Spiritual Meaning of Cancer Zodiac Sign: Practical Esoterica (Series)

Release Date:

Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/dCMVDE9cJdw

Learn about the planetary influence that is closest to us (the Moon) and how it heavily governs our emotional state. Cancer is intimately related to our imagination (clairvoyance), the Astral Plane, and our Vital-Etheric (sexual) forces. This astrological sign has deep lessons for all of us, especially in terms of how to find emotional happiness in the simple things in life.

0:00 - The Terrestrial, Planetary & Galactic Man
4:33 - The Divine Mother & Conscious Imagination
7:50 - The Moon, Finding Balance & Superior Emotions
14:14 - Abuse of Sexual Energy & The Foundation
19:14 - Zodiacal Practice for Cancer (Past Lives)

πŸ‘‰ Imagination, Inspiration & Intuition: https://glorian.org/books/the-major-mysteries/imagination-inspiration-intuition
Guided meditation retrospective meditation
πŸ‘‰ Abracadabra Mantra: https://youtu.be/DH3pB5rdBaM
πŸ‘‰ Recommend Lecture on Cancer: https://glorian.org/learn/courses-and-lectures/astrology/cancer
πŸ‘‰ Full Zodiac Series Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbZsCM6xnLIVQD26GzjPSwMBRtjdS1nvH
πŸ‘‰ Raom Gaom Mantra: https://youtu.be/iwqQ5pxw6sc
πŸ‘‰ Death, Birth & Sacrifice: https://youtu.be/e_oHJz_2wLY
πŸ‘‰ Working with Lunar Forces/Moon: https://youtu.be/M6CsBTD72cw
πŸ‘‰ Law of the Pendulum: https://youtu.be/ZE3YJBV0U_s
πŸ‘‰ Sexual Energy Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbZsCM6xnLIUGQcs_E43BJtC4gUoS6VO1
πŸ‘‰ Chakra Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbZsCM6xnLIXEhjIKukYuWX9tn9VVpGAf
πŸ‘‰ What is Fornication? https://glorian.org/connect/blog/what-is-fornication

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#CancerZodiacSign #Astrology #Spirituality

Spiritual Meaning of Cancer Zodiac Sign: Practical Esoterica (Series)

Spiritual Meaning of Cancer Zodiac Sign: Practical Esoterica (Series)
Release Date
