
Ralf Schmitz, Early Studios

Ralf Schmitz’ Podcast ist Spontanorama! Hier ist alles möglich, denn kein Gast ist vorherbestimmt – Ralf Schmitz weiß nie, wer als Nächstes durch die Tür tritt. Während er im Studio ungeduldig wartet, läuft draußen ein Teammitglied durch die Straßen, auf der Suche nach wildfremden Passantinnen und Passanten, die jetzt in diesem Moment bereit sind, alles stehen und liegen zu lassen, um spontan mit Ralf zu quatschen. Jede Folge ist eine neue Überraschung, mit einer Mischung aus Lachen, tiefgründigen Momenten und unerwarteten Geschichten aus Ralfs Leben und denen seiner Gäste.

Hazel Thomas Hörerlebnis

Hazel Brugger & Thomas Spitzer

Hazel Brugger und Thomas Spitzer haben einen brandneuen Podcast! Die beiden Comedians sind zwar ein Paar, reden aber trotzdem noch gerne miteinander. Nach ihrem erfolgreichen Ehe-Podcast „Nur verheiratet“ und zwei Jahren Pandemie, nehmen die beiden uns im „Hazel Thomas Hörerlebnis“ mit auf Abenteuer in der Unterhaltungsindustrie und im Privaten. Mal mit, mal ohne Gast, aber immer ehrlich, vorwärtsgewandt und ohne sich selbst dabei zu ernst zu nehmen. Immer montags, überall, wo es Podcasts gibt. Du möchtest mehr über unsere Werbepartner erfahren? Hier findest du alle Infos & Rabatte: https://linktr.ee/hoererlebnis

Die Drei Rabauken

Benx, AwesomeElina & Ebru

Begleitet uns bei diesem neuen Podcast-Abenteuer! Dies ist der Beginn einer Rundfahrt durch unser Leben, wo ihr uns mal von einer anderen Seite erleben könnt.Der Podcast von und mit den 3 Rabauken Benx, Elina und Ebru. Ab sofort überall, wo es Podcasts gibt und auf YouTube bei "Die Drei Rabauken".

08/17 – mit Chris Tall und Özcan Cosar

RTL+ / Audio Alliance

In ihrem Podcast sprechen die Comedians Chris Tall und Özcan Cosar über alles was sie bewegt: Ihren Werdegang, lustige Anekdoten, die Comedy-Branche und ihr Privatleben. Dabei geben sie den ZuhörerInnen kleine Einblicke in das Leben eines Comedians und wie sich ihr Leben hinter der Bühne abspielt. Das ist kein normaler 08/15 Podcast, sondern mit zwei der beliebtesten Comedians Deutschlands - ein 08/17 Podcast! Die neueste Folge gibt es immer schon vier Wochen früher kostenlos auf RTL+ Musik! ++++ Eine Produktion der Audio Alliance. Redaktion und Schnitt: Inken Wriedt Audio-Produktion: Wei Quan Executive Producer: Andrea Zuska, Christian Schalt +++ https://linktr.ee/0817podcast +++ https://www.rtl.de/cms/service/footer-navigation/impressum.html

nicht witzig - Humor ist, wenn die anderen lachen.

SWR, Manuel Stark

Der Journalist Manuel Stark ist Autist. Mit Comedy und Humor hat er ein echtes Problem. Die feinen Linien zur Ironie oder zum Sarkasmus stellen ihn vor eine echte Herausforderung. Mit Humor kann Manuel Stark daher nicht viel anfangen, weil er ihn meistens einfach nicht versteht. Das wollte er ändern – und hat sich die witzigsten Menschen des Landes eingeladen: Comedians.  In „nicht witzig“ spricht der Autist mit den Fachleuten für den feinen und auch groben Humor darüber, was eigentlich witzig ist, warum Menschen lachen, und was Comedy kann. Für die Comedians ist das eine besondere Herausforderung: wie sollen sie mit einem Menschen umgehen, der über die Witze einfach nicht lachen muss, weil er sie eben nicht versteht? In den Gesprächen mit Manuel Stark zeigt sich, dass die auf der Bühne witzigen Menschen durch Humor unter anderem ihre Lebenserfahrungen verarbeiten können, tiefgründige und interessante Gespräche führen, und dass Lachen heilsam und befreiend sein kann. „nicht witzig - Humor ist, wenn die anderen lachen.“ ist ein Podcast der Stuttgarter Rosenau und des SWR. Wir sind nominiert für den Deutschen Podcast Preis in der Kategorie Publikumspreis "Beste:r Newcomer:in". Noch bis 20. Mai 2024 für "nicht witzig" abstimmen unter www.deutscher-podcastpreis.de/podcasts/nicht-witzig-humor-ist-wenn-die-anderen-lachen

NotAufnahme – die lustigsten Patientengeschichten

Ralf Podszus

Hier geht es nicht um Gesundheits-Tipps, auch gibt es keine Genesungs-Ratschläge vom Onkel Doktor: hier ist Lachen die beste Medizin. Ärzte erleben jeden Tag lustige Geschichten mit ihren Patienten und in diesem Podcast werden sie erzählt. Achtung: „Lachen bis der Arzt kommt“ ist nicht möglich – er ist ja schon da… Impressum: https://schlenker-pr.de/impressum/

Henke's Corner

funk – von ARD und ZDF

Gastgeber Henke ist davon überzeugt, dass die ehrlichsten und fesselndsten Gespräche in seinen gemütlichen Campingstühlen stattfinden. Hier lädt er bekannte Persönlichkeiten aus der breiten Welt der Popkultur und der Content-Creator-Szene dazu ein, ihre faszinierenden Geschichten zu erzählen. Henke's Corner wird produziert von funk. funk ist ein Gemeinschaftsangebot der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (ARD) und des Zweiten Deutschen Fernsehens (ZDF). https://go.funk.net/impressum

