The Great Simplification with Nate Hagens

Nate Hagens

The Great Simplification with Nate Hagens explores money, energy, economy, and the environment with world experts and leaders to understand how everything fits together, and where we go from here.


Hannes Laermanns und Holger Kretschmer

Die Geonauten? Noch ein Podcast? Und dann auch noch zur Geographie? Warum eigentlich nicht! Hannes Laermanns und Holger Kretschmer tauchen in ihrem Podcast in das Fach Geographie ein und befassen sich dabei mit allem, was das beste Fach der Welt zu bieten hat. Sie greifen Themen der geographischen Forschung und Lehre auf, erklären einzelne Aspekte genauer und wollen so zu einer weiteren Auseinandersetzung mit geographischen Inhalten motivieren. Der Podcast richtet sich also an Geograph*innen und vor allem an jene, die es werden wollen.

Deep Seed Podcast

Raphael Esterhazy

Welcome to the Deep Seed Podcast, where we delve into the transformative world of regenerative agriculture and ecosystem restoration. Join your host, Raphaël, on a captivating journey, as we explore groundbreaking solutions for a healthier planet. From in-depth conversations with farmers revolutionizing their fields to insights from leading experts reshaping our understanding of sustainability, each episode is a deep dive into the challenges and triumphs of creating a vibrant, regenerative future. Whether you're an environmentally conscious individual, a professional in the fields of agriculture and environmental science, or simply someone passionate about sustainability and eager to learn, this podcast is your gateway to the stories and strategies shaping our world. Tune in, be inspired, and join the conversation towards a regenerative tomorrow. This podcast is produced in partnership with Soil Capital, a company that supports regenerative agriculture for food system resilience and climate action, by financially rewarding farmers who improve soil health. Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.


Leonie Dittrich

Es geht um die Nachhaltigkeit im Leben und was wir ändern oder verbessern können. Sowie Tipps und Tricks im Alltag

Klimanachbarn – Die Revolution beginnt nebenan

Michael Schindler & Patrick Niedermayer

Wir, Patrick und Michi, glauben fest daran, dass wir den Klimawandel nur gemeinsam bewältigen können — mit Liebe statt Angst. Unsere Mission: Mit unseren Nachbarn praktikable, positive Lösungen finden und dabei den Spaß nicht vergessen.  Unser Podcast, 2022 gestartet als „Klimaleichen — Vergessene Lösungen der Klimakrise“, trägt seit Dezember 2023 den Namen „Klimanachbarn — die Revolution beginnt nebenan“. Wir konzentrieren uns auf ermutigende Ansätze abseits der üblichen Endzeitstimmung.

SpacEconomics | Geographie-Podcast

Braunschweig, Björn

Womit beschäftigen sich GeographInnen, wenn sie von „Wissenstransfer über geographische Distanzen“ reden? Wie können wir (wirtschafts-)geographische Konzepte nutzen, um unser alltägliches Leben zu verstehen? Wie hängen Migration und Innovation in einer Region zusammen? Und warum lohnt sich sogar ein geographischer Blick auf Themen wie z. B. die Entwicklung und Verbreitung von Hip Hop? Diese und viele weitere Fragen beantworten wir hier bei "SpacEconomics | Geographie-Podcast". Unser Ziel ist es, das Fach Geographie, die wissenschaftliche Arbeit in dieser Disziplin und das Studium anschaulicher und nachvollziehbarer zu machen. Wir behandeln Themen rund um die Wirtschaftsgeographie und wenden uns dabei häufig auch Themen aus der allgemeineren Geographie, der Sozialgeographie und verwandten Disziplinen zu. "SpacEconomics | Geographie-Podcast" ist ein Podcast der Wirtschaftsgeographie der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.

RSM River Mechanics Podcast

Stanford Gibson

Conversations about River Mechanics, Sediment Transport, and Fluvial Geomorphology

The Hydrogen Podcast

Paul Rodden

Welcome to The Hydrogen Podcast! This show is for energy investors and analysts who want to learn about how hydrogen is driving the evolution of energy. We will drill down into the hydrogen market and discuss where capital is being deployed and where financial opportunities are developing. Learn from Paul Rodden, the hydrogen consulting expert that is on the speed dial of billionaire oil magnates and is dialed in to the advances and financial opportunities that hydrogen presents in the energy market. Inside each episode, Paul interviews thought leaders who are invested in the future of energy and driving the hydrogen market to new heights. He also shares his insights on the current opportunities and developments with complete transparency. From overall strategy, to future casting, to lessons learned, Paul will be your guide as you explore the concept of hydrogen as a fuel source, the advancements in the industry (present and future), and the economic opportunities that are available for potential investors.

Fakt oder Fake: Internetmythen auf dem Prüfstand – MDR JUMP

Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk

Sarah und Lars aus der MDR JUMP Morningshow prüfen gemeinsam mit Experten wilde Internetmythen auf ihren Wahrheitsgehalt. Ist es ein Fakt oder nur ein Fake?

