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The Hippocampus is a small, yet complex, structure located deep within the Temporal Lobe and plays a critical role in our processing and storage of memory and learning process. In this fast-facts episode, Edward reviews the Hippocampus's form and function, as well as the key features that make us who we are.To create this episode, I used information provided by Anand and Dhikav, 2012 in the Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology through NCBI, which can be found here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3548359/#:~:text=Hippocampus%20is%20a%20complex%20brain,of%20neurological%20and%20psychiatric%20disorders.No statement, phrase, or episode of this series—or any episode in this podcast—are intended to treat, diagnose, cure, prevent, or otherwise change your mind or body in any form or manner. This podcast—and this series especially—is meant purely for education purposes for the common person. Please do not rely on any of the information I share in this podcast in any way for your medical or psychological treatment. If you feel that you may have a condition mentioned or not mentioned in this podcast, do not come to me. Instead, immediately go to a trusted psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, counselor, or other reliable source of information and help for further guidance. Never disregard professional, psychological, or medical advice—nor delay in the seeking of this advice—because of something that you have heard or read from this podcast, this podcast's episode descriptions, this podcast's promotional materials, or any other information explicitly or implicitly generated from this podcast.-----If you love this podcast, show your support by rating, subscribing, and downloading!  The best way to support me is by sharing this podcast with others—the more people can learn, the better we can understand the crazy world we live in :DI realize that this episode is coming back after a very long hiatus--I have had a few issues with my podcast server, but the rest of the episodes of this season will be published in the next few days :) Sorry for the delays and thank you for your patience!


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