Duo Deluxe - Der Podcast mit Olaf Schubert und Stephan Ludwig

Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk

Schubert erklärt – Ludwig hakt nach

1 auf die Ohren

Knossi, Podstars by OMR

Wenn Knossi den Podcast-Ring betritt, ist »1 auf die Ohren« mehr als bloß eine Redewendung. Im Talk mit seinen Gäst*innen geht’s noch freundschaftlich zu – bis Quizmaster Chris den Alarm auslöst. Dann heißt es: Competition! In drei Podcast-Games dreht sich alles um Ruhm, Ehre, Mitraten, Schreien, Lachen. Wer gewinnt für die Community? Wer verliert und wird bestraft?  Das Besondere: Ihr als Hörer*innen könnt (und müsst) die Show mitgestalten. Schickt Fragen ein, gebt Antworten als Joker im entscheidenden Spiel – und seid vor allem nicht überrascht, wenn plötzlich Knossi höchstpersönlich am Telefon um eure Hilfe fleht. 💬 Montag: Eine neue Folge »Der Talk« 🥊 Dienstag: Eine neue Folge »Das Duell« 👑 Immer: Die interaktivste Podcast-Show mit Knossi! Folgt uns auf Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/1aufdieohren/) und werdet bei Fanblast (https://app.fanblast.com/podstars) Teil von »1 auf die Ohren«! Produziert von Podstars by OMR.

Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster


Comedians Ed Gamble and James Acaster invite special guests into their magical restaurant to each choose their favourite starter, main course, side dish, dessert and drink. Ever wanted to eat your dream meal? It's time to order Off Menu. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Consi Calling – Abgehoben und aufgelegt

SWR3, Constantin Zöller

Warum gibts im Tiefkühlfach eigentlich kein Licht? Woher weiß ich, dass mir langweilig ist? Und wann ist man eigentlich „aus dem Gröbsten raus“? Moderator Constantin Zöller nimmt sich in seinem Podcast „Consi Calling“ genau dieser Fragen an. Seine Mission: den Fragen auf den Grund zu gehen, die seiner Community so in den Sinn kommen – sei es während langer Zugfahrten, im Wartezimmer oder einfach spontan auf dem Klo. Hierzu bittet er Menschen um Rat, die es – im besten Fall – besser wissen als er. Entgegen der grassierenden Telefon-Phobie setzt sich Consi nämlich gezielt an den Telefonhörer und klingelt sich durch die Weltgeschichte. Je nachdem, was ihm zu einer bestimmten Frage einfällt, bittet Consi mal Experten und Expertinnen um Rat, mal Dilettanten und Diletabtinnen oder sogar gänzlich unpassende Personen. Heraus kommen komplexe, lehrreiche und urkomische Gespräche. Jeden Dienstag in der ARD Audiothek, auf SWR3.de und überall, wo es Podcasts gibt! „Consi Calling“ ist ein Podcast von SWR3, produziert von Early Studios. Fragen für den Podcast könnt ihr Consi auf Instagram in die DM’s senden: https://www.instagram.com/consi_quent/

Neues vom Känguru reloaded

Fritz (rbb)

Marc-Uwe Kling wohnt mit einem Känguru zusammen. Das Känguru ist ein Schnorrer vor dem Herrn und erzählt gern von den Vorzügen des Kommunismus. Auf die USA ist er dagegen nicht gut zu sprechen - dafür auf Schnapspralinen und Nirvana. Die Band nicht das Jenseits.

Aethervox Ehrenfeld

Christian Schneider

Dieses gottverdammte Piratenschiff von einem Podcast ist alles, was du brauchst. The final red pill. Es gibt nur uns.

Retirement House

Flighthouse Media

The Retirement House Podcast is hosted by a group of six senior citizens that have become a viral sensation across social media. The group is made of working actors that never gave up on their dreams and became breakout stars in their 70s and 80s - through TikTok nonetheless. They’ve become a group of best friends full of life, laughs, and roasts. This is not an ordinary podcast, and this is not an ordinary group of seniors!


Big Money Players Network and iHeartPodcasts

StraightioLab is an intellectual podcast where smart comedians George Civeris and Sam Taggart unpack the rich, multi-colored tapestry of straight culture. In each episode, George and Sam are joined by a guest to hold a MIRROR to society and finally get to the BOTTOM of mysterious and perverse topics such as college fraternities, gender reveal parties, the military, themed restaurants, and the concept of "the holidays." Scared? Good.

Family Trips with the Meyers Brothers

Seth Meyers and Josh Meyers

Lifelong brothers, Seth Meyers and Josh Meyers ask guests to relive childhood memories, unforgettable family trips, and other disasters! New Episodes of Family Trips with the Meyers Brothers are available every Tuesday.

The Bald and the Beautiful with Trixie and Katya


The Bald and the Beautiful with Trixie and Katya features a pair of grizzled gay ghouls sitting on chairs, holding microphones, and discussing their fabulous lives in Tinseltown. (featuring occasional forays into movies, television shows, and air-conditioning) The New York Times called them models, moguls, actors, influencers, drag queens, RuPaul's Drag Race contestants, and even humanoids. If one thing can be said about these two preternaturally gorgeous queens' podcast, it's that Trixie and Katya find the sheer, unadulterated beauty of pure insanity. Tune in every week to experience the auditory pleasure that is The Bald and the Beautiful with Trixie and Katya. Subscribe to the ad-free version: https://thebaldandthebeautiful.supercast.com/ For advertising opportunities please email PodcastPartnerships@Studio71us.com   We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4  Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy

The Late Show Pod Show with Stephen Colbert


The #1 show in late night delivered straight to your ears, every day. Keep up with all the whip-smart writing, hilarious monologues, and revealing conversations with celebrity guests, only on The Late Show Pod Show with Stephen Colbert. Late Show Pod Show listeners can use discount code "TLS20” for 20% off all The Late Show with Stephen Colbert products on ParamountShop.com. Watch The Late Show with Stephen Colbert weeknights at 11:35/10:35c on CBS or stream it on Paramount+.

Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade


Every Wednesday, longtime pals David Spade and Dana Carvey take you behind the curtain of showbiz as they hang out and chat with friends (old and new) from all corners of the entertainment world. Be a “Fly on the Wall” as the guys and their guests share stories, tell jokes, do characters and talk SNL lore – there’s a little something for everyone. On Fridays, join Dana and David for Superfly, this time with or WITHOUT guests, to riff on current events, pop culture, trending clips, and audience submissions. Kick back, relax, and enjoy the comedy, absurdity, and impressions from your favorite duo. Full video episodes of Superfly are available on YouTube. Fly on the Wall and Superfly with Dana Carvey and David Spade are presented by Audacy.

Sibling Rivalry

Sibling Rivalry & Studio71

Monét X Change, Miss Congeniality of RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 10 and winner of AS4 and Bob The Drag Queen, winner of Season 8 (she won the first time) are not actually siblings but they are the intensely hilarious comedy duo with infectious chemistry behind the hit podcast Sibling Rivalry. For advertising opportunities please email PodcastPartnerships@Studio71us.com    Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4 

百靈果 News

Bailingguo News

Kylie跟Ken 用雙語的對話包裝知識,用輕鬆的口吻胡說八道。我們閒聊也談正經事,讓生硬的國際大事變得鬆軟好入口;歡迎你加入這外表看似嘴砲,內容卻異於常人的有料聊天 Bailingguo News。

Die Töpperwiener - Extrascharf

Die Töpperwiener- Extrascharf by Chris & Nici Töpperwien

Die Töpperwiener - Extrascharf. Immer Montags! Currywurstmann Chris Töpperwien und Ehefrau Nicole erzählen von Aus-und Rückwanderung in die US Metropole Los Angeles und geben ihren Senf zu den Themen der Woche. Es erwartet euch extrascharfe Unterhaltung aus LA.

Radio Niederkaltenkirchen – Der Eberhofer-Podcast

Christian Tramitz und Florian Wagner mit Rita Falk

Christian Tramitz und Florian Wagner nehmen in der Sendezentrale von Radio Niederkaltenkirchen das ganze Franz-Eberhofer-Universum unter die Lupe. Dabei haben die beiden eine Mordsgaudi, frotzeln um die Wette und versprühen jede Menge bayerischen Charme. In ihrer Radioshow versammeln sie jeden Donnerstag die Crème de la Crème des Eberhofer-Kosmos, das Team der Kinofilme, echte Polizisten, die Oma und natürlich die Mutter der Provinzkrimis selbst: Rita Falk. In verschiedenen Rubriken, Ratespielen und Telefonstreichen geben sie ungewohnte Einblicke hinter die Kulissen von Rita Falks Geschichten, die in Buch, Hörbuch und im Kino die Herzen der Fans erobern... immer getreu dem Motto »Scheiß da nix, dann feid da nix.« Wir freuen uns über Feedback und Fragen an: post@radioniederkaltenkirchen.de Der 11. Eberhofer-Krimi: Ab dem 17.09. erhältlich! »Rehragout-Rendezvous« als Hörbuch: https://bit.ly/2VhQ1wC »Rehragout-Rendezvous« als Buch: https://bit.ly/3zOEZhD    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


JamPot Productions

This is Wednesdays where best friends Melissa and Sophie answer your dilemmas. Join us for a girly chat every week! x Follow us on socials @wednesdayspodcast Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The Shane Dawson Podcast

Shane Dawson

Join YouTuber Shane Dawson and a few of his close friends for an hour of unfiltered conversation. Each episode features brutally honest stories from Shane and his co-hosts personal lives as well as the occasional celebrity guest! Reoccurring segments such as “New Fears UNLOCKED” and “Conspiracy Corner” will satisfy your horror craving while others like “Embarrass Me” will bring you the laughs! So press play to hang out with your new friends, and then press pause when you need a break from us. It’s okay, we understand. We’re a lot.

Just Trish

Trisha Paytas

One thing about Trisha Paytas, she’s going to speak her mind. The viral megastar has made a career out of unabashedly spilling her heart out to millions of viewers. While she’s been both praised and canceled for it, Trisha has never been afraid of stirring the pot.  Now, the meme queen is taking back the mic and truly telling it how she sees it–from the latest Internet drama to the hottest celebrity gossip. In this weekly podcast, Trisha gives her hilariously unfiltered take on the biggest headlines and trends currently taking social media by storm. Alongside her friend and co-host–Emmy-award winning entertainment news journalist Oscar Gracey–she provides her brutally honest, and sometimes highly controversial commentary on pop culture. It’s not personal, it’s ‘Just Trish’.  Subscribe to ‘Just Trish’ on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@justtrishpodcast

Therapy Gecko

Lyle Drescher

An unlicensed lizard psychologist travels the universe talking to strangers about absolutely nothing. TO CALL THE GECKO: follow me on https://www.twitch.tv/lyleforever to get a notification for when I am taking calls. I am usually live Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays but lately a lot of other times too. I am a gecko.

Emergency Intercom

Enya Umanzor & Drew Phillips

Emergency Intercom is a comedy podcast by Enya Umanzor and Drew Phillips. There is no emergency, but there is an intense need for attention, so maybe listen up… You don’t want to know what happens if you don’t. (we will be violent)

Ladies first

Franziska Wanninger und Claudia Pichler

Die beiden Münchner Kabarettistinnen Franziska Wanninger und Claudia Pichler stellen großartige Frauen aus Kabarett und Comedy vor. Mit u.a. Claudia "Schnipsi" Schlenger, Lisa Fitz, Kristina Kruttke, Daphne de Luxe, Nora Boeckler, Luise Kinseher, Martina Schwarzmann, Nadja Maleh, Caroline Athanasiadis, Aida Loos, Constanze Lindner, Anny Hartmann, Sarah Hakenberg, Dagmar Schönleber, Lisa Catena, Verena Richter, Vera Deckers, NaDu.                 

