Integrating Functional Medicine and Energy Work into Recovery with Hope Pedraza

Release Date:

Lisa sits down with Hope Pedraza, who is a certified holistic nutritionist and functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner. Hope uses functional labs to address chronic symptoms and combines functional medicine with energy medicine to get to the root cause of health issues. 
Topics Include:

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition
Repressed Emotions and Health Issues
Energy Work and Recovery

[1:14] Lisa introduces Hope, a certified holistic nutritionist and functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner. Hope uses functional labs to address chronic symptoms and combines functional medicine with energy medicine. She also works with entrepreneurs, coaches, and high-performing women whose health is kind of holding them back from living their full potential.
[3:34] Hope shares her background in dance, which led her to Pilates and eventually to opening a fitness studio. She also has an online business and a podcast. Hope explains her approach, which combines functional medicine and energy medicine to address deeper issues like hormonal imbalances, gut issues, and emotional and mental health.
[6:00] Lisa and Hope discuss their career paths, with Lisa transitioning from personal training to social work and Hope moving from dance to functional medicine.
[8:31] Hope shares her experience with disordered eating stemming from her dance background, including body image issues and restrictive eating habits. She talks about the pressure to conform to a specific body type in the dance world and how it affected her self-image and eating habits.
[14:14] Lisa and Hope discuss her personal struggles with food and health, including IBS, and how her own healing journey influenced her professional approach. Hope emphasizes the importance of addressing both physical and emotional/energetic root causes to achieve holistic healing.
[23:14] Lisa and Hope discuss the importance of the energy and intention behind actions, such as dietary changes, in the healing process. They discuss how people are often uninformed about how their bodies work and the general lack of education on bodily functions.   
[42:04] Lisa and Hope discuss the importance of integrating physical and energetic bodies for holistic health, emphasizing that energy centers correlate with parts of the endocrine system. Lisa and Hope discuss their experience with Human Design, describing how it has helped them understand and validate their own traits and behaviors.
[54:35] Lisa and Hope discuss the importance of a holistic approach that includes mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and physical health. They emphasize that physical issues often have emotional and energetic root causes, and that addressing these is crucial for holistic healing.
[1:02:02] Lisa and Hope close out by telling listeners how to find her on social media. Hope’s Instagram | Facebook | Website  
*The views of podcast guests do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of Lisa Schlosberg or Out of the Cave, LLC.
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Integrating Functional Medicine and Energy Work into Recovery with Hope Pedraza

Integrating Functional Medicine and Energy Work into Recovery with Hope Pedraza
Release Date
