SHOW and TELL 7/20/2022

Release Date:

SHOW and TELL 7/20/2022 #showandtell

Jayy @00:48 Digi-Key YouTube channel with Jayy announcement!
Jeff E. @02:20 converting any keyboard that uses Arduino Pro microcontroller to work with the KB2040
John Park @04:58 DIY WalkPerson MP3 player using Feather M4 with 2’ TFT
Noe and Pedro @09:14 more 3D selfie action figures!
Liz @13:00 two way servo display
PaintYourDragon @14:24 a$$ton of neopixels with NeoPixelate
Foamyguy (TimC) @17:15 HackTablet
kmatch - Kevin Matocha @19:33 More on HackTablet — GUI elements for PyPortal
Joey @23:31 LCD Featherwing and SleepyDog
John (@thinklearndo) @27:41 RGB distance sensor

SHOW and TELL 7/20/2022

SHOW and TELL 7/20/2022
Release Date
