Endless Love: You’ve Got Ideas About Consensual Nonmonogamy. They’re Probably Wrong

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Consensually nonmonogamous relationships are defined by explicit mutual agreements to have multiple emotional, romantic, and/or sexual relationships. But is there really a type of person who engages in this type of relationship? And are these relationships actually lower in quality compared with monogamous relationships? Research has revealed several misconceptions about consensually nonmonogamous relationships and patterns of how others judge people in these relationships. 
In this episode of the podcast, Amy C. Moors, psychologist who researches and teaches about LGBTQ+ issues, consensual non-monogamy, gender, and inclusion in higher education at the Kinsey Institute and Chapman University, demystifies common misconceptions about consensually nonmonogamous relationships.  She explores this topic further in a recent article published in Current Directions in Psychological Science. 

Endless Love: You’ve Got Ideas About Consensual Nonmonogamy. They’re Probably Wrong

Endless Love: You’ve Got Ideas About Consensual Nonmonogamy. They’re Probably Wrong
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