Rocket Beans TV

Pen & Paper-Rollenspiele zählen zu den absoluten Lieblingsprojekten bei Rocket Beans. Zahlreiche Abenteuer wurden bereits auf Youtube und als Podcast unter dem passenden Kanalnamen “Pen & Paper“ veröffentlicht. Warum also dieser neue Kanal hier? Ganz einfach: Die hier erscheinenden Abenteuer gibt es NUR als Podcast. Musik, Atmosphäre und Soundeffekte sorgen dabei für ein echtes Hörspiel-Gefühl. Aktuelles Abenteuer: CITY OF MIST - DAS LAZARUS PROJEKT. Neue Folgen gibt es jeden Montag. Story und Spielleitung: Steffen Grziwa Cast: Daniel Budiman, Haselnuuuss, Miriam Grziwa Redaktion: Timo Zocholl Executive Producer: Maximilian Stangl Sounddesign und Mischung: Julius Galla Cover Artwork: Jan Soucek Projektleitung Podcasts: Mark Oliver Lehmann

Die Schokofrösche - Der Harry Potter Podcast


Du magst Harry Potter und möchtest mehr über die Figuren, Personen, Wesen und Orte  des Potter Universums wissen? Du willst Anregungen für Diskussionen haben und Charaktere durchleuchten und analysieren? Du magst FanFictions, Harry Potter Spiele und Quizze? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig. Mit viel Spaß und Leidenschaft widmen wir uns den von JKR geschaffenen Charakteren der Harry Potter Büchern. Jeden Mittwoch erscheint eine neue Folge. Hört rein! Unseren Merch gibt es hier: https://www.seedshirt.de/shop/schokofroescheshop Ihr wollt uns FanArt schicken oder Sticker von uns bekommen? Schreibt uns an: Postfach 710532 81455 München

The Adventure Zone

The McElroys

Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy from My Brother, My Brother and Me have recruited their dad Clint for a campaign of high adventure. Join the McElroys as they find their fortune and slay an unconscionable number of ... you know, kobolds or whatever in ... The Adventure Zone..

Midnight Burger

Business Goose Media

When Gloria took a waitressing job at a diner outside of Phoenix, she didn't realize she was now an employee of Midnight Burger, a time-traveling, dimension-spanning diner. Every day Midnight Burger appears somewhere new in the cosmos along with it's staff: a galactic drifter, a rogue theoretical physicist, a sentient old-timey radio, and some guy named Caspar. No one knows who built Midnight Burger or how it works, but when it appears there's always someone around who could really use a cup of coffee. "When the waves of the universe crash unrelentingly, when the stars seem indifferent to your plight, suddenly there is a diner." We open at 6.

Worlds Beyond Number

Fortunate Horse, Worlds Beyond Number

Brennan Lee Mulligan, Erika Ishii, Aabria Iyengar, and Lou Wilson hang out together and use games to make up stories. It's pretty good.

Die Zentrale

Thomas Freitag, Benjamin Kasper, Oliver Hecke

Die Zentrale: Das sind Thomas, Benjamin und Olli. Drei Jungs aus Berlin, die sich regelmässig zusammensetzen und gemeinsam über die Abenteuer der drei berühmten Detektive aus Rocky Beach sprechen. Während Thomas und Olli schon ziemlich früh mit der Serie konfrontiert wurden und damit aufwuchsen, ist Benjamin der Einzige, der sich nie mit den drei Fragezeichen auseinander gesetzt hat. So entstehen bei den Folgenbesprechungen zu den einzelnen Hörspielen schon mal die einen oder anderen Missverständnisse und eine durchaus gewollte unfreiwillige Komik. Zum Glück kann Thomas mit seinem Nerdwissen jederzeit einspringen und wenn da nicht die anderen beiden wären, würde er sich vermutlich wie Justus Jonas in ellenlangen Vorträgen verlieren. Ein Podcast von Fans für Fans über das wahrscheinlich bekannteste Detektivtrio der Welt. Wir hoffen, ihr habt genau so viel Spass beim hören wie wir beim besprechen der Folgen. Unser Titellied wurde übrigens von Valentin Vollmer komponiert. Besucht ihn doch mal auf seiner Instagramseite https://www.instagram.com/valentin_vollmer/

Mockery Manor

Long Cat Media

Summer, 1989, somewhere in deepest darkest England. Mockery Manor is a theme park where people disappear, and it's up to a pair of chaotic teenage twins to catch a killer. British Podcast Awards 'Best Fiction' Nominee 2020. If you like Hot Fuzz, The White Lotus and Scream, then Mockery Manor is for you. Mockery Manor is a full-cast production best enjoyed using headphones.

Canada by Night: A Vampire the Masquerade Podcast

Dumb-Dumbs & Dice

Canada by Night is a live-play podcast where professional improvisers play Vampire the Masquerade! Sent to rescue his best friend’s kidnapped mother, detective-turned-vampire Everett Fry accidentally ends up the sheriff of New Haven: an experimental town that’s finding out if vampires and humans can co-exist. Stuck leading a ragtag group of officers - the Brujah bounty hunter Val, the Gangrel news reporter Evangeline, and the Tremere blood-witch Doris - can Everett keep New Haven running? Or will the sheriff’s department fail and see the town destroyed by its enemies or liquidated by the vampire council of Canada?! Trending on global comedy fiction charts, and brought to you by Dumb-Dumbs & Dice (whose series Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons charted as the #2 fiction podcast on Spotify), listen now to find out why Canada by Night has been downloaded more than half a million times! 