The MapScaping Podcast - GIS, Geospatial, Remote Sensing, earth observation and digital geography


A podcast for the mapping community. Interviews with the people that are shaping the future of GIS, geospatial and the mapping world. This is a podcast for the GIS and geospatial community

Carbon Market Conversations: A Podcast by ICAP

The International Carbon Action Partnership

This is Carbon Market Conversations: A Podcast by ICAP, giving insight into all things emissions trading and carbon pricing. Join our host Trevor Laroche-Theune as he meets with climate experts and practitioners in each episode to discuss their views on the latest emissions trading and carbon pricing developments and their impacts. Whether you are new to the conversation or a seasoned carbon pricing practitioner, ICAP's Carbon Market Conversations provides engaging discussions in an easily digestible format. Tune in to be part of the conversation driving positive change for our climate.

Energy Switch

Energy Switch

Energy and climate are intertwined, two of the most important topics in the world today. Yet listeners know very little about them. This podcast aims to change that. Energy Switch brings together two renowned experts from government, NGOs, academia, and industry, with differing perspectives on important energy and climate topics. These lively discussions are moderated by renowned energy scientist and communicator Dr. Scott Tinker. The podcast is produced, written, and directed by Emmy-winning documentary filmmaker Harry Lynch.

Regenerative Agriculture Podcast

John Kempf

This is a show for professional growers and agronomists who want to learn about the science and principles of regenerative agriculture systems to increase quality, yield, and profitability.

Geology Bites

Oliver Strimpel

What moves the continents, creates mountains, swallows up the sea floor, makes volcanoes erupt, triggers earthquakes, and imprints ancient climates into the rocks? Oliver Strimpel, a former astrophysicist and museum director asks leading researchers to divulge what they have discovered and how they did it. To learn more about the series, and see images that support the podcasts, go to Instagram: @GeologyBites Twitter: @geology_bites Email:

Rare Earth

BBC Radio 4

Tom Heap and Helen Czerski tackle a major story about our environment, work out how we got here and meet the brave, clever people with fresh ideas to help us - and nature - thrive. They won’t shy away from the big stuff - temperatures rising while wildlife declines - but this won’t be a weekly dose of doom-laden predictions and tortured hand-wringing. Rare Earth is here to celebrate the wonder of nature and meet the people determined to keep it wonderful.

The Uptime Wind Energy Podcast

Allen Hall, Rosemary Barnes, Joel Saxum & Phil Totaro

Uptime is a renewable energy podcast focused on wind energy and energy storage technologies. Experts Allen Hall, Rosemary Barnes, Joel Saxum, and Phil Totaro break down the latest research, tech, and policy.

GEO Podcast

Gary Lewis,

A place to learn about geology for teachers, students, rock hounds, and geology enthusiasts - that comes out on Fridays!Gary Lewis is an Australian-born geologist who loves to share his passion for all things 'geology'. In the GEO podcast, Gary takes you on a journey to learn about rocks, minerals, earthquakes, volcanoes, glaciers and so much more. It does not matter if you have no experience in geology, Gary will help you to understand the fundamentals of our planet so you can have a greater understanding about when you see when visiting your backyard, your local creek, cliff or beyond. You can also join Gary as he runs Field Adventures (specialist travel experiences) to see parts of the world through the eyes of a passionate Earth scientist.  Find out more at


DVW e.V.

Herzlich willkommen beim INTERGEO podcast "IMMOblick - Immobilienmarkt & Wertermittlung im Dialog", präsentiert vom DVW e.V., Gesellschaft für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement. Der Immobilienmarkt ist ein komplizierter, aber dennoch ausgesprochen bedeutsamer Markt. Jährlich werden hunderte von Milliarden Euro in den Kauf und die Entwicklung von Immobilien in Deutschland investiert und es werden im Schnitt etwa 1 Millionen Kaufverträge abgeschlossen. Damit steht auch die Immobilienwertermittlung in Deutschland vor einer Reihe von Herausforderungen in einem sehr dynamischen Marktumfeld, gerade auch im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. In diesem Podcast-Format sprechen wir mit Expertinnen und Experten über die aktuellen Themen, die Investoren, Sachverständige, Gutachterausschüsse, Makler aber auch Politik bewegen. Unser Ziel ist es, unseren Hörerinnen und Hörern fundierte Einblicke zu ermöglichen; nicht trocken, sondern unterhaltsam und kontrovers. Wir laden Gäste wollen damit den Dialog fördern und Expertise vernetzen. Wir nehmen Euch mit auf eine spannende Reise in die Welt der Immobilienmärkte. Eure Gastgeber sind: Peter Ache Leiter des Arbeitskreises Immobilienwertermittlung des DVW e.V. Peter Ache ist national und international als Experte in der Branche der Immobilienwertermittlung und Marktbeobachtung in Deutschland bekannt. Sein besonderes Interesse gilt der Nutzung und Auswertung von Immobilienmarktdaten. Robert Krägenbring Stellvertretender Leiter des Arbeitskreises Immobilienwertermittlung des DVW e.V. Robert Krägenbring ist national als Vortragender zur Immobilienwertermittlung bekannt. Er befasst sich mit der Weiterentwicklung des Wertermittlungsrechts und der amtlichen Wertermittlung. Ihm liegt auch die Ausbildung junger Menschen in diesem Bereich am Herzen. Weitere Informationen findest du hier: Webseite: Social Media: LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook

