SHOW and TELL 4/13/2022

Release Date:

SHOW and TELL 4/13/2022


Jeff @0:40 - archived apple software

Melissa @4:45 - raspberry pi display drivers fbcp

Noe and Pedro @6:46 - connection machine, 3D printed foot pedal, ESP32V2, six panel cube globe demo

Phil B @10:03 - connection machine code, music visualizer

Liz @13:30 - wireless remote with rotary encoder

Matt @15:08 - number machine with order link for food pantry

Tim @21:03 - multiple tile grid display IO helper, Deep Dive preview

Michael @22:56 - neopixel pyramid board

Micha @24:36 - multiplayer video game random number generator

SHOW and TELL 4/13/2022

SHOW and TELL 4/13/2022
Release Date
