
Coach André

Schwimmsport für die Ohren

Big Pool Theory - Der Podcast, der für's Schwimmen Wissen schafft

Big Pool Theory

Wir sind ein Zusammenschluss aus schwimmbegeisterten Wissenschaftler:innen und möchten an dieser Stelle Forschung an die Beckenränder Deutschlands bringen - sei es in Form von Podcasts, Blinks oder kurzen schriftlichen Zusammenfassungen von Studien. Ideen sind zahlreich vorhanden - bleibt also gespannt und schaut immer mal wieder hier vorbei. Wir freuen uns auch über Wünsche und Anregungen von Trainerseite: Interessiert euch ein spezielles Thema und ihr möchtet den aktuellen Forschungsstand dazu wissen? Dann schreibt uns gerne an: bigpooltheory(at)dstv-schwimmtrainer.de

DLRG Podcast

Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft e.V. (DLRG)

Der DLRG Podcast beschäftigt sich mit der Welt rund um die Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft! Informativ. Spannend. Für dich!

The Effortless Swimming Podcast

Brenton Ford

Faster times and better technique aren't a guarantee when you train hard. What really makes a difference to your speed and efficiency in the water? The Effortless Swimming podcast helps make a complex sport really simple to better your swimming. We cover open water swimming, triathlon swimming and pool swimming. Hosted by Australian National swimmer and coach Brenton Ford.

Tauchtalk: Der Podcast rund ums tauchen


Willkommen bei "TauchTalk", dem offiziellen Podcast von ActionSport, der euch tief in die Welt des Tauchsports und der Abenteuerreisen entführt. Moderiert von Caro und mit regelmäßigen Einblicken von Werner, dem Gründer und CEO von ActionSport, bietet jede Episode spannende Geschichten, Insider-Wissen und alles, was ihr über Tauchen wissen müsst. Von den geheimnisvollen Tiefen der Dives Days in Ägypten bis hin zu aufregenden Gruppenreisen und speziellen Tauchkursen – "TauchTalk" ist euer Tor zu unvergesslichen Unterwasserabenteuern. Ob ihr erfahrene Taucher oder Neulinge in der Welt des Tauchsports seid, dieser Podcast verspricht euch mit Geschichten, Tipps und der Leidenschaft für das Tauchen zu inspirieren. Taucht ein in die Faszination des Tauchsports mit "TauchTalk", dem Podcast, der euch näher an das ultimative Taucherlebnis bringt.

Waterpolo Expert Talk

Andreas Schulze-Kopp

Ich liefere Euch mit meinen nationalen und internationalen Gesprächspartnern aus der Welt des Wasserballs regelmäßig spannende Einblicke in die Vereinsentwicklung, Trainingsplanung und Jugendarbeit. Hierfür stehen mir Trainer, Aktive und Funktionäre in unseren Gesprächen regelmäßig Rede und Antwort. Natürlich spielt hierbei auch die allgemeine Entwicklung der Sportart Wasserball, auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene, eine große Rolle. Persönliche Meinungen und Einschätzungen meiner Gesprächspartner zu Fragen wie es mit dem deutschen, aber auch mit dem internationalen Wasserball in den nächsten Jahren weitergeht, kommen dabei nicht zu kurz.


Ute Zill, Martina Schrey

Wir sind Schwimmerinnen. Wir waren beide mal im Schwimmverein, aber das ist lange her. Bis vor kurzem schwammen wir so wie die meisten – ab und zu, wenn es gerade passt. Doch dann entdeckten wir die Jahreskarte der Berliner Bäderbetriebe – und stellten fest: Berlin hat ja über 60 Schwimmbäder! Schnell stand fest: Die durchschwimmen wir alle! Und zwar in einem Jahr. Gesagt, getan. Was uns beim Bahnen ziehen durch den Kopf geht und warum wir meinen, dass schwimmen nicht nur überlebenswichtig, sondern ein großartiges Abenteuer ist – darum geht es hier!

Inside with Brett Hawke

Brett Hawke

Take an intimate look inside the minds of swimming's highest achievers with one of the world's best swim coaches, Brett Hawke.