Your Mom's House with Christina P. and Tom Segura

YMH Studios

Christina Pazsitzky and Tom Segura are comedians who are also married. They are the Mommies and they welcome you to join them. Dental updates! Dudes! Stories! Wiping!

Zane and Heath: Unfiltered

Zane & Heath

Zane and Heath: Unfiltered is a weekly podcast from YouTube sensations; Zane Hijazi and Heath Hussar, two uneducated Florida boys with strong opinions and nothing to back it. Join them for some raw, uncut, and unfiltered behind the scenes content as they discuss all that transpires in their group's crazy lives when the cameras stop rolling. Be sure to grab your coffee and tune in every Monday morning because your start to the week just got a whole lot better! And by better, we mean worse.

Bayern Absolut

Mane Thaler, Sigi Faber

Unterhaltungen auf Bayerisch. Nix Ernstes. Manchmal lustig, manchmal a ned.

Joy, a Podcast. Hosted by Craig Ferguson


Storied late-night talk host Craig Ferguson brings his interview talents and singular world view to a discussion of the modern state of JOY, sitting down with notable guests from the worlds of entertainment, science, government, and more. How's our Joy doing? Bridled? On life support? Where do we find joy in a world that seems by any rational measure to be collapsing around us?

Don't Ask Tig

American Public Media

Need advice? Comedian Tig Notaro doesn’t have all the answers, but that won't stop her from fielding your questions on life's many challenges. With the help of her friends and the occasional expert, Tig gives her best inexpert guidance on everything from lost love to giving yourself a haircut with toddler scissors. We're warning you now: Don't Ask Tig.



欢迎收听由「惊讶喜剧」出品的「正经叭叭」。我们的单口喜剧(脱口秀)演员们,每期会在录制现场和观众朋友们一起聊一些有趣的、日常的话题,希望可以给大家带来一点点快乐,发现生活的更多美好。 加听友群参与录制,添加V信号:musicandcomedy 商务合作请发邮件至88@wowcomedy.club

Stavvy's World

Stavros Halkias

A podcast where you can hang out with your pal Stav Every week Stavros Halkias and his friends will help you solve all your problems. Wanna be a part of the show? Call 904-800-STAV, leave a voicemail and get some advice!



این کانال جدید و رسمی هاگیرواگیر است.هاگیرواگیر گفتگوی خودمانی و غیررسمی سه دوست است که هریک نظرات و افکار متفاوتی دارند. از هر دری سخنی می‌گویند و می‌خندند و موزیک گوش می‌دهند و زمان سپری می‌کنند. گاه حرف‌هایی مهم و جدی می‌زنند گاه مخالفت‌هایشان با هم تا سرحد سکوت و قهر کردن می‌رسد گاه همنظر و همدل می‌شوند ولی در هرحال یاد گرفته‌اند صبور باشند و مدارا کنند و حرف دیگری را بشنوند.شمای شنونده هم نفر چهارم این جمع هستید. این سه نفراز نخستین روزهای عالمگیری کرونا و قرنطینه‌شان در ایام نوروز پادکست را شروع کرده‌

Mr. Pick Me & The Manhater

The Speech Prof

Hosted by Chesko (Mr. Pick Me) and Regan (The Manhater). Join us as we laugh (so as not to cry) at some of the most toxic aspects of dating and relationship advice on social media.Follow The Manhater: Regan (F the Nice Guy): TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@ftheniceguyPodcast: https://ftheniceguypodcast.podbean.com/Follow Mr. Pick Me: Chesko (The Speech Prof):TikTok: http://www.TikTok.com/@speechprofInstagram: https://www.Instagram.com/thespeechprofFacebook: https://www.Facebook.com/thespeechprofYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@therealspeechprofTheme song by Odanis the Rapper: https://www.instagram.com/odanistherapper

The Fellas

The Fellas Studios

New episodes available to watch & listen EVERY Tuesday.Join Calfreezy and Chip on The Fellas, broadcasted straight from the iconic 1990's basement set. Dive deep into their world as we recount hilarious life experiences, often delving into TMI territory about our private lives. Nothing is off the table, we promise a rollercoaster of emotions, laughter, and raw, unfiltered conversations.If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwiththfellas@fellasstudios.comOur links: https://linktr.ee/thefellaspod Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald

Heather McDonald & Studio71

When Heather isn't headlining theaters across the country as a top stand-up comedian or being the perfect wife and mother of three, she is diving into juicy pop culture. From all things Hollywood, celebrity romances, Bravo TV to her real-life drama, Heather tackles the juiciest and most controversial topics. She will not hold back on her opinion on anything or anyone. While talking to guests ranging anywhere from actors to comics to reality stars, Heather asks the juiciest questions you always want to be answered. For advertising opportunities please email PodcastPartnerships@Studio71us.com    We want to make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4   Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy   

Life is Short with Justin Long


Is it just me or is time flying by? How do we make the most out of our short time here on Earth? That’s what we’re here to find out. I’m Justin Long and I’ve been an actor for most of my life, so I’m used to getting inside the heads of the characters I play. But now that I’m getting older (I’m in my forties, yikes), I want to peek inside the heads of real people to learn how they find meaning in life. I’m also very curious what their favorite snack food is, and what emoji they use most often — ya know, the REALLY important stuff. Every episode I’ll get personal with all kinds of people, from actors to musicians to deep thinkers who fascinate me. My brother Christian is on hand each episode to keep me honest, and occasionally remind me about some of the embarrassing things I’ve done over the years. Join us, or if you have more important things to do, that’s okay too — life is short! Listen ad-free on Wondery+ or on Amazon Music with a Prime membership or Amazon Music Unlimited subscription.



