Ep. 9: Die Hard (1988)


Merry Christmas and happy holidays, listeners, this week Jack and Vaughn came out to the coast, got together, and had a few laughs discussing John McTiernan's festive action classic. Starring a beaten and bruised Bruce Willis turning in an all time performance as John McClane, up against a blisteringly cool and calmly evil Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber, there's no film this podcast's hosts would rather be watching on Christmas day. Join us as we talk the history of the Die Hard franchise, John McTiernan's bloodied protagonists, perfect focus pulls, and the questionable arc of Reginald VelJohnson's Sergeant Powell.We'll be back next week for action master Tsui Hark's labyrinthine millennium bullet hailstorm Time and Tide – but until then, for more words, thoughts, and action adoration, find us all around the internet.Vaughn on The Twin Geeks, Letterboxd, Twitter, and Bluesky.Jack on The Twin Geeks, Letterboxd, Twitter, and Bluesky.

Ep. 9: Die Hard (1988)

Ep. 9: Die Hard (1988)
