and why so many of us having trouble with commitment.

Why you need to push yourself above your baseline
Getting clear on your future self
How stoicism views self-discipline
Why self-discipline isn’t about being restrictive, non-spontaneous, and boring
The importance of setting standards for yourself
Why I don’t agree with the big movement around self-acceptance and self-love
What self-acceptance means to me
How to tell if you’re on the right path 
The importance of patience, small constant actions and high-value future decisions
Why do we have trouble committing to things and how we can overcome it
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Episode 219: Self-discipline, patience and committing to the plan

Episode 219: Self-discipline, patience and committing to the plan
Release Date