A Voyage to Antarctica


Journalist and broadcaster Alok Jha talks to leading explorers, scientists, conservationists and artists about Antarctica’s fascinating past, present and future, to discover why the icy continent matters to us all. Created by the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the first sighting of Antarctica. UKAHT is a charity, championing the public understanding of, and engagement with Antarctica through the history of human endeavour in the region. UKAHT looks after British historic sites and artefacts in Antarctica and invests in global public programmes and education; enabling more people to discover, understand, value and protect this precious wilderness.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Quirks and Quarks


CBC Radio's Quirks and Quarks covers the quirks of the expanding universe to the quarks within a single atom... and everything in between.

Crazy Town

Post Carbon Institute: Sustainability, Climate, Collapse, and Dark Humor

With equal parts humor and in-depth analysis, Asher, Rob, and Jason safeguard their sanity while probing crazy-making topics like climate change, overshoot, runaway capitalism, and why we’re all deluding ourselves.

Sustainability, Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Politics, Activism, Biodiversity, Carbon Footprint, Wildlife, Regenerative

Environmental Solutions · One Planet Podcast · Creative Process Original Series

Wissenschaft im Einsatz

Disaster Competence Network Austria

Im Podcast des Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) geben wir der „Wissenschaft im Einsatz“ eine Stimme: Wir beleuchten die Krisen- und Katastrophenforschung aus verschiedenen Perspektiven, blicken hinter die Kulissen des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens und geben konkrete Einblicke in die Arbeit von Forscher:innen und Einsatzkräften. Wie werden Forschungsergebnisse an die entscheidenden Stellen weitergeleitet? Welche Fachgebiete gehören zur Katastrophenforschung? Wie sieht die Arbeit von Wissenschaftler:innen und Einsatzkräften aus? Diese Fragen und noch viele mehr stellen wir unseren Gästen im Podcast „Wissenschaft im Einsatz“. Haben Sie Fragen, Kritik oder Anregungen zum Podcast? Möchten Sie uns einen Gast vorschlagen? Sie erreichen uns unter „Wissenschaft im Einsatz“ ist ein Podcast des Disaster Competence Network Austria. Intro-Musik: "Rollin at 5" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Climate One

Climate One from The Commonwealth Club

We’re living through a climate emergency; addressing this crisis begins by talking about it. Co-Hosts Greg Dalton and Ariana Brocious bring you empowering conversations that connect all aspects of the challenge — the scary and the exciting, the individual and the systemic. Join us. Subscribe to Climate One on Patreon for access to ad-free episodes and the Climate One Discord server.


Randall Carlson

All the Randall you can handle

Storm Front Freaks

Storm Front Freaks | Weather | Chasing | Tornado

The Storm Front Freaks are a group of storm and weather enthusiasts from the amateur and professional weather community. The award winning Storm Front Freaks Podcast is a bi-weekly show featuring lively and entertaining weather discussion with exciting guests from the weather community. You can also join us at

Permaculture for the Future

Josh Robinson

The world is full of negative news and the planet is in crisis. This it can be downright disheartening and you feel that there is nothing that you can do. I am here to provide a different perspective. The Permaculture for the Future Podcast is about spreading positive and impactful stories, tips, and ways that each one of us can transition into a regenerative lifestyle. We talk about simple ways to make lifestyle changes and interview authors, teachers, and other folks that are collectively healing ourselves and the planet.If you want to make an ecological impact, stick around because this podcast is for you.

Minds Behind Maps

Maxime Lenormand

Maps Are Everywhere. These are conversations with those building them.

Bionic Planet: Reversing Climate Change by Restoring Nature

Steve Zwick

We've entered a new epoch: the Anthropocene, and nothing is as it was. Not the trees, not the seas – not the forests, farms, or fields – and not the global economy that depends on all of these. What does this mean for your investments, your family's future, and the future of man? Each week, we dive into these issues to help you Navigate the New Reality.


Big Brains Media LLC

The world's oldest and greatest weather podcast. Join weather geeks James Spann, Bill Murray, Kim Klockow-McClain, Dr. Neil Jacobs, Rick Smith, Aubrey Urbanowicz, Jen Narramore, and Troy Kimmel along with some of the most brilliant minds in the weather enterprise every week!

Inside Seaweed

Fed DeGobbi

This is the podcast where we talk about the incredible world of seaweed and how this growing industry is bringing innovation and solutions to address climate change and the environmental crisis. 


