019 | Lactation, Pumping, and Milk Supply ft. Abby Smith

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Abby Smith is a certified lactation counselor here in Maine, owning and operating her business, Giving Tree Lactation. Abby specializes in breastfeeding education and in-home lactation support. In 2019 when Abby had her first son, she quickly realized the lack of breastfeeding support and help available to a new mom. Abby's true passion is to ensure moms have realistic expectations and breastfeeding support during those challenging first days, weeks, and months. 

You will learn about...

the importance of prenatal education/preparation and how that can support your feeding journey right from the start despite how birth scenario might play out
when your milk supply typically comes in
how the type of birth you have can impact your feeding journey
using hand expression and pumping as a tool in the hospital to establish a demand for your body (if baby isn't nearby or able to latch/pull out milk just yet)
when to introduce a bottle to your baby in preparation for returning to work or to have partner be more involved in feeding times
potential factors that may lead to unanticipated drop in supply
strategies to improve pumping sessions when away from baby
how to go about starting/creating a pumping schedule
what is power pumping?
knowing what pump to buy/use
foods/drinks that could help to increase milk supply (basically just make sure you're drinking and eating PLENTY!)


Giving Tree Lactation WEBSITE
@givingtreelactation INSTAGRAM

Connect with Mackenzi:

@mommyandmaine INSTAGRAM

019 | Lactation, Pumping, and Milk Supply ft. Abby Smith

019 | Lactation, Pumping, and Milk Supply ft. Abby Smith
Release Date