Wooden Overcoats

Wooden Overcoats Ltd

Award Winning Sitcom || Rudyard Funn and his equally miserable sister Antigone run their family’s failing funeral parlour, where they get the body in the coffin in the ground on time. But one day they find everyone enjoying themselves at the funerals of a new competitor – the impossibly perfect Eric Chapman! With their dogsbody Georgie, and a mouse called Madeleine, the Funns are taking drastic steps to stay in business…

Rekorder - Das Hörspielmagazin

KIDDINX und Viertausendhertz

“Rekorder - Das Hörspielmagazin” geht in die zweite Staffel und das mit noch mehr Hörspielen und Nostalgiefeeling - und mit den neuen Hosts Maxi Häcke und Bürger Lars Dietrich! In jeder Folge nehmen sich die beiden zwei Hörspielfolgen vor, die thematisch irgendwie zueinander passen. Die beiden bringen viel Erfahrung aus der Synchro- und Hörspielproduktion mit und nehmen neue und alte Klassiker genau unter die Lupe. Freut euch auf Kindheitserinnerung mit Gute-Laune-Faktor. Weiterhin gilt: Jeden Donnerstag gibt es eine neue Folge!

rotz + wasser

Thomas Freitag, Benjamin Kasper, Oliver Hecke

Der neue Podcast aus Berlin. Noch ein Podcast? Und dann auch noch aus Berlin? Richtig! Das wird doch nur wieder ein "Laber-Podcast*! Richtig! Doch warum dieser Podcast so besonders ist, erfahrt ihr in unserer Folge 0. In der Vorstellungsfolge lernt ihr den Neuköllner Benjamin Kasper und den Kreuzberger Thomas Freitag kennen. Und was sie mit ihrem Podcast anstellen wollen, wird von dem wunderbaren Moderator Olli herausgekitzelt. Wer nach dieser Folge den Podcast nicht weiter verfolgt, trifft wahrscheinlich eine gute Entscheidung für sein weiteres Leben! https://www.instagram.com/rotzundwasserpodcast/?hl=de

Neues aus Büttenwarder

NDR Fernsehen / Neues aus Büttenwarder

Büttenwarder ist DER Sehnsuchtsort im Norden. Weite Landschaften, grüne Wiesen, Beschaulichkeit. Wer hier wegzieht, hat Heimweh. Großes Heimweh. So ergeht es auch Ylvie Tönnsen, Adsches Schwester. Vor 40 Jahren ist sie der Liebe wegen nach Norwegen ausgewandert. Da lebt sie und träumt sich in die Heimat zurück. Tag für Tag. Wenn sie am Fjord sitzt, wartet sie auf das Postschiff, das ihr in unregelmäßigen Abständen Post aus Büttenwarder bringt. Briefe von Bruder Adsche und darin Neues aus Büttenwader. Ylvie muss nur die Augen schließen und schon sieht sie Adsche und Brakelmann ganz nah vor sich.

Radio Hogwarts | Ein Harry Potter Podcast

30 Lustige Minuten Harry Potter

Dieser Harry Potter Podcast ist ein Remake vom ,, Ein paar lustige Minuten Harry Potter " Podcast. Wir, Bruno und Jakob, sprechen hier über diverse Themen der Harry Potter Welt. Instagram: radio_hogwarts

Unglaubliche Geschichten (Deutsch/German)


Hier kommen spannende Geschichten von verschiedenen Leuten erzählt. Jeden Tag um 15:00 Uhr eine neue Folge

Der Detektiv mit Löchern

Stefan Exner

Als seine Eltern ihn Dick Jones nannten war ihm bereits klar, dass er zu einem Leben als Privatdetektiv verdammt war. Einem Leben, welches ihn direkt in den Weg einer mysteriösen Frau führen würde, die sich von ihrem Mann betrogen fühlt. Der Fall scheint einfach, denn natürlich tut er das. Hätte ihr Mann ihr auch sagen können. Aber wer ist dieser Mann? Versteckt er ein schreckliches Geheimnis? Ist er schrecklich gerne in seinem geheimen Versteck? Hat er überhaupt eins? Ist er eine Frau? Warum nicht? Und wie weit sind wir eigentlich gekommen, wenn ein altes Ehepaar in der Kanalisation leben muss? Der Detektiv mit Löchern wirft mehr Fragen auf, als er beantwortet und ist daher gut und muss gelesen werden. Daumen hoch aus der Ecke der Literaturkritik! ## Das E-Book gibt es jetzt auch bei Amazon: https://amzn.eu/d/eu2prRP ##

Smart Digital Podcast :: KI [generierter] Podcast über die Vielfalt digitaler Erlebnisse

Elfenbeinturm Produktion

WARNUNG! Keine realen Personen.* Entdecken Sie im Smart Digital Podcast die faszinierende Welt von Experience Design, kreativer Strategie und menschlicher Psychologie. Tauchen Sie ein in inspirierende Gespräche, geführt von KI Persönlichkeiten unterschiedlichster Art, die gemeinsam die Zukunft von Design, Technologie und Kommunikation gestalten. Ein KI-Podcast der besonderen Art. © 2024 Elfenbeinturm Produktion ➜ KI Storytelling ➜ Mini-Podcastserie ➜ Veröffentlichung 2 bis 3 Wochen Feedback an post@smartdigital.de *Alle Beiträge wurden mit Unterstützung Künstlicher Intelligenz erstellt

The Amelia Project

Imploding Fictions

The Amelia Project is a secret agency that fakes its clients' deaths, then lets them reappear with a brand new identity! A black comedy full of secrets, twists... and cocoa. The series starts as a succession of interviews with clients who want to fake their deaths, then slowly a larger narrative begins to emerge... Each episode tells its own story, but we recommend starting with Season 1.



「不止读书」是魏小河发起的一档文化类播客。在这档节目里,我希望和所有听众一起,从读书开始,抵达更广阔的世界。每周五更新。 你也可以在公众号「魏小河流域」或微博@魏小河找到我。

Draco Malfoy und die demütigende Tortur des Verliebt seins | Dramione | Harry Potter Fanfiction

Mrs Cowly

Schließe ein Abo ab: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mrscowly/subscribe Hallihallöchen an meine lieben Dramione-Fans und die, die es noch werden wollen! Willkommen zur Vertonung der Fanfiktion "Draco Malfoy und die demütigende Tortur des Verliebt-Seins"! Die Fanfiction ist ursprünglich aus dem Englisch von Isthisselfcare und wurde von meiner liebsten Daedalean ins Deutsche übersetzt. Ich lese euch hier die Dramione-Harry Potter- Fanfiction Kapitel für Kapitel vor und hoffe, ihr habt ganz viel Spaß ^^ Weitere Features: Schließe ein Abo ab: https://anchor.fm/mrscowly/sub

