Rock Bottle Rock Bottom

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I GOT TO GO TO MY SISTERS WEDDING THIS WEEKEND :). Divine union and love for here and  some healing and love for the whole family.
I will let the title speak to you. We all know there is a point to change but when do we change? What did my chaos look like? Do you think this is only with addiction? It's in everything that changes(everything) requires the first step of choice. Can things be better? With heavy heavy Oxycontin, (insert drug here), and heroin use for years change for me took a long time. I am so grateful to share a little bit about my old rock bottom days and how I got to see family healing and mastery begin this weekend. 
I'm not a fan of sharing all the bad stuff that happened to me in a toxic and resistant to healing way. We discuss these to transmute and transmit a new version of love not recasting the same old stuck energy.
I was very brave this weekend and got to show up for my family and I can say my dad is so proud.

I am emotionally a little tired today and Brody is visiting with his family today but wanted to share a little piece of hope! 

Rock Bottle Rock Bottom

Rock Bottle Rock Bottom
Release Date