Shangwei, MInghao


Environment-Focused Learning Academy

Southwest Environmental Finance Center

Clean, safe water is vital to the health of all communities. It is important that citizens in these communities understand basic water issues, including quality, quantity, and links to public health. The Environment-Focused Learning Academy was created to present non-partisan, fact-based, educational information about water resources and related issues. EFLA is a resource to hear from your peers or experts in the field on many topics related to water, wastewater, and stormwater.

NOAA Ocean Podcast

National Ocean Service

From corals to coastal science, connect with NOAA experts in our podcast series that explores questions about the ocean environment.

Geo Podcast


Geo Project

Geothermal Energy


geothermal Energy

Cutting Carbon

GE Gas Power

Climate change is the dialogue of our future. With the “Cutting Carbon” podcast series, GE Gas Power joins the conversation in a meaningful way. We provide the basics of decarbonization, the technologies behind and how we can implement them into how we generate electricity in the future. Join our host Jeff Goldmeer, GE’s fuel guy, as we bring various guests and exciting perspectives together. Questions or ideas? Email us at

Things You Can't Live Without

Rio Tinto / Listen

Phones, cars, saucepans, reading glasses… These are everyday items that we often take for granted. But how did these items come about? What goes into creating them? How did they become so vital to us? And what is the impact of living with them, now and into the future?    Hosted by material scientist Dr. Anna Ploszajski, each episode welcomes a different guest, and a selection of experts and scientists, to discuss the truths about our reliance on the earth’s resources and to look at what needs to happen to create a sustainable future for the everyday items we have come to rely on.   Things You Can’t Live Without is brought to you by Rio Tinto. Available wherever you get your podcasts. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

OCEAN MINDS - with Boris Herrmann by GEO

Boris Herrmann und Marlene Göring

Vor einem Jahr brachte er Greta Thunberg über den Atlantik, jetzt segelt Boris Herrmann mit derselben Yacht um die Welt. Boris Herrmann ist der erste Deutsche, der an der Vendée Globe teilnimmt, einer legendären Regatta, bei der er alleine antritt und nonstop um den Globus segelt. Begleite Boris auf einem zehnwöchigen Abenteuer auf hoher See. Einmal in der Woche wird er live von Bord aus mit führenden Vordenkern des Klima- und Ozeansektors sprechen, darunter Aktivist*innen, Entdecker*innen, Wissenschaftler*innen und Politiker*innen. Die Betrachtung liegt hierbei auf dem Thema Ozean und Klimawandel aus verschiedenen Perspektiven. Er wird in diesem Podcast von Marlene Göring, GEO-Reporterin und Wissenschaftsjournalistin, begleitet, die sich vom Festland aus einschaltet.

Imagining Tomorrow

Emma Newman with Friends of the Earth

It’s hard to imagine a bright future in the face of the climate crisis. This new podcast, from Hugo Award winning podcaster and author Emma Newman,  will take you on a journey from despair to the most radiant, radical hope. Made in partnership with Friends of the Earth, Imagining Tomorrow shows how we can create a future that is good for people and for nature, based on innovations in technology and community action that are already having a positive impact. Join Emma as she pieces together the roadmap to utopia by interviewing amazing inventors, communities and award-winning science fiction authors. We can’t build a better future until we can imagine it, so let’s imagine it together.

Quirks and Quarks


CBC Radio's Quirks and Quarks covers the quirks of the expanding universe to the quarks within a single atom... and everything in between.


Sustainababble: comedy, nature, climate change.

Sustainababble: a weekly comedy podcast about the environment. Visit us at, on Twitter @thebabblewagon, or search for 'Sustainababble' on Facebook. Contact at

Een Betere Podcast

NPO Luister / EO

In Een Betere Podcast gaat Talitha Muusse op zoek naar hoop voor een duurzame wereld. In elke aflevering praat ze met een bekende denker of doener uit de wereld van duurzaamheid. Wat kan Talitha leren van hun ervaringen en hoe houden zij hoop houden op een betere wereld?

Dem Wasser auf den Grund gehen - ein Audiospecial zu Grundwasser

Bundesamt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR)

Unsichtbar, doch unverzichtbar: unser Grundwasser. Es schlummert in den Tiefen des Untergrunds. Dort kann es viele Jahre, Jahrzehnte oder sogar Jahrhunderte verweilen – bis es schließlich Quellen speist und so zu uns an die Oberfläche zurückkehrt. Grundwasser ist ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil unseres Wasserkreislaufes. Wir brauchen es als Trinkwasser, zur Bewässerung in der Landwirtschaft oder für die industrielle Nutzung. In anderen Worten: „Keine Zukunft ohne Grundwasser“. Genau das macht die Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) mit diesem Audiospecial deutlich. Grundwasser ist weltweit die Schlüsselressource für den Menschen – trotzdem gefährdet der Mensch die Grundwasserqualität. In Deutschland bereitet insbesondere das Düngemittel Nitrat aus der Landwirtschaft Sorgen. Gleichzeitig können die Grundwasserressourcen auch von Klimaveränderungen betroffen sein. Doch das ist nur die eine Seite der Medaille: Während die Ressource Grundwasser in manchen Regionen gefährdet ist, wird sie in anderen nur teilweise ausgeschöpft – und bietet dort großes sozioökonomisches Potenzial, beispielsweise in Subsahara-Afrika. Ein nachhaltiges und schonendes Ressourcenmanagement muss dabei unbedingt mitgedacht werden. Das Audiospecial der BGR geht dem Wasser auf den Grund! Die Expertinnen und Experten der BGR engagieren sich in Deutschland, aber auch weltweit, in den Bereichen Grundwassererkundung, Grundwasserschutz und Ressourcenmanagement. Sie beraten die Bundesregierung und sind in zahlreichen Projekten in den Partnerländern der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit im Einsatz. Weitere Informationen und Einblicke zu Grundwasserthemen in Deutschland und weltweit finden Sie auf der Kampagnen-Website

