Tribune Editorial Board Offers Families Empty Concern

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The Chicago Tribune Editorial Board authored what can only be described as an extremest editorial where they call for everyone to support Chicago's families by offering them nothing but condemnation and "constructive nudges" to instill discipline in their kids. Obviously, Chicago's gun violence issues has nothing to do with the structural issues in Chicago's finances or justice system and has everything to do with poor parenting.

Structural issues like the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) program that shifted almost $1 billion from the City of Chicago's general revenue fund to a special off the books account for the Mayor to spend however she likes. For the Tribune the last three Mayor's have spent that money just the way they like - on the loop and business district and not on communities on the south and west side. The Tribune has no problem continuing to starve those communities as long as the plants all over the loop are regularly changed.

The Tribune bemoaned talk from activists, politicians, and researchers about needing to invest in communities on the south and west sides of the city and makes changes to the structures within the city. The Tribune thinks that if we just instill a little discipline in to the lives of the children growing up in rampant inter-generational poverty then everything will be ok. Of course, this is coming from the Chicago Tribune a paper that long ago abandoned these parts of the city and instead has written for an audience in the suburbs. You would swear that this editorial came from a Tribune in the 1950s or 1960s and certainly not 2020. The more things change the more they stay the same.

Also on today's show.

USA Today / Ipsos poll on policingFOP says deal reached on financial part of contractSocial Media Fails - FOP style!When UUW is not a violent crimeCommunity based violence prevention not a long-term solutionMayor Bully in the Chicago Reader

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Tribune Editorial Board Offers Families Empty Concern

Tribune Editorial Board Offers Families Empty Concern
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