The SwimSwam Podcast


On the SwimSwam Podcast dive deeper into the sport you love with insider conversations about swimming. Hosted by Coleman Hodges and Gold Medal Mel Stewart, SwimSwam welcomes both the biggest names in swimming that you already know, and rising stars that you need to get to know, as we break down the past, present, and future of aquatic sports.


©2024 meinsportpodcast.de

Schwimmsport auf meinsportpodcast.de – Hier findest Du alle Podcasts rund um den Schwimmsport. Zusammen mit unserem Experten Yannick Lebherz, analysieren Andreas Thies und Malte Asmus in der Podcast-Serie „Die Sportshow“ die großen internationalen Wettkämpfe. Abonniere jetzt diesen Podcast-Feed und erhalte alle Podcasts zu Deiner Lieblingssportart. Äußerungen unserer Moderatoren und deren Gesprächspartnern geben deren eigene Auffassung wieder. meinsportpodcast.de macht sich Äußerungen seiner Gesprächspartner in Interviews und Diskussionen nicht zu eigen.

Off The Blocks Swimming Podcast

Off The Blocks Swimming Podcast

Off The Blocks Swimming Podcast brings you the latest interviews from Swimming’s biggest legends of the past, superstars of the pool today and rising stars of the future. You won't hear interviews like this anywhere else. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSzKiUIcFaRK-66bIGnzkZg/featured?view_as=subscriber

Social Kick

Social Kick

Authentic, casual and fun conversations with swimmers, by swimmers

Startblock 4 - Lasst uns übers Schwimmen sprechen

Startblock 4

Wie lassen sich Leistungssport und Schule miteinander verbinden? Was haben Medaillen mit Bildung zu tun? Welchen Beitrag leistet das Schwimmen zur Persönlichkeitsentwicklung junger Menschen? Warum sind Siege wunderschön, Niederlagen aber manchmal noch wertvoller? Wie kann es gelingen, Stuttgart zu einer Hochburg des Leistungsschwimmens zu machen? Und wann wird Deutschland wieder zur Weltspitze gehören? Mit diesen und vielen anderen Fragen beschäftigt sich die neue Gesprächsreihe „Startblock 4 – Lasst uns übers Schwimmen reden!“

Marathon Swim Stories

Shannon House Keegan

Have you ever stood at the edge of a body of water and wondered what it would be like to swim the other side? Marathon Swim Stories is where we connect with marathon swimmers around the world to find out how they got started, what makes them tick, and why the keep going. It's where we explore the human side of the superhuman feats of endurance swimmers; the connections that we have with each other, our support crew, and the waters we cross.

PerformHappy with Rebecca Smith

Rebecca Smith

I’m Rebecca Smith, your podcast host, and High Performance Coach. I’m Director of Complete Performance Coaching and founder of The #PerformHappy Community.Maybe you’re a gymnast with a fear of going backwards. A swimmer who can’t seem to go any faster. Or a parent who is clueless about how to help your child succeed. You might be stepping up to tougher competition and looking to raise your game. Whether you're struggling with a mental block, or you just had the best season of your life, this podcast is for you.Kids need resources to deal with the pressure of competition, but they don’t necessarily want it to be their coach or parents.I teach parents, coaches, and adolescent/teen athletes of all abilities how to achieve their personal best. These are the tips and mental toughness strategies that my clients tell me help them most.I also provide insights for parents and coaches who want to support their kids and their teams.Performing well is a blend of hard work, skill and mental toughness. I’ll teach you how to use all 3 to be the best athlete you can, and have FUN competing in your sport. Mental skills translate to all areas of your life. When kids learn skills to cope with stress & emotion in a sport context, they become better prepared to thrive in school and beyond.Join me each week as I help people reach peak performance and maximum enjoyment.

NextLevel Diving Podcast

NextLevel Diving

Der Podcast von Tauchern für Taucher! Mit spannenden Facts rund um unser Lieblingshobby und natürlich den interessantesten Persönlichkeiten aus der Taucherszene.