Antiberg PodKarst

Maximillian Dornseif

Berichte und Gedanken zu und aus der Höhlenforschung im deutschsprachigen Raum.

NOC Into the Blue Podcast

National Oceanography Centre

Into the Blue, produced by the National Oceanography Centre in the UK, aims to dive deep into subjects relating to our ocean and it's seas by speaking to experts from the world of oceanography all with the goal of helping the ocean and life within it flourish.

Geology Podcast Network


The Geology Podcast Network is a source for geology news, career highlights, and insights by experts in the field from around the world.

New Castle Going Green

New Castle Sustainability Advisory Board

It’s easy to get lost trying to keep track of all of New Castle’s new and exciting environmental ventures. Maxine Margo Rubin, Jordan Silver, and Alexa Troob, as well as Alicia Malloy behind the scenes, interview local experts as well as residents to bring you powerful information on all of the sustainable options and initiatives happening in New Castle today!

Rethink Talks

Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University

From pandemics to production supply chains: how do we make sense of the complex world we live in? Every month, we bring together the best thinkers and practitioners within resilience thinking and sustainability science, to discuss how we can achieve a sustainable planet that enables well-being for all. Rethink talks provides you with the latest science on global development. Subscribe to our podcast by searching for “Rethink Talks” on Spotify or any of the major podcast platforms. Read more: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Ogami Station


Ogami Station es el podcast de RatedPower que te acerca el futuro de la energía. Sirve de altavoz para difundir conocimiento; dar ideas a los jugadores del sector de las renovables en España y Latinoamérica para mejorar sus habilidades profesionales y sus negocios. Sintonízanos cada mes para encontrar entrevistas y charlas con expertos de la industria.

Rock the Mic

British Geological Survey

The Sustainability Agenda

Fergal Byrne

The Sustainability Agenda is a weekly podcast exploring today’s biggest sustainability questions. Leading sustainability thinkers offer their views on the biggest sustainability challenges, share the latest thinking, identify what’s working --and what needs to change -- and think about the future of sustainability.

It's Sedimentary, My Dear: A Geology Podcast

Ellen & Jane

Sao Paulo - Eine Megacity sitz auf dem Trockenen

Mert D

Hausaufgabe des s2er Geo LKs während der Corona-Auszeit

Bedrock: Earth's Earliest History

Dylan Wilmeth

This podcast starts at the beginning of Earth's prehistory and works forward through time. Bedrock will explore the first 90% of Earth’s past, a time known as the Precambrian Era. Before humans, before dinosaurs… there was the Precambrian. The Earth was an incredibly alien world, but not a dead one. Along the way, you will build a mental toolkit to see the world like a geologist. You will never look at a mountain, the moon, or pond scum in quite the same way again. Welcome to Bedrock. For transcripts, visuals, and references, check out

Brújula Sonora Podcast


Somos un podcast de entrevistas e historias de América Latina que busca entender conexiones entre ambiente, economía, clima y salud, analizar el panorama mundial y compartir soluciones innovadoras que nos muestren la ruta a otras posibilidades. Somos Brújula sonora Podcast, aguja magnética para tiempos de cambio. Una iniciativa de @TransformaGlob

Your Brain On Climate

Dave Powell

Psychology vs climate change: what we think, why we think it, and how it all adds up to a planet-sized emergency. Each episode host Dave Powell interviews experts in how our brains work - from PhDs in psychology to writers, activists and beyond. They'll talk about how their brains and our brains do (and don't) work, and how all of that might help make sense of the climate crisis - and possibly what to do about it.

Down To Earth: A podcast for Geoscientists by Geoscientist


Welcome to “Down to Earth”, a 30-minute podcast about innovative geoscience and the incredible people behind it. Each week, we host a different guest to talk about science, careers, and passions. From stories about meeting their idols, to investigating their science superpowers, and all the fascinating research and engineering projects in between, Down to Earth is sure to become your quick and compelling catch-up on the people and the work in geoscience. This podcast is presented by the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society.