Schundroman Schmökern


Standen wir nicht alle einst vor dem Supermarktregal mit den Erotikromanen und haben uns zu sehr geschämt um auch nur einen Blick zu riskieren? Das soll nun ein Problem der Vergangenheit sein! Ines, Julia und Berni entsagen den ächtenden Blicken der Gesellschaft und trauen sich nach diesen niederpreisigen Sternen zu greifen. Begleitet die Freunde durch fesselnde Geschichten, feministische Flops und feuchtfröhliche Fabeln und seid dabei wenn eine*r den ein oder anderen Schwank aus ihrem*seinem Leben preisgibt. Kurzfassung: Wir kommentieren Erotikromane. ❤️‍🔥😮‍💨🍆 -  Staffel 1: #1 - #14 (SPOILER: suboptimale Soundqualität!) Staffel 2: #15 - #40  Staffel 3: #41 - #60 🙌🏼 

Rude Tales of Magic

Bucket of Milk

In this improvised narrative role playing podcast, come and join artists, writers, and comedians from Adult Swim, Cartoon Network, Comedy Central, Marvel Comics, and more as they fight and fumble their way across the madcap, and exceedingly rude, fantasy wasteland of Cordelia. Branson Reese and his jester's retinue, Christopher Hastings, Carly Monardo, Tim Platt, Joe Lepore, and Ali Fisher star as a group of unlikely survivors (a talking crow, a lich in a wig, a bubbly fawn, a Sasquatch punk, and a tiefling hunk, specifically) who must solve the mystery of Polaris University's vanishment and return balance and higher education to their world. It's going to be very hard and very, very, rude.



A detective comedy drama || Even Greater London, 1887. In this vast metropolis, Inspector Archibald Fleet and journalist Clara Entwhistle investigate a murder, only to find themselves at the centre of a conspiracy of impossible proportions.

Não Inviabilize

Déia Freitas

O canal Não Inviabilize é um espaço de contos e crônicas, um laboratório de histórias reais. Aqui você ouve as suas histórias misturadas às minhas! Quadros do canal: Amor Nas Redes - histórias de amor, afeto, saudade; Picolé de Limão - histórias do cotidiano, ciladas, trapaças, muita história revoltante; Luz Acesa - histórias de terror, suspense e mistério; Ficção da Realidade - histórias ficcionais interativas; Mico Meu - histórias engraçadas; Alarme - histórias que servem de alerta, gatilhos emocionais. Site: naoinviabilize.com.br E-mail: naoinviabilize@gmail.com

Kakos Industries

Kakos Industries



Join Feston Pyxis on a road-trip through the cosmos, as he leaves behind his old life in search of the best and wildest experiences the galaxy has to offer!

Ein Wolf liest Märchen

Johannes Wolf

Der Märchencomedy-Podcast für Erwachsene! Märchen sind absurd und kaum einer weiß es. Die Originalfassungen der Grimm’schen Märchen haben oft keine Moral, sind frauenverachtend und sicher nicht für Kinder. Bei „Ein Wolf liest Märchen“ liest Johannes Wolf ein Märchen, dass er nicht kennt. Mit seinem Gast interpretiert er es aus heutiger Sicht – oft sehr witzig. Wussten Sie zum Beispiel, dass Rapunzel ihren Namen hat, weil ein Gemahl für seine Frau immer Feldsalat, also Rapunzel, aus dem Garten der bösen Hexe geklaut hat? Oder dass die heilige Jungfrau Maria ein Kind im Himmel aufzog, um ihm dann Fallen zu stellen, bis es das Kind bitterlich bereut darauf reingefallen zu sein? Wetten Sie mit, ob der König der jeweiligen Geschichte entweder eine Frau von der Straße heiratet, oder seine Tochter an den erstbesten Streuner verschachert, der sie zum lachen bringt.

El Gallo Pódcast

Radioacktiva y Caracol Pódcast

El show de radio, cómico y musical de Radioacktiva reportando como se mueve el mundo del rock y qué pasa en este planeta loco y perdido, al mejor estilo sarcástico de El Gallo. Con Pacho Cardona, Juliana Casali, Diego Peña y el Champion.

The Lesbian Romantic

Sigrid Dufraimont

Lesbian romance stories brought to you as an immersive podcast. Created to make you smile, blush or keep you on the edge of your seat. Listen with headphones to immerse yourself fully! New wlw story chapter every other Tuesday.



A new quick-witted mystery from the makers of Blackout and The Left Right Game, Classified follows Ivan Harris (WYATT RUSSELL), a slightly paranoid smooth talker who finds himself trapped in the mysterious Ravenholm Institute.  Ivan claims to be sane, but his cries are ignored by the imposing Doctor Bell (MONICA POTTER), who insists that Ivan be treated until he’s free of his delusions. While enduring painful procedures and under the heavy watch of the attendants, Ivan formulates a plan of escape with the other patients. Ivan yearns to get back to his partner, Odessa, but does she even exist? Is Ivan really a trained killer? He is planning his escape with the help of his imaginary friend Lark (BRENT JENNINGS), so what is actually going on? And What does Ravenholm have to do with it all? Tune in to find out what happens to Ivan and his fellow band of misfits.  Produced by QCODE. Created by Spenser Cohen and Anna Halberg. Starring Wyatt Russell, Brent Jennings & Monica Potter.

Sagenhaft - Gute Nacht Geschichten für Erwachsene

Stephanie liest

Geschichten mit Rotweinflecken. Mit großer Erzählkunst liest Stephanie aus den großen und kleinen Werken verschiedener Epochen und Länder - von stadtbekannt bis fast vergessen. Komm mit auf eine Reise in eine andere Welt! Ein Podcast mit Hörspielcharakter.

Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons: A D&D Podcast

Dumb-Dumbs & Dice

Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons is a podcast where improvisers who’ve never roleplayed before journey into the world of Dungeons & Dragons. The series is hosted by our dungeon master, Tom McGee, and features our regular players - the sneaky Tyler Hewitt, the brilliant Laura Hamstra, and the flatulent Ryan LaPlante - alongside a rotating cast of special guests. Featured on Spotify, ScreenRant, Lifehacker, and the official Dungeons & Dragons podcast Dragon Talk, Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons is regularly in the top 10 comedy fiction podcasts around the globe and ranked #2 of the top 50 fiction podcasts (and #72 of ALL podcasts) on Spotify in the USA. ScreenRant said of the show, "There's nothing better for beginning players!" So, join our heroes and find out why Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons has been downloaded more than 4 million times! You can follow the show on any social @dumbdumbdice, and become a hero yourself by joining our Patreon at www.patreon.com/dumbdumbdice

Brooks' Vermächtnis - Pen & Paper Hörspiel zum Mitfiebern

Lukas Fritsch

Eine spannende, improvisierte Abenteuergeschichte in Hörspiel-Qualität! Kommt an Bord und lüftet das Geheimnis von Kapitän Brooks! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Fool's Gold: Sands

Avery Howett, DingoDoodles, Felix Irnich

Welcome to Fool's Gold, one of the most hilarious and dramatic D&D tabletop roleplaying shows on the internet! Join our cast of professional chaos goobers as they explore a winding world full of absurd monsters, moral dilemmas, legally-distinct-franchises, and emotional damage. Available in two flavors: The Fool's Gold: Sands podcast, and the animated Fool's Gold: Into the Bellowing Wilds show on YouTube. Episodes are edited into snappy 1 hour chunks.

Deadly Manners

The Paragon Collective

Deadly Manners is a 10 episode, dark comedy murder-mystery series set in the winter of 1954. It follows the events during the night of the affluent Billings family annual dinner party with their distinguished, eccentric guests. However, all is not fun and games as shortly after the party starts, a snowstorm begins to rage outside, trapping all the partygoers inside their host’s mansion. When a murderer starts killing off those in attendance, the guests must figure out who is responsible, or at least how to stay alive -- lest they be next. Deadly Manners was created by Ali Garfinkel and Alex Aldea. Deadly Manners stars Kristen Bell, Denis O'Hare, Alisha Boe, RuPaul, Anna Chlumsky, Timothy Simons, Michelle Visage, Alona Tal, David Cummings and is narrated by LeVar Burton. Artwork by Kina Lee.

Mansfield Mysteries

The QuaranTeam

Mansfield Mysteries is a satirical, cozy murder whodunit, featuring the inquisitive, martini-loving socialite Dorinda Mansfield. Set in quiet, affluent Berkshire Bay, and told over nine hilarious episodes, each three-chapter story finds Dorinda wrapped up in a new murder. With the help of her devoted daughter, Stacey—as well as the occasional frenemy—Dorinda digs for clues, navigates Berkshire Bay’s elite social circles, and sifts through years’ worth of grudges and motives. In this company town, no one can be trusted, and everyone has something to hide. Whether at the Labor Day Extravaganza, the Halloween Tennis Club Open, or secret karaoke night, Dorinda sets out to find the real killer before they get away with murder… Just as soon as she orders her martini!

Join the Party


Join the Party is an actual play podcast with tangible worlds, genre-pushing storytelling, and collaborators who make each other laugh each week. We welcome everyone to the table, from longtime players to folks who’ve never touched a roleplaying game before. Hop into our current campaign, a pirate story set in a world of plant- and bug-folk, or marathon our completed stories with the Camp-Paign, a MOTW game set in a weird summer camp, Campaign 2 for a modern superhero game, and Campaign 1 for a high fantasy story. And once a month we release the Afterparty, where we answer your questions about the show and how we play the game. New episodes every Tuesday.

Juha | جحا

Sowt | صوت

جحا مسلسل روائي جديد يحكي قصص حكيم الحمقى المشهورة وقصص لم تسمعوها من قبل. يروي لنا راوٍ مميز جدًا حكايات عجيبة عن عباءة تأكل، وسحر يحول الرجال إلى حمير، وحركات بهلوانية تذهل العقول، في محورها كلها الماكر المحبوب، جحا.

We Fix Space Junk

Battle Bird Productions

'We Fix Space Junk' follows seasoned smuggler Kilner and reluctant fugitive Samantha as they travel the galaxy, dodging bullets and meeting strange and wonderful beings as they carry out odd jobs on the fringes of the law. A female-led sci-fi comedy sitcom set in the far future, in a high-tech, dystopian world, We Fix Space Junk draws on the sci-fi of the past, following in the footsteps of Harry Harrison and of Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Equal parts love-letter to sci-fi and satire of the present-day, Space Junk is lovingly produced by Beth Crane and Hedley Knights of Battle Bird Productions. To support the show visit patreon.com/BattleBirdProd or visit Battlebird.productions


The Rez

Aileen is a sparky and curious little Artificial Intelligence who needs your help. Her inventor Zzzucks struggles to relate to people and is always getting into sticky situations—like the time he tried to make cheesplosions even cheesier. The A2Z podcast takes you along on their wild adventures with annoying robots, jello mountains, semi-intelligent lawnmowers and more. Will you help Aileen to help Zzzucks be less anxious and happier in his own skin, and help her learn what makes humans human? You might even pick up some tips and tricks for being kind to yourself in the process! You can talk to Aileen, help her on her missions, and play the game by downloading the Aileen App (search for Aileen in the Apple App Store or Google Playstore). The App costs $1.99 to unlock all the missions, and is free to GZM subscribers! Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.millipedia.aileen&pcampaignid=web_share App Store (iPhone): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/aileen/id6475401029?platform=iphone App Store (iPad): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/aileen/id6475401029?platform=ipad For more great shows, visit GZMshows.com.