一位名為沈的阿姨,與她的好友們一起八婆的節目,本節目由30%的沈豚活潑、30%的沈嬤玩意兒、30%的沈秘嘉賓與10%的不定期特別企劃構成一百趴沈,每週四更新,各單元隨機登場。 沈豚活潑每集將由沈豚兩人提出一個無聊的問題,互相閒聊討論自己或別人的私生小故事,並在最後做出沒什麼意義的結論。 沈嬤玩意兒每集將由沈開箱一件無法用YouTube影片開箱的事情或概念,從戀愛到生活、從工作到星座。沈秘嘉賓將為大家偶爾帶來除了兩位八婆以外的其他來賓(或者有很大的可能也是其他的八婆),一起來聊一些八婆話題。(每個單元看起來怎麼都一樣) 另有番外篇二十趴沈,顧名思義單元內容大概就是平常正片的20%,主要於每週一登場。 — YouTube |陪沈團 Facebook|陪沈團 Instagram|yuus2.0 合作邀約|ssyuss00@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting



嘻谈录是最正能量的喜剧播客之一,喜剧演员的搞笑分贝制造机,专注嘻谈录。不定期邀请不同的单口喜剧演员和观众,基于各类话题聊天,旨在传播积极阳光的乐观主义精神,为人民群众的奋斗生活提供一种轻松的正能量解压方式,促进广大青年面向进步。 每一期我们都会邀请听众来现场录制,如果你想当面和主播聊天并录入节目,欢迎关注微信听友群或者公众号【嘻谈录】。





Kovacs Andras Peter

Sok podcast látott már vendégül hírességeket, de a barátaikat még egy sem. Kovács András Péter minden héten mikrofon elé ülteti valamelyik kedvenc hírességét – és az ő legjobb barátját, hogy aztán a vendégről kizárólag a barátot kérdezze. A vendég életét ezúttal a barát szemszögéből láthatjuk, ez a szemszög pedig gyakran más és meglepő – még a vendég számára is. Közös évtizedek, régi és új félreértések, szembesülések és felismerések olyan beszélgetésekben, melyek előnyére válnak minden barátságnak.

Give It To Me Straight

Moguls of Media

Host Maddy Morphosis (RuPaul’s Drag Race S14) sits down with special guests for in-depth, often personal, and always shady interviews. Guests include Drag Race alumni, music stars, influencers and more. From humble beginnings, the highs and lows, and the embarrassing moments you never knew about, straight from the source.

Tosh Show

iHeartPodcasts and Daniel Tosh

Tosh Show is a window into the mind of comedian Daniel Tosh. Each week Daniel interviews people from all walks of life that he finds interesting, shares his take on current events, and gives you a little insight into his world. Nothing is off limits and with endless topics to explore, Tosh and his guests will satisfy everyone's curiosity.


Philip Wefel

reden. ist ein Interview-Format, in dem ich mit Menschen rede, die mich interessieren. Jeden zweiten Sonntag eine neue Folge.

Who’s the Asshole? with Katya


Have you ever wondered, "Am I the asshole?" Then you've come to the right place. Welcome to “Who’s the Asshole?,” a Grindr podcast hosted by Katya, where we’re not just talking shit, we’re getting into it. Each week, we sit down with a special guest and probe deep into your messiest, juiciest stories of lust, love, and everything in between…the cheeks. We’ll mine the Grindr Voicemail (510-ASS-HOLE) for your unholiest confessions and give you the truth, the hole truth, and nothing butt the truth.

So True with Caleb Hearon

Caleb Hearon

weekly podcast from beloved gay comedian Caleb Hearon. basically just getting into it and sorting it all out and kind of identifying what’s really real. 

Yannis Pappas Hour

Yannis Pappas

As the world burns, a noble Greek rises from the ashes to defend what's left. Join us every Saturday for your weekly news served hot and fresh off a paper plate— a foreshadowing about the state of things.  Yanni leaves no sacred cows untouched.

Chiste Interno

Oswaldo Graziani

Chiste Interno es un podcast conducido por Oswaldo Graziani donde entrevista a distintos comediantes y creadores de comedia. Producido en la ciudad de Miami, Chiste Interno presenta entrevistas de larga duración donde conoceremos sobre la trayectoria de cada invitado, cómo lograron llegar hasta donde están y hacia dónde van. Para episodios completos visita chisteinterno.com

A Little Queer Podcast

Capri Campeau and Ashley Whitfield

Your new queer best friends, Capri and Ashley, dive into queer culture, advice, and media. 

F the Nice Guy


Welcome to the F the ”Nice Guy” Podcast where we unload all our stories about the ”nice guy”. You know... the guys who tricked us into believing they were nice... until they didn’t get what they wanted and proved how not nice they really were. There will be sharing sessions, interviews, and viewer submitted stories! If you have a ”nice guy” story to share that is trauma lite (no crimes or violence) send it to ftheniceguypodcast@gmail.com.


Pinch My Salt

Join the number #1 Surfer in the world Sterling Spencer & his Cousin Ryan.


Dope as Yola

visit www.dopeasusualpodcast.com for all info

The Sit and Chat

Bradley Steven Perry and Jake Short

Two friends who grew up in the film industry chat with other creatives about their background and opportunities that lead them to pursue their passions.

The Worst Time Podcast

Chris Arnold

People love to talk about their achievements & milestones, but actually we all know the best stories stem from when things completely fall apart and go terribly wrong! The gig that was a disaster, the TV show where your part got written out, the holiday where you lost all your baggage and had to go hiking in your flip flops - everyone has a few tales of woe up their sleeve and Chris Arnold is a man who wants to hear as many of them as possible! Cue a podcast and vessel for these stories - The Worst Time with Chris Arnold.

