SHOW and TELL 3/9/2022

Release Date:

To show and share a project at 7:30pm Eastern today, view the chat or in discord and look for the JOIN link to join. For best results, be on a wired network connection and use a headset and microphone.

PT + LadyAda 00:34 AAE security disclosure

Jay from Digikey - Hermes wing shoe design 03:37

JP - webserver running on feather esp32s2, kb2040 audio mixer project 05:33

Jeff E. - Floppy drives apple disk 2 modifications 10:17

PaintYourDragon - LED thing 11:53

Liz - video synth with raspberry pi 14:35

Mattthemaker pi zero 2 wearable camera 16:01

SHOW and TELL 3/9/2022

SHOW and TELL 3/9/2022
Release Date