Pinheads: The GeoGuessr Podcast

DouceRulz Media

If you were dropped in an secret location, somewhere in the world, would you be able to figure out where you are? Would you use what you already know about the landscape and surroundings, or would you freak out and pee yourself? We're gathering people from around the world and virutally dropping them in one place. Who will prove to be the best figuring out where they are and who will forever be lost in a map. Follow along as we find out who can Mission Impossible themselves back to whereever it is they call home and who ends up getting lost in their own neighborhood.


Luigi Gaudio

Age of Plastic

Andrea Fox

An environmental podcast with tips on how to live plastic free! Host Andrea Fox tackles big ethical issues with her knowledgeable guests, all in the hope of overcoming the climate change overwhelm and battling the single-use plastic guilt.

Climate Humans


Climate Humans lifts the lid on the reality of climate mobilization. Candid chats with the next generation of climate leaders on the actions they’re taking to drive change, and the personal impact this has on them. Join HERO’s Mauricio Porras to debunk why climate mobilizers are more than heroes; they're humans, just like you and me. HERO is the first subscription platform providing a stable income for climate mobilizers working on climate policy change. Subscribe today for just €6 a month at Support this podcast:

Small Planet Heroes


Do you worry about our world in crisis? Social inequity, polarization, shifting climates, and disappearing nature can feel like too much for any one person to take on. We’ve been there, and we found hope. On Small-Planet Heroes, we invite change-makers to share their stories of trial and triumph in trailblazing positive social change. By unpacking the lessons learned and tying them together across episodes, we hope to find the keys to a future we all wish to see. You’re a part of the solution. Tune in to find out how!

Клуб знаменитых путешественников

Радио «Комсомольская правда»

«Клуб знаменитых путешественников» - совместная программа «Комсомольской правды» и Русского географического общества, которая рассказывает об удивительных уголках нашей Родины и еще более удивительных людях, которые их исследуют.

Climate Curious


Are you Climate Curious? If you care about the world, but find the current conversation about climate change confusing, scary or boring – then this might be the podcast for you. Join TEDxLondon and co-hosts Maryam Pasha and Ben Hurst as we lift the lid on the climate emergency by speaking to the world’s leading and most relatable climate pioneers. Find out why cities are key to the climate fight, why we need to tackle systemic problems (and not just plastic straws), and why we’re all a bit crap at sustainability.

Brazil, Reimagined?

Nadine Vermeulen

A podcast about Brazil’s changing territorial, environmental, and agricultural policies. With the voices of those who are working to reconstruct, reimagine; and redivide. From urban to rural. In the Amazon and beyond.

We Are Carbon

Helen Fisher

We Are Carbon is the interview show that helps us to recognise that the future of both our planet and our societies can be incredibly beautiful - and that we all play a role in getting there! Hosted by Helen Fisher with guests joining from across the globe. There's a new episode every other Tuesday, and they'll average 1 hr long. We see endless headlines warning us of the horrific impact that we're having on the climate and how dire the outlook is, but we're going to re-frame this crisis and start putting the solutions into our own hands. I'm inviting in voices from science, agriculture, business and more, to help us gain an understanding of how we might live in greater harmony with the world around us. How we can build a society where our everyday choices have a positive impact on regenerating and stabilising the planet that we depend upon. Because when the planet and nature are thriving; that's when we can thrive! That's when we can live in a world less focused on fear and restrictions. I don't think that real solutions are ever found until we zoom out, see the full picture and recognise how it all connects together. We can't view climate change as an isolated issue. Our health, our food security, stability of economies and the way we interact with one another, they're are all tied in. The topics can seem expansive, so we're using carbon as a focus. We're exploring some important, and at times complex subjects here. But the whole point is to make this info accessible and transparent to us all. So let me know if there's ever anything that you'd like breaking down or exploring further. Or if there's related topics that you feel should be discussed. Reach out and let's keep this project expanding! And if you're a visual learner, look out for the animations! I'm creating short digestible videos to illustrate some of the key concepts that we're exploring. Find them at Follow on Instagram Let's keep figuring this all out together!

Deep Convection

Deep Convection

Deep Convection is a podcast featuring real conversations between climate scientists (or sometimes those working in areas adjacent to climate science). The goal is to capture what it is like to work in our field at this moment in history. We talk about our lives, how we came to do what we do, what the work means to us, and how that is changing, or isn’t – and sometimes about science. Our top priority is to capture good conversations, but if some learning happens that’s fine too.

The Lentil Intervention Podcast

Ben and Emma

The climate and health crises are two of the most pressing issues of our time. Change needs to occur, and sooner rather than later.  Join your hosts, Ben Eitelberg and Emma Strutt, for conversations about people and planet. Find more details at

Geografia em Meia Hora

Educação em Meia Hora

Geografia em Meia Hora é um podcast educativo feito pelo professor Vitor Augusto. O objetivo é ser a porta de entrada para os amantes e os futuro-amantes da Geografia, Atualidades e Ciências da Terra em geral.