A Rational Fear

Dan Ilic

Laughing in the face of fear. Comedians and experts rip into the news. It's #QandA on crack. 🏆 Winner Best Comedy Podcast 2020 / 2021 / 2022. Sign up to the newsletter: http://www.arationalfear.com If Patreon isn't your thing, and Apple Subscriptions are too Appley — chip in with A-Cast here: https://plus.acast.com/s/a-rational-fear-1. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Vin de-o poveste

Radu Tibulca

Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/radutibulca/subscribe VIN DE-O POVESTE by RADU TIBULCA 🍷| PODCAST|

Great Company with Jamie Laing

Jampot Productions

No gimmicks; just Great Company. Join Jamie every Wednesday as he's joined by great guests for great conversation: it's GREAT COMPANY A JamPot Original Podcast Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Mike Birbiglia's Working It Out

Mike Birbiglia

Comedian Mike Birbiglia welcomes a different comedian or creator each week and together they work out original, untested material. And, occasionally, uncomfortable topics. Join them as they work it out.

Small Talk - Konbini


Des gens connus parlent de tout sauf de ce pour quoi ils sont connus. Small Talk est une série de podcasts où David Castello-Lopes invite des personnalités connues pour leur parler de tout sauf de ce pour quoi elles sont connues. Armé d’une liste de questions toutes moins cruciales les unes que les autres, il les pose toutes, que son invité.e soit une humoriste, un rappeur ou même, un ancien président de la République… Ici, pas de spectacles, de livres, ou d’actualité, on parle des vraies choses : à quoi ils rêvent, ce qu’ils pensent d’eux-mêmes, des impôts, des déménagements... Et à la fin de chaque épisode, au moment où David fait un cadeau étrange à son invité, on a l’impression d’avoir fait partie de cette conversation, et on se dit que si on avait été dans la pièce on aurait sûrement eu des trucs à raconter. Small Talk est un podcast original Konbini sur une idée originale de David Castello-Lopes. Production, coordination et réalisation : Robin Riccitiello Programmateur : Alexandre Duarte Direction de création : Raphaël Choyé Direction de la rédaction : Marjorie Du Manoir Photographe : Robin Delanoy Journalistes : Jennifer Moyenga et Barbara Silvera Sonigo Enregistré chez Konbini et mixé par Capitaine Plouf

Poco se Habla! Briten y Xuso Jones

Podium Podcast

"Poco se Habla" es un podcast lleno de humor y espontaneidad creado por Ana Brito de "El Show de Briten" y Xuso Jones, dos creadores de contenido en alza. En este podcast, tratarán temas tabú de los que poco se hablan con mucha naturalidad, sinceridad y desmitificando teorías. Y lo harán con un invitado diferente cada semana. El objetivo de Ana y Xuso; hacer reír, pasárselo bien y llenarse la cartera de billetes. "Poco se Habla" es una producción de PodiumPodcast y ha sido galardonado como Mejor Anfitrión y Anfitriona en los III Premios Ondas Globales del Podcast.

Divã da Diva

Diva Depressão

Olá, Divos e Divas! Esse é o podcast que tava faltando: o podcast oficial do Diva Depressão! Nesse espaço Edu e Fih vão falar de tudo que a gente ama: entretenimento, cultura pop, assuntos pessoais e muito mais! E sabe quem vai ser o principal convidado do Divã da Diva? Você! Aqui a participação e a opinião do público terão espaço importante. Um podcast bem interativo e cheio de bom humor! O Divã da Diva vai ter episódios inéditos toda a semana!



新歌首发 https://kouwobb.com 永久发布页 https://www.8wobb.com 线上全集 https://dasaob.online 综合站 https://saobjpg.com Powered by Firstory Hosting

Alan Carr's 'Life's a Beach'

Keep It Light Media / Travesty Media

Life’s A Beach sees Alan giving Judith Chalmers and Michael Palin a run for their money as he invites a famous guest each week to discuss their favourite places in the world. Bursting with anecdotes, laidback chat and laugh out loud travel tales - if this podcast was a suitcase you’d have to sit on it. “My Life’s A Beach podcast is the escapism we ALL need right now. I sat down and chatted with some of my famous friends about everything travel. From caravanning in Rhyl to private jetting to the Maldives, my guests spill the beans on their holiday horrors and dream destinations. Let’s face it: we might not have the sun on our faces, but after a listen to this you’ll definitely have a smile” – ALAN CARR


Bea Herzog

Comedian bei Nacht und Psychotherapeutin bei Tag. Bea Herzog verbindet Therapie und Humor, wenn sie bekannte Comedians zum Erstgespräch einlädt. In 50 Minuten Gespräch redet die erfahrenen Verhaltenstherapeutin über eigene Fragen der Gäste oder spricht mit ihnen über ein Thema, von dem sie denkt, dass es ihr Leben bereichert. Du hörst Erstgespräch, der Podcast!

Senses Working Overtime with David Cross


I’m Bon Vivant, and professional talker, David Cross. I’ve been talking professionally for well over forty years. I’m good at it. I truly love a conversation that follows no specific linear train of thought but can start about the 2004 Red Sox and minutes later has become an in-depth look at the Iran/Contra hearings (with a detour about the best breakfast tacos in Austin). Whatever, as long as the conversation is funny, edifying, and real. This podcast began as a vehicle for guests to explore the Best/Worst/Funniest/Saddest/Most Beautiful etc. things they’d ever Seen, Touched, Tasted, Smelled, and Heard. Somewhere along the way this became a loose premise, a jumping off point to learn more about my guests, and I let the conversations steer themselves. Catch all new audio and video episodes every Thursday starting December 7.



《出逃在即》是由两个活力四射的生活老达人主持的播客节目。主打别等下辈子,这辈子就要好好活的中心思想。您可以在这里收听到最有料的生活方式、最有趣的人生体验、最炸裂的人性故事。 哈刺与小乐每周二早8点,带你一起发现生活的乐趣。 客服:ChuTao_Studio 公众号:出逃studio 微博:出逃工作室

Anna Faris Is Unqualified

Unqualified Media

Relationship advice from completely unqualified Hollywood types. New episodes every week!  Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Δεν παίζει άγχος

Spilios Floros



一档由喜剧人和观众朋友们一起现场录制的脱口秀漫谈节目,「喜番喜剧」诚意出品。 进听友粉丝群加 VX:xifanxiju1 参与线下录制/想看脱口秀演出/上台,关注GZH“喜番喜剧” 看视频版上小破站搜:喜番调频

Ingrid Kühne - Nur ma so...

