Ep 293: Which game of life are you playing?

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Have you ever thought about life as being like a game? I don't mean board games or video games, but more like the "game of life" we are all playing every day on this planet. We follow certain rules, take on roles, and have different beliefs that shape how we play.    In this unique episode, we’ll explore the idea that we actually have a choice when it comes to the "game" we play.    So, what’s the difference between playing the "human game" with its restrictive rules and playing the "spiritual/cosmic game"?   The human game leads to struggle, while the cosmic game recognizes our infinite abilities to create, heal, and manifest.   Most people play the limiting human game that they are born into and never question the rules.   The cosmic game taps into our divine eternal nature beyond the 3D physical reality. Identifying when you've slipped into playing the human game is the first step to realigning with your cosmic consciousness.   I share how we can shift out of the toxic human game and into the expansive cosmic game through developing mantras and habits of mind. As we cover that together, I provide examples of mantras to repeat when struggling with fear, doubt, or other low vibrational emotions.   Mantras help disrupt negative thought patterns and reconnect you to your highest self. Focus on the "always fine" cosmic perspective rather than human drama. You are a creator - if you made it, you can unmake it.   The more we balance the cosmic and human games, the more empowered, peaceful, and purposeful our lives become. Be mindful of when you are playing the limiting human game and use mantras and a higher perspective to shift back into your divine power.   Transformational Takeaway:   Life is a game - but you get to make the rules. Choose the cosmic game and unlock your infinite potential. Shift your perspective and change your world. How might your life change if you created your own rules?   VISIT THE SHOW NOTES HERE FOR MORE: https://www.jimfortin.com/293   LIKED THE EPISODE? If you're the kind of person who likes to help others, then share this with your friends and family. If you have found value, they will too. Please leave a review on Apple Podcasts so we can reach more people.   Join the conversation inside the Jim Fortin Podcast Community Facebook group HERE.   OTHER RESOURCES YOU MAY ENJOY: My Instagram account Podcast Facebook Community Click here to send your questions   Thank you for listening!  With Gratitude, Jim Fortin

Ep 293: Which game of life are you playing?

Ep 293: Which game of life are you playing?
Release Date
