S3 Ep. 6: Autoimmune Disease and Pregnancy

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Autoimmune Disease and pregnancy  Does one affect the other? Does your diagnosis impact your ability to get pregnant and sustain a healthy pregnancy? Is it possible to follow the Wahls Protocol or AIP during pregnancy? What about a post partpartum flare… are you at risk?  Hi I’m Alene and today, I’m opening up about my fertility journey and pregnancy at 42 years old living with Multiple Sclerosis.  It has been a long journey with a lot of doubts, fears, uncertainty and endless questions. Because let’s face it, the road to motherhood is not always easy when you have “perfect health” let alone living with a chronic illness. That’s why Shanna and I are opening up about our journeys with motherhood.  This week I’m answering all your questions about fertility and pregnancy, as I’m a new momma living with MS.  And next week Shanna will be back to continue the conversation on motherhood and autoimmune disease as she interviews her children to get their perspectives. As always we share our stories, not to suggest that we’re doing it the “right way” We share our stories because we know first hand how lonely this road with autoimmune disease can be… and how uncertain it can be.  And we want to open the conversation up and simply share our experience in hopes that it will help to bring comfort and perhaps some clarity on your journey.  Like you, I had many questions swirling around in my head about my dream to get pregnant and be an active mom.  And since sharing about this journey, you’ve been asking me these same questions about yourself.  So that’s what I’m answering for you today.  This session is for you whether you are... Newly diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and wondering what it means for your future plans of becoming a mother Actively trying to get pregnant, or Currently pregnant and wondering what’s ahead for you and baby. Whichever stage you’re at, I want to welcome you to this space where we can begin to answer the many questions that are likely running across your mind.

S3 Ep. 6: Autoimmune Disease and Pregnancy

S3 Ep. 6: Autoimmune Disease and Pregnancy
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