Ingrid Kühne

Tja, es gibt so viel zu sagen, was einfach nur mal so raus muss. Schließlich hört hier zu Hause sowieso keiner zu, deshalb vielleicht überall anders. Hier und da lade ich mir auch mal einen Gast ein und wir analysieren zusammen. Lustig, nachdenklich, verrückt, ehrlich, unverfälscht, direkt... noch mehr Adjektive würden übertrieben wirken. Viel Spaß beim Hören.

Russell Howard’s Wonderbox

Avalon Television

A Wonderbox is a place where you keep little reminders of what makes life worth living. Each week Russell will chat to a special guest about what they’d keep in their Wonderbox, recounting the most memorable and funniest moments of their lives.

Awwal Shi Bonsoir | أول شي بونسوار

Hakawati | حكواتي

برنامج إجتماعي كوميدي بيحكي عن مواضيع عديدة بتهم الشباب العربي. من تقديم غنوة قائدبيه وهيثم المصري. بكل حلقة، بتتعرفوا على وجه جديد من الشباب والشابات الناجحين على طريقة غنوة وهيثم المهضومة والطريفة. تابعوا غنوة وهيثم على الصفحة الخاصة للبودكاست: https://instagram.com/awwalshibonsoir?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Needs Work

Caroline Clifford

A podcast where I interview various stand-up comedians about a stand up bit they have that isn't working as well as they hoped. We'll be trying to fix it together. This is part of my Substack http://authenticcomedy.substack.com/ Do you like the podcast "Good One" - where they interview famous comedians about their most famous bit, but did you wish it was the opposite? This podcast is for you! authenticcomedy.substack.com

Saving Grace

The Fellas Studios

New episodes available to watch & listen EVERY Wednesday. Hosted by the vivacious GK Barry, each episode is a rollercoaster of emotions as Grace shares wild tales from her university escapades to the laugh-out-loud moments she encounters in her daily life. Expect the unexpected, laugh a little louder, and find solace in shared experiences. If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com

Smosh Mouth


Join Shayne Topp (short), Amanda Lehan-Canto (tall), and a rotating Smosh friend as we discuss what’s on our minds, what we’ve found on the internet, and other dumb ideas we’re cooking up.

4 da Dawgz

Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast Patreon 4 da Dawgz

Matt and Shane fan account Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Rampensäue, frisch geschlachtet!

Michael Altinger und Alexander Liegl

die schönsten Bühnenkatastrophen,erlebt und erzählt von Michael Altinger und Alexander Liegl!Mit Gästen: u.a. Josef Hader, Ingo Appelt, Dieter Nuhr, Sebastian Bezzel, Luise Kinseher, Eva Karl Faltermeier, Max Uthoff, Wolfgang Krebs, Günter Grünwald, Willy Astor, Constanze Lindner, Alfred Dorfer, Django Asül,  Maxi Schafroth...

Ganz weit rum ums Wasser - der Kanuten-Podcast

Die Bruckmühler Kanuten

Die Geschichte der Kanuten aus Bruckmühl. Vom Stammtisch zum Spitzensport oder wie aus der Tartanbahn die Wildwasserbahn wurde. Oder ist am Ende doch alles nur ein großer Fake?

Life Will Be the Death of Me with Chelsea Handler


Listen to Chelsea Handler's first ever podcast series featuring candid, hilarious conversations about her life, her work and where she’s headed next. The series is an entertaining, raw, smart, funny, heartbreaking and honest memoir of Chelsea’s life changing year of self-discovery, healing and growth. The podcast features interviews with celebrities such as Connie Britton, Jake Tapper, Sean Hayes, Mary McCormack and more. Life Will Be the Death of Me with Chelsea Handler is a production of iHeartRadio.

Kings of Con: The Podcast

Rob and Rich

Armed with their signature brand of codependent comedy, actors Rob Benedict and Richard Speight, Jr. embark on a weekly podcast-ial journey through the massively popular world of fan conventions as they have cocktails and conversations with the buzziest names in the con biz. Become a member and get bonus and behind-the-scenes footage at Patreon.com/kingsofconpodcast

Dr Val Saves Dave

Valerie Franc

Welcome to DR. VAL SAVES DAVE, a very funny and informative podcast that documents the real life journey of a man trying to turn his life around and the Naturopathic Doctor who has decided to help him. Dr. Valerie Franc has spent the last 25 years, studying, teaching and testing the limits of how healthy a human being can be. Now she is facing insurmountable odds and maybe her toughest challenge yet. Dave Hemstad has spent the last 25 years, touring the world as a stand-up comedian, testing the limits of how un-healthy a lifestyle an adult could have. Now, 6 months shy of his 50th birthday, alarm bells are ringing and it’s time for drastic and immediate change. Dr. Val will now guide Dave through the next 6 months of his life, it will be his body, but her rules! This podcast will provide you the listener a unique opportunity to be a fly on the wall when a comedian visits a Doctor’s office, to learn about health and science, while laughing at life and humanity. Whether you relate more to Dr. Val or Dave, you’ll find yourself reflected somewhere in this show. So listen, learn , and laugh along with them, as Dr. Val tries to save Dave.