Cities 1.5

University of Toronto Press

Cities 1.5 is a podcast featuring progressive policy conversations with urban leaders taking action to limit global heating to 1.5 degrees. Hosted by David Miller and developed by University of Toronto Press, this podcast serves as a platform to discuss the most pressing policy and underlying economic issues facing cities in their effort to lead on transformational climate action. The podcast is an extension of the Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy (, which publishes timely, evidence-based research that contributes to the urban climate agenda and supports governmental policy towards an equitable and resilient world. Join Editor-in-Chief and host David Miller as he speaks with mayors, city policymakers, economists, youth leaders, and scholars, among others, who are implementing and fighting for ambitious, near-term climate action.


Sans Nom

Global climate change can be stopped, or can it?

Bright Lit Place


When the U.S. government and state of Florida unveiled a new plan to save the Everglades in 2000, the sprawling blueprint to restore the wetlands became the largest hydrological restoration effort in the nation's history. Two decades later, only one project is complete, and the Everglades is still dying. Bright Lit Place heads into the swamp to meet its first inhabitants, the scientists who study it and the warring sides struggling to find a way out of the muck.

地球演化史 / 地质科普



Natural Hazards

Natural Hazards

Anagha examines a natural hazard by discussing the hazard itself, the elements and/or communities exposed to the hazard, and their vulnerability to the hazard.

The Nick Zentner Geology Podcast

Nick Zentner

Geologic stories from the Pacific Northwest.

The SciManDan Podcast


Witness science and conspiracy collide!

In Deep

American Public Media

In Deep is a podcast about water, climate and environment from The Water Main at American Public Media. In Season 1, we tackled the strangely fascinating yet troubling world of clean water -- from tap to toilet. Season 2 shines a light on environmental equity with a rich journalistic portrait of a working-class city and its residents at a perilous moment in our planet's existence.

Mama Earth Talk

Mariska Nell

Welcome to Mama Earth Talk. I am your host Mariska Nell. I am so grateful to have you here. If you are new to sustainability, already on the journey or just curious to learn more about the topic, then you are in the right spot. Mama Earth Talk is a podcast that takes a deep dive into the three pillars of sustainability (environmental, social and economic). Since its inception, it quickly grew into a forum that showcases the amazing hope through the incredible contribution many around the world are making to a more sustainable life and society. There are over a 140 episodes to learn from, with many amazing and inspiring guests like Her Deepness, Dr Sylvia Earle, Zero Waste Queen, Bea Johnson, activist and humanitarian Rob Greenfield, Chief Heart officer for Gary Vaynerchuck, Claude Silver, Climate optimist Kathryn Kellogg, zero waste chef Max La Manna and many more.

Weird & Dead


A podcast about evolution's most embarrassing and bizarre stories as told by two very gossipy paleontologists. Amy and Meaghan happily dish the details on everything from fossilized dinosaur butts to the secret drama behind naming new species. Time for the hottest tea from prehistory!

Gneiss Chats


Do you enjoy learning new things in all fields of geosciences? Do you have a soft spot for shenanigans? Then this podcast is just for you! In this podcast, Dr B. interviews interesting geologists with interesting stories.


Anouk B

Unterhaltung zum Thema Plastikmüll an Schulen

Challenging Climate

Jesse Reynolds and Pete Irvine

Asking tough questions about the science, technology, and politics of climate change, two climate researchers challenge leading experts on one of the defining issues of our age. Every two weeks, they explore how we can fight global warming by cutting greenhouse gas emissions, carbon removal, adaptation and solar geoengineering. Dr. Jesse Reynolds and Dr. Pete Irvine consider the roles of computer models and persuasive narratives, economics and public policy, and renewable energy and national security in the climate debate, and look beyond to issues such as biotechnology and international development. Support us at Patreon. Questions or comments? Email or tweet @ChalClimate See more information on Jesse Reynolds and Pete Irvine. Subscribe for email updates. music by Peter Danilchuk @clambgramb (IG/Twitter).


Indra Shekhar Singh, The Greenhorns

Tune in to EARTHLIFE, a podcast from Greenhorns about landscape restoration and ecological exploration. We talk with people doing the work, and interpreting the potential of their landscapes. Let’s make a foray together.

Ой, не туда!

Да будет talk!

Привет, я Настя! Я учусь жить в гармонии с природой и большим городом. В этом подкасте вместе с экспертами и экоактивистами мы узнаем, как подарить вторую жизнь мусору, разберёмся в тонкостях сортировочного искусства и обзаведёмся полезными для планеты привычками.



「地球真好玩」是一档由日谈公园品牌播客厂牌——日有万机和吉尼斯世界纪录共同出品的播客节目。 来自「黑猫侦探社」主播咪仔、「日知录」主播柯紫、「人间布洛芬」主播小T,集结成最勇敢、奇怪的“地球小队”,带你一起探索地球上最奇趣的事与最传奇的人。 我们对一切事物保持好奇,热衷于在单调日常中挖掘独特体验,在多元视角中感受奇妙共鸣。欢迎大家在每周四加入我们的地球探索之旅!