Last One Fast One Podcast


All things swimming at the High School, College, and Pro level. Hosts Luke and Paul talk to the most exciting guests in the swimming world every week!

The Pullbuoy Podcast


The podcast is brought to you by Pullbuoy, Britain's premier independent swimming website. We follow the fortunes of Britain's swimmers wherever they may be, with expert analysis and contributions from coaches and elite swimmers alike. During the International Swimming League season it's the home of the London Roar Podcast - following the Roar as they battle to win.


Anette Frisch

In dem Podcast der Journalistin Anette Frisch geht es ums Schwimmen. Selbst leidenschaftliche Schwimmerin interviewt sie Menschen, für die Schwimmen ebenso wichtig ist. Die einen schwimmen, die anderen beobachten, schreiben, musizieren, malen oder filmen drüber. Warum schwimmen wir? Die Gespräche versuchen diese zentrale Frage zu beantworten.


동현 호

voyage en Guadeloupe

Inside The Big Ring: The Podcast for Endurance Athletes

Steven Brandes

Podcast by Steven Brandes

Kinder oder keine


ein Thema, welches für gewöhnlich viel im Privaten, meist in Zweierbeziehungen liegt und dort besprochen wird, obwohl es eine Entscheidung mit gesellschaftlicher Relevanz ist und einschneidende Auswirkungen auf das Leben der Bezugsperson/en, deren Freund*innenschaften, das soziale und politische Umfeld und natürlich die Kinder selbst haben kann. In Gesprächen mit Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Lebensumständen und Perspektiven versuche ich die Thematik anzugehen, um Gedankenkreisel abzubauen, auf eine Entscheidung hin zu arbeiten und Sichtbarkeit und Besprechbarkeit zu (ver)suchen.

MySwimPro Swimming Technique & Training Podcast


MySwimPro is the number one fitness application for the fastest growing sport in the world. Since 2014, we have been on a mission to help swimmers of all levels live happier and healthier lives through swimming. Today, swimmers in more than 150 countries use MySwimPro’s award-winning mobile and wearable apps to access personalized swim workout plans, training plans, educational drills and videos, advanced analytics, and to log and track their progress. MySwimPro is accessible on iOS and Android smartphones and wearables, and is free to get started.


Michael Helps

Looking for your next aquatic challenge? Or do you have a love for water and the adventures, friendships and challenges it can bring and want to tell us about your individual MYSWIM so others can share the experience? Then the MYSWIM podcast is for you! MYSWIM is every person’s personal adventure in water. Whether it is learning to swim, wild swimming, channel swimming, winter swimming or another aquatic sport such as waterpolo, synchronised swimming, triathlon or something social with friends (the best kind!) and everything in between your happy place, your aquatic adventure, and together we can explore it! We really want to positively celebrate and promote all aspects of aquatics and particularly the mental health benefits that swimming brings and would love you to be part of it. Join the community, give us your feedback, follow and Tell us all about your individual “MYSWIM”


SwimOut Podcast

We believe swimming is more than just a past-time, it's about ecology, creativity, conquering personal demons and redefining the limits of endurance. We’re Hunter and Vicki, two London based outdoor swimmers who met while training to swim the English Channel in 2019. Our podcast is about the heroes, the eccentrics, the spaces, the untold stories and adventures of wild swimming.

HD播客 | 体育运动相关深度访谈

HD 铁三|游泳

由主播张楚,以自己的热情和知识,给广大铁友、听众带来的播客栏目。节目将邀请顶尖运动员、普通爱好者、教练、学者、业界实践者等不同领域嘉宾,通过铁人三项、耐力运动、运动表现、运动科学、健康生活等话题,讲述人物故事,探秘身体与心理、社会与自然,帮助大家寻找运动乐趣,发掘自身潜力,实现卓越表现。感谢收听! 微信公众号:tri2swim

