Vulnerability and Oversharing with Shira Lankin Sheps and Yocheved Davidowitz

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Welcome to Deep Meaningful Converstions! On today’s episode, we talk all about vulnerability and oversharing. Vulnerability is a popular topic these days, thanks to the work Dr. Brene Brown has done on the subject, and of course its relevance for anyone on social media. It’s really a fine line between being vulnerable in a healthy way and exposing too much. We talk with Shira Lankin Sheps, the author of The Layers Project, about her work in telling the stories of frum women via photography and interview and her perspective on vulnerability. We also sit down (in person!) to shmooze with Rebbetzin Yocheved Davidowitz who is our “in-house” rebbetzin and therapist to get a clinical and hashkafic perspective. By the end of today‘s episode, we hope you’ve gained a greater awareness of what vulnerability actually is, how it can serve us, and how not to fall into the trap of sharing too much of the parts of our identity that are not for public consumption. We’d love to hear from you. You can find us on social media, or email us at Show Notes:Dr. Brene Brown’s TED Talk: Lankin Sheps The Layers Project website: to purchase Shira’s book: code:LAYERS10Yocheved Davidowitz’s Podcast:


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Vulnerability and Oversharing with Shira Lankin Sheps and Yocheved Davidowitz

Vulnerability and Oversharing with Shira Lankin Sheps and Yocheved Davidowitz
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