Crafting Success: The Power of Personal Branding for Woodpreneurs

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“One of the things that I do with clients is I kind of tell them that it's okay to be yourself, I actually don't want you to be anybody else, I want you to be the type of person that shows up authentically.”

-Steve Larosiliere

Welcome to a brand-new episode of the Woodpreneur Podcast. In this episode i’m going to be diving into the world of personal branding in the competitive home service and woodworking industry. It's all about thriving, not just blending in. Many woodworkers are naturally humble, but in today's digital age, putting yourself out there is essential. In this blog post, I'll explain what it means to put yourself out there, why it's crucial, and how to embrace the idea of standing out.

Steve Larosiliere's insights provide a roadmap for your woodworking business's growth and prosperity. By following these steps, you'll be on your way to attracting and serving the right clientele, ensuring the long-term success of your business.

It's time to hear the complete story now!

“So imagine that level of, of authenticity and consistency in your business by merely showing up, right, it also differentiates you from your competitors, because again, your competitors are not even watching this, right.”

-Steve Larosiliere

What Does "Putting Yourself Out There" Mean?

Putting yourself out there means showcasing your authentic self, your personality, your work, your story, and the journey of building your woodworking business. In the past, people found you through the yellow pages or local advertising. Today, your online presence is your storefront, and social media is the main street. Authenticity is key. Be yourself, not someone else.

Embracing Authenticity:

Authenticity is the foundation of personal branding. Be genuine, transparent, and true to yourself at your highest form. When you show up authentically, you connect with people on a deeper level. Share personal stories, hobbies, and interests that resonate with your audience. For example, a woodworker who loves hunting can create content around their hunting adventures, forging a deeper connection with their customers. Another client who homeschools can share family activities and homeschooling insights, forming meaningful connections with like-minded individuals.

The Power of Your Profile Picture:

Your profile picture is the first impression people get of you. Choose a high-quality, smiling photo of yourself rather than an abstract image, logo, or pet. Showing your face can significantly impact your online presence, as it makes you more relatable and trustworthy.

Why It's Important:

Putting yourself out there allows you to build trust and credibility. When your audience knows the person behind the wood, trust naturally follows. Building your personal brand differentiates you from competitors who are not making this effort. It draws people who resonate with your values, style, and content. This authenticity enhances brand loyalty, leading to repeat customers.

Creating Opportunities:

Personal branding opens doors to numerous opportunities. You may receive media coverage, invitations to host shows, and participation in business plan competitions. By showing up authentically, you attract connections, collaborations, and growth.

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Crafting Success: The Power of Personal Branding for Woodpreneurs

Crafting Success: The Power of Personal Branding for Woodpreneurs
Release Date
