SHOW and TELL 7/27/2022

Release Date:

To show and share a project at 7:30pm Eastern today, view the chat or in discord and look for the JOIN link to join. For best results, be on a wired network connection and use a headset and microphone.

1:48 Noe - snap fit case for walkman inspired project

6:19 Scott - circuit python landing page demo

08:43 Liz - Microsoft azure project with circuit python raspberry pi displaying multiple sensors on the screen

10:10 Jeff E. - ink firmware talking to oled displays

13:53 Matt P. - chandelier project

16:13 Michael - Adafruit tft screens ribbon connector

19:25 todbot - standard spi driver chip oled display + pin labels for pi pico

SHOW and TELL 7/27/2022

SHOW and TELL 7/27/2022
Release Date