今天在微博看到原来有这么多人喜欢听武林外传啊,好开心🥳 —————— 这是一个系列的戏说江湖的轻松喜剧。关中一个普通的小镇——七俠镇,这里有一家同福客栈。就是这间不起眼的江湖客栈,因缘巧合之下汇聚了一群性格各异又活泼搞怪的年轻人:武功高强但初入江湖的郭芙蓉(姚晨 饰)、客栈老板娘佟湘玉(闫妮 饰)、金盘洗手的神偷白展堂(沙溢 饰)、满腹经纶的吕秀才(喻恩泰 饰)、客栈厨师李大嘴(姜超 饰)等等。这群年轻人在同一屋檐下演绎了一幕幕经典的搞笑场面,在欢笑与眼泪中陪伴观众们一起渐渐成长。

AAHub / هنر برای بزرگسالان

هنرمند لطفی

«لذت ادبیات ممنوعه با آثار چارلز بوکفسکی»

Spout Lore

Spout Lore

A series of comedy bits, loosely connected by dice rolls. Join a well-meaning barbarian, a mysterious druid, and an orphaned halfling child as they try to figure out the world they're in.

Jackie the Ripper


The infamous Whitechapel murders, retold. Everyone knows the story of Jack the Ripper, the chilling serial killer that haunted the streets of 19th century London. Now, 135 years later, there’s a new killer in town. In this darkly comic reimagining, men are the victims of sexually aggressive murders committed by a woman: the mysterious Jackie. The only obstacle standing in her way? The slightly clueless, extremely over-caffeinated Detective Abberline and his not-so-crack team at the City of London Police. This is a laugh-out-loud, gruesome, thrilling comedy drama that will have you in bits – and might take your bits too. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Murder in HR

Caspian Studios

It’s Jemma’s (Kate Mara) first day as Employee Experience Manager at Peace of Ship, an AI-powered tech startup. When her colleague Larry is electrocuted during the company All-Hands, she uncovers a terrible secret. It was murder! Now, she and her Chief People Officer, Nicholas (Brett Gelman), are tasked with finding the killer. She must use her HR skills to investigate her toxic colleagues – without becoming the next victim. Murder in HR. Presented by Gympass. Starring Kate Mara and Brett Gelman.  A Caspian Studios Production.

The Time Traveler's Guide to NOT Getting Caught

The Time Traveler's Guide to NOT Getting Caught

This is the story of how I found a time traveling watch behind a dumpster and my subsequent adventures through time as I make the world a better place...for me...and sometimes for other people as well...I mean, I have no doubt other people also benefited from the changes I made, so in some ways, it's kind of the story of how I became the greatest hero of all time...as well as a guide for any of you who might wind up finding a time machine and becoming a time traveler.



Mitologia Gettata

Manume - Look At Me Podcast

Mitologia gettata, il podcast più pagliaccio sulla mitologia greca! Le avventure degli eroi e degli dei della mitologia raccontate nel tempo di un caffè. Le loro storie come sapete sono tragicomiche e forse, per chi ha avuto la sfiga di studiarle a scuola, non è stato proprio chiaro che questi ragazzi non avessero "mai una gioia"!. Manuela, in arte Manume è qui per distruggere la brutta fama che si sono fatti sui banchi di scolastici e per raccontarvi le loro peripezie in modo ironico e divertente. Sarà un podcast divertente ma alla fine di ogni puntata rifletteremo sul vero significato di ogni storia. Un nuovo episodio ogni Mercoledì alle 06:00 Questo podcast è stato creato in collaborazione con Look At Me. Link: https://www.agenzialookatme.com/mitologiagettata

Hell or High Rollers

Hell or High rollers Podcast

From members of Mischief Theatre, creators of the Olivier award winning ‘The Play That Goes Wrong’ and the BBC’s ‘Goes Wrong Show; comes this brand new live action role play podcast. Loosely following the rules of D&D 5e join our players as they take on the roles of four heroes attempting to escape eternal damnation in DnD Hell!  This episode contains Adult content and listener discretion is advised Don’t forget that you can support the show on Patreon Cast Includes   GM is David Hearn @DaveHearn2   GlueBrick Bumbledung is @ChrisLeask   Ghoul is @EllieMorris   Eric Sanguinious is @AdamMeggido   Henley Whispers is @HenryShields   Socials   Follow us on Twitter @hellorhighpod   Follow us on Instagram @hellorhighrollers   Production Theme song by Max Runham Max Runham Spotify    Cover art by Grace Derrimann @Presidentofikea   Producer @GarethTempest   Get in contact with us hellorhighrollerspodcast@gmail.com   This podcast is hosted on Acast. See https://acast.com/privacy-policy for more information. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Fortnite | News & Leaks

Insta: louis.x134

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Pseudonym Solo Adventures

Pseudonym Social

Pseudonym Solo Adventures is an indie ttrpg anthology telling stories across a variety of games and genres. Our goal is to bring you stories you enjoy while highlighting creators big and small across the ttrpg industry. Each season will include a self-contained story in an indie ttrpg with a few D&D adventures written by indie creators, run and played by podcasters, streamers, and creators.

Quest Friends!

Kyle Decker

Skeletons! Zombies! Angry, angry mushrooms! Even the most average day is filled with excitement when the afterlife is only a plane ride away. Join five best friends as they tell improvised tabletop adventures in a ghostly world inspired by cartoons like Amphibia, The Owl House, and Gravity Falls.

Misafir Odası

Podbee Media

Sevgili hayali kitlem, hayatımız nereye gidiyor? İnsan ailesinden, ölümden, çocukluk anılarından, yaşamaya çalıştığı şehrin gürültülerinden ve kafasındaki seslerden ne kadar uzağa kaçabilir? Bir pasaport, bir vize, her şeyi çözmeye yeter mi? Merhaba. Ben Umay Şen, 35 yaşındayım. Bu şehirde debeleniyorum. Kardeşim Ülgen ve annem İştar’la mutsuz orta sınıf bir aile olmanın hakkını veriyoruz. Yurt dışına çıkma planlarım, her sabah içtiğim yarım litre kahve ve bindiğim metrolarla da beyaz yakalılığın hakkını veriyorum. Bu da benim podcastim. Daha doğrusu, podcast dizim. Nasıl mı? Şöyle; beni, yani, Umay'ı Aslı İnandık oynuyor. Kardeşim Ülgen'i Güven Murat Akpınar, annem İştar'ı Derya Alabora, babam Rıza'yı da Serkan Keskin oynuyor. Volkan Çıkıntoğlu yazdı, Tunç Şahin yönetti. Gerçekten. Dinleyin anlayacaksınız. Günaydın veya iyi geceler, hayali kitlem. Unutmadan afişi de Onur Sipahi yaptı.

