6: Dragons Forever (1988)

Release Date:

At the height of Golden Harvest's dizzying domination of the Hong Kong action market, three of the biggest kung-fu stars of the time came together for a final spellbinding showcase of stunts and martial arts madness. Directed by choreography superstars Sammo Hung and Corey Yuen, and starring Sammo alongside Jackie Chan and Yuen Biao, Dragons Forever is a nonstop thrill ride, a genre bending mashup of romcom melodrama, cartoonish silent comedy-esque antics, and face melting action sequences. Join Jack and Vaughn as they discuss their endless adoration of Hong Kong action, the joy of its many familiar faces, communist fish and capitalist birds.We’ll be back next week to chat about Isaac Florentine's dusty apocalypse western Cold Harvest (1999) – but until then, for more words, thoughts, and action adoration, find us all around the internet.Vaughn on The Twin Geeks, Letterboxd, Twitter, and Bluesky.Jack on The Twin Geeks, Letterboxd, Twitter, and Bluesky.

6: Dragons Forever (1988)

6: Dragons Forever (1988)
Release Date
