#40 - 6th Virtual Coaches Talk - Southeast Asia (English) - Coaches Favorite Sets - Part 1

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Favorite Sets - Part 1
Focus of the Set.
How/When you use them?
Do they Evolve throughout the season?
How it Correlates, to how they swim at the end of the season.
(May 6th, 2020 - 10:00 a.m. Singapore time)
Another great conversation and a lot of good sharing of favorite sets and knowledge.  Really excited about this session and coaches being able to express themselves and share important sets/ways of coaching with their swimmers and teams.
Here you have two files with different sets:
Sets from Danny Yeo (AquaTech Swimming, Singapore), Gil Levy (Swim Schooling, Singapore) and Ivan Bunakov (Nexus International School, Singapore):
Set from Me ;-): 
Enjoy and listen to Part-2 that besides sharing more thoughts about sets we engaged for few minutes in a good conversation about the systems in Southeast Asia.

#40 - 6th Virtual Coaches Talk - Southeast Asia (English) - Coaches Favorite Sets - Part 1

#40 - 6th Virtual Coaches Talk - Southeast Asia (English) - Coaches Favorite Sets - Part 1
Release Date
