How To Create Some Love

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A passionate conversation with Janie Charlot, the definition of a self-made, universe-directed woman. Janie went to university with dreams of becoming a pharmacist but became a nurse practitioner instead. Not wanting to compromise who she was for any job, she created and founded NP (Nurse Practitioners) For Hire, a collaborative effort between many medical professionals to bring consulting and health advice and management to the metro Atlanta area and beyond.
Janie grounds her medical practice in a deep spirituality. She has also authored two different books and has a seemingly boundless well of energy.
KEY TAKEAWAYS- the universe has a vibration and if you act in “I am” statements, the universe will acknowledge that vibration and bring you a future more aligned with that energy.
  - That traditional medicine numbs our pain but doesn’t treat the cause. We need to look at our wounds more holistically and take physical, mental, and spiritual paths to heal them.

Coming from financially very little, but having a parent who loved her unconditionally, taught Janie a lot about service and about doing things with no expectation of anything done in “return”. She has a
She wants to educate and empower people to take charge of their own health and well-being through the experience she has had both with becoming a nurse and becoming attuned to love.

BEST MOMENTS - “If we could also look to nature to clear the disease, then we could stop relying so much on pharmaceuticals. It is a balance. Sometimes we do have to take medication until we are emotionally and mentally equipped with the resources to tap into nature and tap into healing those parts of ourselves. Because that does require going deeper. It requires going deeper and healing.” - “We are programmed that way (to fear). And I think if we could get to unconditional divine self-love within, … we're wide open, because now you can be who you need to be…and I don't have to control you, I can allow you to grow at your own time, in your own space.”- “But when you put something out to the universe, it conspires to bring it to you. I started to experience in awakening to I would call it a love vibration. When I walked outside, I was seeing things that has always been there, but I was seeing the love in it.”- “We must speak from a space of I am or already have it. So: I have a divine love. I am divine love. And then the more I did that, that vibration took over me internally and then I was a magnet for it.”
ABOUT THE GUEST Janie Charlot proves that “though she be but little, she is fierce”. Born to a single mother in Church Point, Louisiana, she graduated high school at the top of her class. She enrolled at the University of Louisiana at Monroe, originally with visions of becoming a pharmacist, but changed her major to nursing when she was not accepted to her program of choice. After graduation she wanted to continue to innovate the healthcare field, so she was inspired to start NP Hired, an Atlanta-based company that provides healthcare services on a national and international level. They use technology to provide all types of medical services, including treatment of minor conditions and management of chronic illnesses. Janie has spun her passion for healthcare advocacy and helping others into a successful business.
On top of that, she is the author of two books, and lives her life from a place of spiritual strength.
Janie’s Instagram
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I am John Kenny, The Relationship Guy - Coaching people to experience healthy loving relationships.
Having spent a life choosing unhealthy relationships and self sabotaging my own success, I now coach people to live a life they choose.
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How To Create Some Love

How To Create Some Love
Release Date
