How to master the LinkedIn Algorithm

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In this episode, I chat with Richard van der Blom, a social selling expert. Richard advises organizations around the world on how to implement social selling effectively as well as providing advice on content strategy, digital marketing, lead generation, and marketing consulting.
Through his own frustration at seeing a picture of salad perform much better on LinkedIn than his article on social selling strategy, he set about, with support from The Open University, Shield & Sprout Social, to try and get to the bottom of how the algorithm on LinkedIn works.
This is a hotly debated topic, with many people trying to figure out how to "game" it to get the views. 
Richard has just released his 2nd research report on what he believes are the "rules" of the game. 
He and the team have analyzed over 4000 posts on LinkedIn, every 15mins!
We break down his research across the different areas and dig into what does this really mean for you and how can you get your posts to work harder for you.
It doesn't matter if you are a seasoned user of LinkedIn or just starting out, you will learn something.
Link to the full research and Richard is here - - be sure to mention this Podcast

How to master the LinkedIn Algorithm

How to master the LinkedIn Algorithm
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