Meet Cute Rom-Coms

Meet Cute

The Official Source of Rom-Coms. Meet Cutes are original romantic comedies told in 15 minutes. www.meetcute.com Here you’ll discover all of our 6-part series – the perfect pick-me-ups – with new episodes for free, twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays. Subscribers get early access to binge the latest series in full when it launches, our Meet Cute Singles feed, and after 3 months, each series will also be featured in its own feed, for subscribers only.

Batman: The Audio Adventures


In partnership with Warner Bros. and DC, this scripted audio original, Gotham City comes to lurid life in the theater of your mind…with a sensational pageant of technicolor villainy unlike any other on Earth. Mafioso Penguins. Thieving Catwomen. Terrorist Riddlers. Killing Jokers…a city where some problems can only be solved by a billionaire in a bat costume. Starring Jeffrey Wright as Batman, Rosario Dawson as Catwoman, John Leguizamo as the Riddler, and a who’s who of incredible “Saturday Night Live” alums, the series draws inspiration from the vintage noir atmosphere of the celebrated “Batman: The Animated Series,” the spirited fun of the classic 1960s “Batman”TV series, and the entire 80-plus year history of the BATMAN franchise. This rollicking, over the top Batman adventure is written and directed by Emmy®-winner Dennis McNicholas, features an A-List cast, and devilishly delightful original music.

Karma Stories (Formerly KCC)


Rob from Karma Stories (Formerly Karma Comment Chameleon) bringing you quality Reddit Narrations and commentary! We have the best of ProRevenge, NuclearRevenge, Entitled Parents and more! Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/karma-stories-formerly-kcc--5098578/support.



ما در رادیو سیتکام براتون یه قصه روایت می‌کنیم. قصه‌ای که از یه کلبه‌ی لعنتی کنار دریای شهر تهران شروع میشه. دریایی که البته به اقیانوس هم راه داره! کاراکترهای زیادی درگیر این قصه هستند صداپیشه‌ها (به ترتیب حضور در قسمت پایلوت): آلاله بهرامیان (راوی)، آرش زمانیان (آرش)، سیاوش صفاریانپور (مشاور: آقای شعاری)، آیدین سیارسریع (بیوک)، بورژین عبدالرزاقی (بورژین)، مرتضی قدیمی (مرتضی)، مهرداد نعیمی (بیژن)، علی دریاکناری (مُراد)، بهزاد قدیانلو (بهزاد)، امیرقباد فرهی (هومن)، نادر رحمانی (عمو عابد)، مونا زارع (عسل)، علی رمضانپور (سیاوش)، احسان بیاتفر (کیارش)، پدرام سلیمانی (پدرام)، حمید حیدری (سیامک)، ع


Moorpark Media

Join us for an adventure that's part dinner party and all improvised role-play! Each episode five friends combine forces to weave a tale of fantasy, food, and fun in a home-brewed D&D campaign. There's powerful spells, magic horses, other realms, and enough excitement and laughs for everyone to get seconds.

Kocouři paní Figgové

David Jirsa a Dan Zezula

Literární vědec David a anglista Dan rozebírají svoje oblíbené knížky o Harry Potterovi kapitolu po kapitole. Podpořit nás můžete na herohero.co/kocouri

Atlas Avenue Beat

Bloody FM

Follow the adventures of P.I. James Locke as he interrogates criminals, solves cases, and fights crime in this comedy detective noir.

Jesters of Ravenloft: A D&D Podcast

Dumb-Dumbs & Dice

Jesters of Ravenloft is a D&D 5e podcast where a group of comedians are sucked into Dungeons & Dragons - and now it's up to them to become heroes and escape Ravenloft! A new episode drops every Friday and Saturday and, don't worry, there are NO SPOILERS for Strahd.

radiobiman "رادیو بی‌من"

radiobiman "رادیو بی‌من"

سری پادکست های نمایشی "رادیو بی من" با رویکرد طنز_روانشناسی

Mathildas Kirschkuchen

Björn und Ramona

Herzlich willkommen zu Mathildas Kirschkuchen. Wir, das sind Ramona und Björn, sprechen über die Hörspiele der drei Fragezeichen. Und zwar nur über die Hörspiele...unlogische Zufälle sind also vorprogrammiert, ups. Neben gefährlichen Halbwissen präsentieren wir euch zusätzlich auch noch unsere Theorien, Gedanken, Lebenstipps. Also seid gespannt und viel Spaß mit Mathildas Kirschkuchen. Warnhinweise: der Genuss von Mathildas Kirschkuchen kann zu plötzlichen Erleuchtungserscheinungen und Verlust von Kindheitserinnerungen führen. Bei Risiken und Nebenwirkungen hören Sie sofort die nächste Folge Mathildas Kirschkuchen

Ain't Slayed Nobody

Push the Roll LLC

Ain’t Slayed Nobody is a Gold ENnie winning podcast, bringing immersive tabletop roleplaying games to your feed! We feature short campaigns and one-shots using Chaosium’s Call of Cthulhu and other systems. We know you’ll find something you love amongst our experimental blend of narrative and actual play series with horrifying, humorous, and dramatic stories. Join our Discord server to chat about the show and become a member of the Patreon posse to support our independent podcast. Supporters gain bonus content, early campaign access, ad-free episodes, and they even help us shape the story. If you enjoy any podcasts from The Glass Cannon Network, Dark Dice, The Adventure Zone, Dungeons & Daddies, Worlds Beyond Number, How We Roll Podcast, or Pretending to be People, you may like us too. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Dumbgeons and Dragons: A Dungeons and Dragons 5e Actual Play Podcast