Good For You

Whitney Cummings

Comedian Whitney Cummings interviews guests (friends, comics, celebs, experts, weirdos) every week. Known for her standup comedy specials for HBO and Netflix, Comedy Central Roasts, multiple television series and films, Whitney has a lot of questions for a lot of different kinds of people. She also has opinions. And a robot. Subscribe to hear interviews that are always interesting and never too long. Watch GOOD FOR YOU at https://www.youtube.com/whitneycummings

We're Having Gay Sex

Ashley Gavin & Studio71

After 10 years of serial monogamy, comedian Ashley Gavin, trades in her u-haul for a life of sleeping around and documents every gritty detail of her queer experiments in this podcast. Always in fear of being cancelled, Ashley is aided by her queerest friends, Kate Sisk, known as the "Cancel Coach", and the "Youth in the Soundbooth" Gara Lonning, equipped with a gen-z themed soundboard, to call Ashley out on her BS. Together they interview people from all over the gender and sexuality spectrums (from straight to gay and cis to trans) about their sex lives. And yes straight people, you will find out what lesbian sex is. For advertising opportunities please email PodcastPartnerships@Studio71us.com   We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4  Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy

三言两语 | 脱口秀演员闲谈录


这是一档由贰叁叁脱口秀出品的电台播客节目。 每期的趣味话题,我们都会邀请单口喜剧演员和听众参与录制,大家一起在现场笑谈社会百态。欢迎添加微信听友群,号码是“三言两语小助手”的首字母,即【sylyxzs】,我在现场等你。

La placita amarilla

La Placita Amarilla

Descubre La Placita Amarilla, un podcast auténtico que explora desde lo cotidiano hasta lo fascinante. Tres amigos se reúnen para compartir historias del barrio y temas intrigantes. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia única! 🎙 Te esperamos cada domingo a las 16:00h... Ayps!

Where There's A Will, There's A Wake

Sony Music Entertainment

If you could plan your perfect death, what would you do? Join Kathy Burke as she chats to the likes of Dawn French, James Acaster and Jamali Maddix asking them questions like 'how do you want to die?', 'where are you going next?' and of course, 'who gets your prized possessions?'. It's a hilarious, irreverent, dark and sometimes moving podcast where our guests will see their death brought to life as they plan their final day from dawn to dusk and into the afterlife. A Sony Music Entertainment production. Find more great podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at sonymusic.com/podcasts To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email podcastadsales@sonymusic.com

The Really Good Podcast

Bobbi Althoff

The Really Good Podcast is hosted by Bobbi Althoff: a social media star with over 80 followers. A master interviewer with weeks of experience interviewing celebrities, Bobbi asks the questions that no one wants to know the answers to. Her toddler called The Really Good Podcast the most listened-to podcast in the world, and several of her videos have more than 900 views. Follow her @Bobbialthoff on Instagram or TikTok to learn more about podcasting's biggest star.

First Date with Lauren Compton

YMH Studios

Finding a decent person to date is hard work and comedian and viral content creator Lauren Compton is here to get to the bottom of it. It’s a dirty job, but someone’s gotta do it. Weekly, Lauren invites celebrity guests on to have a first date with her and figures out how many red flags they have, if they’re dateable, AND if there will be a second date! Dating is a wild ride... strap in!

CHEERS! with Avery Woods

Avery Woods

Sit down and enjoy a glass of wine with your host, Avery Woods, as she deep dives into all things life with her weekly guest.

不开玩笑 Jokes Aside



Kiteo66 und goodyear1976 wiewarsheut

wiewarsheut aus Nördlingen in die Welt

Kiteo66 und goodyear1976 möchten mit dem Podcast WieWarsHeut alltägliche Themen und Nonsens rekapitulieren. Aus Nördlingen und dem Donau-Ries, aus dem Erlebten in den Podcast. Wissenswertes, Startup, Ausflugtipps aus Schwaben, Bayern und dem Donauries. Nimm nicht alles so genau, hab Spaß dabei, dann bist du hier richtig. Folge uns auf Instagram und YouTube

Les Gens Qui Doutent

Fanny Ruwet

Podcast d’interviews où on rit beaucoup et on pleure parfois.  Dans ces rencontres long format menées par Fanny Ruwet, des artistes (littérature, stand up, musique,…) racontent leurs remises en question, leurs échecs et leurs batailles internes (ou d’autres trucs plus légers hein, parfois ça part juste en jeux de mots sur le fromage). Parmi les précédents invités : Marina Rollman, Paul Mirabel, Pomme, Kyan Khojandi, Guillermo Guiz, Raphael, Lou Doillon, Augustin Trapenard, Sophie-Marie Larrouy,… Pour soutenir le podcast via PatreonSoutenez ce podcast http://supporter.acast.com/lesgensquidoutent. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

Jammern auf niedrigem Niveau

Basti & Hannes

Zwei Vollzeitnerds treffen aufeinander. Basti & Hannes nehmen dich mit auf die spannend-spontane Reise im „Früher war alles besser“-Podcast. Es erwarten dich geekige Themen in knackig-kurzen Episoden als Miniserie. Das Beste von damals und die Hits von heute. Immer donnerstags überall wo es Podcasts gibt. Schick uns dein Feedback zur Sendung direkt an whatsapp.jammernaufniedrigemniveau.de

Wurstius und Käslinde

Annelie und Philipp

In „Wurstius und Käselinde“ unterhalten sich Annelie und Philipp über ein buntes Potpourri an Themen. Ein bunter Blumenstrauß. Alles Mögliche. Wurst UND Käse. Alles kommt aufs Brot.


Reuben Kaye

Brace yourselves - crowd pleasing favourite COME TO DADDY is back for it's second season!   In Come to Daddy Reuben Kaye talks to his celebrity guests about their relationships with their parents - from childhood to the present day.  How much of our upbringing shapes who we are as adults? Do our relationships with our parents change as we get older? And how much do Reuben’s guests blame their parents for their own neuroses?! Find out in Come to Daddy... Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Breaking Down with Ali Kolbert

Spotify Studios

Ali Kolbert is “a post-therapy Howard Stern, in the body of a 5'2," 30-year-old lesbian.” Each week, she’ll bring her frank, lively style and particular, unapologetic perspective to conversations with celebrities, experts, and other comedians about everything from pop culture to relationships to mental health.