The Geography of Everything

Ronni Ravid & Zenne Hellinga

Welcome to the geography of everything, the podcast where we try to figure out the geography of, well, everything. Stephen Hawking spent his life trying to come up with one equation that could describe everything in the universe. But geography, well, doesn’t really work like that. Because, in its simplest form, geography advocates for the connectivity of everything. It believes that there are a million different versions, realities, and perspectives on any phenomenon, depending on how you look at it, and from where. And more than anything, geography believes that nothing exists in a vacuum, but instead, that our world is comprised of countless chain reactions, interactions, and connections that weave together the fabric of our world. From sea turtle migration to technological innovation, pandemics to veganism, geography is everywhere, and the connections are limitless.  Each episode of this podcast will cover a different phenomenon from big to small, silly to scary, humanities to biology, with the hope of discovering the geographies of it all. Follow us on Twitter @geoofeverything and LinkedIn and feel free to contact us for any suggestions or questions via This podcast is recorded at and made possible by Utrecht University. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Greening Defence

Royal United Services Institute

The Greening Defence podcast investigates the ways in which the UK defence sector is working to respond to the challenges and evolving security risks from the effects of climate change. In collaboration with our partners at the Conflict and Environment Observatory, this RUSI podcast brings together key figures from across defence, industry and academia to discuss how the various military sectors are approaching the issue, how policy is evolving, whether technology might hold the answer, and what cultural changes are required to ensure success. While some changes will be dramatic, others will be about streamlining and improving business-as-usual to ensure our forces are prepared for every eventuality and to ensure that they are able to operate on a sustainable footing into the future. Greening Defence seeks to cut through the buzz words and rhetoric around climate change to have a meaningful, constructive conversation about the difficulties faced, but also the amazing potential for UK Defence on a global scale. The views or statements expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. Views and opinions expressed by RUSI employees are those of the employees and do not necessarily reflect the view of RUSI.

الحياد الصفري 0 2050

صفر 2050

برنامج يهتم بتحقيق السلطنة الحياد الصفري ورؤية السلطنة لتخفيف الإنبعاثات الكربونية وفق رؤية عمان 2050 ورؤية السلطنة تجاه البيئة والإستدامة وتحقيق إلتزامات الأمم المتحدة نحو كوكب الأرض .

Pals in Palaeo

Adele Pentland

Join PhD student and Palaeontologist Adele Pentland, and explore the Form, Function and Family Groupings of Fossils from across geologic time

Hora Verde

José David Millán

Medio ambiente, sostenibilidad y energías renovables. Menos de una hora de entrevistas. El resto, reflexión personal.

Białkowski Interia zielona


Podcast skupia się na tematach dotyczących polityki klimatycznej w Polsce i na świecie. Prezentuje technologie, ciekawostki ze świata przyrody i porady, jak żyć w zgodzie z naturą.



A podcast for solving galactical mysteries.

Геодезия и Отвага!

Elena Zhuravleva

Подробный рассказ о Французской Геодезической Миссии в Перу. Как ученые доказали, что Земля - сплюснутый эллипсоид, а не просто шар. Эпоха Просвещения, экватор. Восемь лет измерений, безденежья и опасностей: лихорадка, индейцы, убийства. Короче говоря, обычная работа астрономов.

What About Water? with Jay Famiglietti

Jay Famiglietti

"What About Water? with Jay Famiglietti" connects water science with the stories that bring about solutions, adaptation, and action for the world's water realities. Presented by Arizona State University and the University of Saskatchewan, and hosted by ASU Professor and USask Professor Emeritus Jay Famiglietti.


Ckyler Rodriguez


Backyard Geology


Like it or not, geology is everywhere. Whether it be deep on the ocean floor, high in the Andes, or in your backyard. As field geologists, we often pine for expeditions in remote places and foreign countries. But there is often amazing geology right in our backyards. Don’t let the Kentucky Bluegrass and your mother’s geraniums fool you. There is exciting geology even in your backyard. In this podcast we explore the amazing discoveries and geologic events that happened right in someone’s backyard.


Jen Gale

If you feel like you're drowning in plastic and need to use a small child to jump up and down on top of your black bin each fortnight to get the lid to shut, or you want to save the planet but you're exhausted at the very idea, then this is the podcast for you! Sustianable(ish) isn't about austerity, or deprivation, or needing to live off grid in a yurt (although if that's your bag you're also very welcome!) - it's about you, and me, and the power of our actions. The small tweaks we can make, the baby steps, and how they add up to change the world.

Polar Podcasts

Julie Hollis

In Polar Podcasts, you'll hear stories from geologists who've spent their careers - their lives - exploring and studying the remarkable and remote geology of Greenland. Why did they become fascinated with Greenland? What were the problems and the discoveries that drove them? And what was it like working in these remote places, where few people venture - even now?

Discovery to Recovery

Society of Economic Geologists

A podcast produced by the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG), bringing you geoscience and technology stories from the world of ore deposits. Season 3 sponsored by ALS Goldspot Discoveries.