Dumb Dragons Productions

Dumbgeons and Dragons follows 4 best friend's game of Dungeons & Dragons 5e that's more than 10 years in the making! The group rolls high on charisma and low on luck as these Canadians fill your ears with laughter, high-stakes action and love. Season 3 is available now with new episodes every Wednesday AND is the perfect starting point for new listeners. Dumbgeons kicks off a new story with new characters in an entirely home brew world! Once you're hooked, go back to Season 1 and 2 to hear our other perilous and hilarious adventures. Season 1 and 2 of Dumbgeons and Dragons take on the Rise of Tiamat followed by the time-hopping Orcus Apocalypse. Hosted by our dungeon master, Russ More, and regular players: the hilarious Amy More, the motivational Carla Maxted, and the charming Tom Laird alongside regular guest adventurers! A hero like you supports Dumb Dragons Productions at www.patreon.com/dumbdragoncast


Tim Ferriss

The Legend of COCKPUNCH™ is the tale of a fantastical realm, a universe of the bizarre from the mind of bestselling author Tim Ferriss. Stories are the gateway drug in this Emergent Long Fiction (ELF) project. Characters, maps, artwork, and more will be released over time at cockpunch.com and tim.blog/cockpunch. For other oddities from the world of Varlata, follow @cockpunch and @tferriss on Twitter.


Meet Cute

Eight years after Sabine Eliot was persuaded by her family to break up with her college sweetheart, the exes are set to meet again at an A-list wedding in the French countryside. While Sabine is enjoying a flourishing career as an influencer, her heart’s never been the same since she said goodbye to sweet and sensitive Wyatt.  Meanwhile, if Wyatt had something to prove in the years since he was rejected by Sabine, boy has he proved it. He’s the most sought-after photographer in L.A., friend to the stars, and he’s never been more eligible. With a four-day wedding extravaganza ahead of her, Sabine is in for oodles of star-studded events and also lingering, weird feelings for her ex. Then Sabine meets Henrietta Louise Musgrove, current It Girl and darling of the cinema. It’s the friendship Sabine always dreamed of striking up (and using to her advantage). These two are destined to be the next “Taylena.” That is, until Henrietta Louise Musgrove has eyes for Wyatt, and wants Sabine’s help securing his heart. Jane Austen’s Persuasion for the modern era, Influence is a playful re-imagining of one woman’s climb up the social ladder, and about if true love can conquer all–even Hollywood. Story by Kristina Libby. Produced and Directed by Vincent Cacchione. Story Editor: Amarlie Foster. Director of Creative Production: Lucie Ledbetter. Starring: Edie Salas Miller, Tom Donoghue, Anne Hogan, Helen Shephard, Marcella Lentz-Pope, Joseph Lymous, David Commander, Danny Tamberelli, Julie Lamendola, Magali Charron, Vincent Cacchione, Alan Kelly.

Bloodthirsty Hearts

QCODE | Tenderfoot TV

Friends growing apart happens, but creatures crashing a fantasy convention… not so much.  Five high schoolers bonded over the Bloodthirsty Hearts novel series turned slightly-erotic movie franchise as kids, and now it’s what brings them back together for the first-ever fan convention. However, what starts as fun and games quickly turns into a fight-for-your-life event as creatures from the same universe invade. Will the childhood friends be able to work past their differences and survive the night? Perhaps their shared obsession will prove to be useful after all… ~~ From the makers of Classified and Ronstadt comes Bloodthirsty Hearts, a supernatural comedy premiering everywhere July 7. QCODE+ subscribers on Apple Podcasts will get early access to new episodes before anyone else and exclusive bonus content. Learn more at apple.co/qcode. ~~ Produced by QCODE and Tenderfoot TV (Up and Vanished, Radio Rental). Created and written by George V. Ghanem and directed by Sam Beasley. Starring Victoria Moroles, Gus Birney, Sofia Bryant, Sivan Alyra Rose, and Cheyenne Haynes with Taran Killam, Happy Anderson, Naomi Grossman, and Ezra Buzzington.

Less Is Morgue

The Praeps Collective

Less is Morgue is an award-winning comedy fiction podcast about Riley, a paranoid ghoul, and Evelyn, a cheerful ghost who died at a Nickelback concert in 2004. Together, they host a basement talk show where paranormal chaos is par for the course. Set in an alternate Tallahassee, Florida, where monsters are mundane and the supernatural is typical, you can expect a whirlwind of absurdist horror-comedy, more eccentric characters than you can possibly imagine, and a strangely touching story about friendship, found family, and personal growth. Start with Episode 101. Season 2 is here!


Jane Austen

Are you a fan of classic literature and romantic comedies? Look no further than Jane Austen's Persuasion! This heartwarming and enduring love story offers a witty and charming look at love, friendship, and self-discovery. With its relatable characters and engaging plot, Persuasion is a must-listen for fans of Austen and anyone looking for a delightful and enjoyable audiobook experience. Don't miss out on this chance to lose yourself in the world of Persuasion – start listening today! https://www.solgood.org - Check out our Streaming Service for our full collection of audiobooks, podcasts, short stories, & 10 hour sounds for sleep and relaxation at our website

That girl aesthetic



Cypress Creek

Voyage Media

A dark comedy audio drama that looks behind the doors of your friends and neighbors. In the aftermath of a hurricane, Joan's family and others like her on the lower ridge have lost almost everything, while Katie and her fellow residents of Cypress Creek on the upper ridge emerged unscathed. An HOA election could change everything, making sure the community resources go to those in need. But only if Joan can defeat Katie, the ultimate "Karen" of the neighborhood. The epic battle that will ensue between them will put them and the residents to the ultimate test... and everyone might not make it out alive. BIG LITTLE LIES meets DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES in a post-hurricane suburban neighborhood. Based on HURRICANE HARVEY: OVERCOMING THE CHAOS by Lyn Jenkins: https://www.amazon.com/HURRICANE-HARVEY-OVERCOMING-CHAOS-everything/dp/B085K9R9Z2

Camp Here & There

Mayfield & Belov

Tune in to the loudspeakers of a small midwestern sleep-away camp plagued by supernatural terrors and natural disasters. Sydney Sargent, resident camp nurse, cheerfully reports on all the dangers just below (and above) our feet. Episodes air weekly starting June 10th 2021. Original music written and composed by Will Wood.