An Open Water Swimmer's Podcast

William Ellis

“Chartable” #1 UK Swimming Podcast Just Giving Page: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/williamhellis Outdoor swimming is one of the fastest growing activities in the world, the benefits of which are well documented across many platforms and media. Each episode of this podcast I (Will Ellis) will be asking the same set of questions to my guests in order to hear their swim story, find out what the water means to them, and in doing so find the common ground between us all: the love of the water itself. @owswimpod (Insta / Twitter)

Tri Swim Coach Triathlon Swimming Podcast

Kevin Koskella

Triathlon Swimming: Insight for Beginners to Advanced Triathlete Swimmers. Learn how to swim faster and with ease with training tips and triathlon swimming advice from Tri Swim Coach and distinguished Ironman professionals and triathlon coaches. Kevin Koskella is a world-renowned triathlon swim coach with over 27 years of swimming experience. This podcast has tips, stories, adventures, and overall entertainment and education regarding swimming and triathlon. Join our community that contains thousands of triathletes looking to get a leg up on the competition in their next triathlon.

The Reale Deal Show

Jay Reale

Former Pro Bodyboarder Jay Reale shares stories and thoughts from his bodyboarding career as one of the pioneers of the sport. Jay spent the 80s and 90s competing with the world's top riders traveling to exotic locations around the world. Following his career as a bodyboarder, Jay switched gears and focused on starting the world's leading internet bodyboarding store while raising a family, appearing on game shows and performing in community theater and choir, and exploring the world of endurance sports, while continuing to travel the world on surf trips with his wife, former pro bodyboarder Vicki Reale. A true renaissance man, Jay's podcast takes you places you would have never guessed! Brought to you by eBodyboarding.com and Tribe Boards and Accessories.

The Total Waterpolo Podcast

Total Waterpolo

Welcome to the official Total Waterpolo Podcast with our host James Spencer-Boyce. Every week we have the biggest names in world water polo on the show to discuss anything and everything water polo.

Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast

Danielle Spurling

Join the Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast as we dive into the inspiring stories of adult Masters Swimmers from all corners of the world. From pool to open water champions, some of our guests are Olympic athletes who continue to defy expectations well into their late 20s and beyond. Others have rekindled their passion for swimming and are achieving new heights of success. What drives these superstars to keep swimming? How do they maintain their performance at such high levels? Our conversations explore these questions and many more, providing a glimpse into the mindset and training of these exceptional athletes. So grab a cup of your favourite drink and join us for a weekly dose of Masters Swimming inspiration.Looking for a quick dip into the world of Masters Swimming? Join us for TST Quick Splash, a bite-sized podcast that keeps you up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in the sport. Whether it's highlights from global masters swim meets or insights into open water swims, your host or special guests will deliver a concise and informative report. You'll also get valuable training tips, dry-land ideas, and product reviews to help you improve your performance in and out of the water. 

Tom Dean Medal Machine


With two Olympic gold medals already under his belt at just 23, Tom Dean MBE is taking on what many say is impossible in Paris this summer: he'll be attempting a record-breaking five-medal haul. It's the ultimate challenge, one that no Team GB athlete has ever achieved before. Tom is going to need every bit of help he can get; that’s where the podcast comes in. The mission? To build the 'Medal Machine', an all-encompassing behemoth that is going to give Tom the edge come July.  Less 'high-intensity training camp in the alps', more 'down the pub round the corner from the pool', the podcast will cover everything from the very best cheat meals with celebrity chefs, to writing motivational chants with popstars. Tom's conversations will arm him with the knowledge he needs to be the best version of himself out of the pool, so he can make history in it.

Sektor Triathlon

Alex Richter

Hi und Willkommen bei unserem Podcast! Wir möchten dir den geilsten Sport der Welt näher bringen. Auf den Rother Way of Style. Die Jungs vom Triathlon Bundesliga-Team der TSG 08 Roth freuen sich darauf, deine Lauscherchen mit spannenden Themen, tiefen Insights und jeder Menge Know-How aus dem Sport-Alltag verwöhnen zu dürfen.

Low Tide Boyz, a Swimrun Podcast

Low Tide Boyz

We are the Löw Tide Böyz (Chipper and Chris), a Swimrun team based in Northern California and we're on a mission to help grow the sport of Swimrun in the United States while striving to make it as accessible, inclusive, and diverse as possible. On our podcast we share our love for the new-ish sport of Swimrun and interview race directors, athletes, and other cool people in the space all the while chronicling our own training and racing adventures and having as much fun as possible in the process.




swimfriends - The Podcast

Jana & Julian

Mit Start der Staffel 3 erfolgt ab Januar 2023 das Re-Branding unseres Podcasts! Ab sofort hört ihr uns unter dem Namen "swimfriends - the podcast"! Auch zukünftig laden wir Freunde, Bekannte, Wegbegleiter aber auch national- und international erfolgreiche Sportler:innen rund um den Schwimmsport zu uns in die Sendung ein! Ab Februar 2023 geht es für uns weiter!

Heroes, Action, Adventure, Extreme Sports - Profiles in Courage - The Creative Process

Action, Adventure, Extreme Sports, Climbers, Divers, Explorers, Athletes, Visionaries, Leaders, Inspiration - Creative Process Original Series


Stanley Ulijaszek

Swimming in the outdoors - lakes and lidos, rivers and oceans, especially the people that swim in them. Music - 'Noe Noe', ' Vienna Beat' and 'Watercool Quiet', by Blue Dot Sessions.

Clever Dicks

Jim & Duncan

A light hearted podcast by swimmers for ordinary people who like to swim. Every fortnight another episode is released either with Duncan & Jim covering topics of general interest, or talking to interesting swimmers from New Zealand and around the world.


Marc West

Champion's Mojo for Masters Swimmers

Kelly Palace and Maria Parker

The podcast that talks about topics that are interesting and important to Masters Swimmers, or anyone that wants to be inspired. Co-hosted by two world record setting masters athletes, Kelly Palace and Maria Parker, each bring unique experiences to the show. You'll benefit from their insightful perspectives as they talk with champions, coaches and experts ,They explore what makes a champion in sports, but most importantly in life, through deep questions, fun quizzes and an authentic desire to inspire others. For more visit ChampionsMojo.com. 

Propulsion Swimming Podcast

Propulsion Swimming

Dive into the exhilarating world of swimming with the Propulsion Swimming Podcast! We're your passionate guides, celebrating British swimming in all its glory. Tired of British swimming being a silent stroke in the sports world? Not here! We shine a spotlight on our amazing athletes, coaches, and events, giving them the recognition they deserve, especially in the build-up to the Paris Olympics 2024. But swimming isn't just for Olympic hopefuls. We aim to bridge the gap between elite champions and everyday laps, building a vibrant community where everyone feels welcome! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

First to T1 - Zwemmen voor triatleten en open water zwemmers

Janco Nolles

Bij de first to T1 podcast help ik jou om sneller te leren zwemmen. Ik bespreek alle onderwerpen die er voor zorgen dat je een betere zwemmer wordt en meer controle krijgt over je eigen ontwikkeling als zwemmer. De podcast richt zich vooral op triatleten, maar is ook te gebruiken voor open water zwemmers (en zelfs voor elke recreatieve zwemmer).




Mission Kona

Mike & Michelle Payne

Triathlon: where you can test your limits in 3 different disciplines one after the other! Swim, bike, run. One might say it's an addiction, but truly it's a lifestyle! Mission Kona podcast highlights age group athletes doing amazing things in the Triathlon space. Mike & Michelle Payne are husband and wife amateur triathletes, parents and self proclaimed coffee connoisseurs, both working in corporate America. Mike is also a Triathlon coach and recently qualified for Kona in October of 2024. Michelle completed her first half Ironman in 2021 and plans to race a full Ironman in the near future. This podcast is a journey to discovering what it takes to be competitive in triathlon, sharing stories, and finding the inspiration to go after challenging but worthwhile goals. We talk with age group athletes and explore how they got their start in triathlon, where they live, train and work, how they stay motivated, race recaps and more! Are you interested in growing and performing your best? TUNE IN! There is so much to learn from those who have worked (and continue to work) hard to be at the top of their game!