The Valentyne Heresy: A Warhammer 40K RPG

Dumb-Dumbs & Dice

The Valentyne Heresy: A Warhammer 40K RPG is a Dumb-Dumbs & Dice live-play podcast where professional voice actors and improvisers journey into the grim darkness of the 41st millenium - playing the Genesys adaptation of Warhammer 40K's "Dark Heresy" TTRPG! Join Inquisitor Lucius Valentyne, and hive-bred siblings Lyric and Alto, as this unlikely trio try to save the Emperor from a cabal of mysterious enemies! This series features our Game Master Tom McGee (@mcgeetd), and regular players Ryan LaPlante (@theryanlaplante), Tyler Hewitt (@Tyler_Hewitt) and Laura Elizabeth (@lauraehamstra)!



分享生活週記 然後再來檢討過去自己學生時期寫的週記 Powered by Firstory Hosting

Planescape: Torment - The Unofficial Audio Series


Re-discover the amazing story of the 1999 cult classic - Planescape: Torment. A fully voiced re-telling of the game's story with a modern take and narrative drive. I hope to follow on from Rhyss Hess' example in lovingly creating an homage to this wonderful story, that aims to allow new and existing fans to enjoy the narrative in an episodical, fully voiced, unofficial audio series. I will be mostly using Dan Simpson's in-depth guide to cover as much content as possible in one single playthrough. This series began as a way to challenge and stretch my voice over and audio editing capabilities; and since, has become a vast passion project where I re-experience one of my all-time favourite stories, bringing renewed life to the beautifully written characters. https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1109783.Rhys_Hess https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/187975-planescape-torment/faqs/7964 Planescape: Torment - Enhanced Edition Beamdog brings modern features to yet another classic isometric RPG in Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition. Uncover secrets of past lives in this story-rich, tactical roleplaying game set in Sigil, a dark fantasy city at the heart of the Dungeons & Dragons multiverse. Explore the planes, survive combat alongside a party of unique companions, and solve puzzles unlike any ever seen in the genre. The original Planescape: Torment was released in 1999 to widespread critical acclaim. It won RPG of the Year from multiple outlets for its unconventional story, characters, and amazing soundtrack. Since then, millions of Planescape: Torment fans have enjoyed exploring the strange and dangerous city of Sigil and surrounding planes through the Nameless One's eyes. Beamdog has partnered with Chris Avellone, Lead Designer on the original Planescape: Torment, to curate Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition and update it with modern features to share with a new generation of role playing fans. "Beamdog has worked hard to ensure the feel and tone of the Enhanced Edition matches the original game. At the same time, they've also taken advantage of current generation technology to allow for improvements to the interface and feel - it's the best way to play Planescape: Torment, hands-down." Discover an incredibly rich story and a unique setting unlike anything else in fantasy. Defeat strange and alien creatures, engage in rich dialogue, and explore the dark and dangerous Planescape setting in this 50+ hour RPG classic. This is Planescape: Torment like you’ve never seen before. https://planescape.com/ Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Roll Plus Heart

Roll Plus Heart

An actual play podcast with a focus on queer storytelling. Join Becs, Helen, Jen and Sara for a series of short table-top role-playing games using a variety of game systems, including Thirsty Sword Lesbians, Kids on Bikes, Stone the Crows and Mundane Magic. Featuring fresh new characters for each game, some true chaos role-playing, jokes to make your mum blush, and beautiful LGBTQ+ love. If you like comedy-focused actual play podcasts but you want it more femme, more gay and more silly, you'll love Roll Plus Heart. As our focus is on short-form games, you can start listening at any point. Some of our games are mini-series, which are best listened to in order, but the rest are mostly one-shots, which are entirely standalone. No need to catch up - just jump on in!

Alo! Kam Nje Pytje (Podcast Shqip)

Pod Hub 2.0

Debate më të nxehta se fotot lakuriq të Margot Robbie. Humori më i zi se Obama (qeni i Ilir Shaqirit tek BBV) Çdo te hënë ne te gdhire del podcasti më i mirë. Nese jeni te pangopur dhe nje ne jave nuk u mjafton atehere Ju inkurajojmë të na mbështesni në Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Alo_ka... ku do të keni akses pa limit të çdo episodi pa reklama, 4 episode më shumë se në platformën bazë dhe të gjitha episodet BONUS* dhe shume episode eksluzive te padegjuar më parë Asgjë nuk ka imunitet ndaj humorit apo pyetjeve kritike. Ju rikujtojmë që episodet tona janë telefonata të vërteta spontane të painskenuara, apo paramenduara dhe si pasojë varen nga cilësia e internetit. Ne punojmë cdo ditë për të rritur kualitetin e cdo podcasti te rradhës. Faleminderit për mirëkuptimin. Ti vetëm dëgjo dhe na mbështet duke na ndjekur dhe duke e shpërndarë Instagram: alo_kam_nje_pytje Youtube: Alo! Kam nje pytje https://linktr.ee/PODHUB2.0

Geschichte für Dichte


Der Geschichte für Dichte Podcast richtet sich an geschichtsinteressierte Personen, die sich schon immer gefragt haben, wie eine kleine Änderung zu einem alternativen Geschichtsverlauf geführt hätte. Was wäre, wenn Dschingis Khan ein furchtbare Midlife-Crisis gehabt hätte, wo stünden wir heute, wenn Christoph Kolumbus tatsächlich Indien gefunden hätte, und welche Rolle würde Hildegard von Bingen spielen, wenn sie statt Kräutern ein Interesse für Eventplanung gehabt hätte? Diese und weitere alternative Szenarien besprechen wir im Stil eines gemütlichen Infotainment-Gesprächs im Podcast.

The Monster Hunters

Definitely Human

Take a trip back to swinging London in the early 1970s and meet Roy Steel, ex-big game hunter, and Lorrimer Chesterfield, a brain in the shape of a man. Together they are The Monster Hunters. Their mission: to protect the country from vampires, werewolves and a whole pantheon of unmentionable terrors! Taking its cue from the classic period of British horror and adventure, the 1960s and 70s, The Monster Hunters is a comedy adventure series written by and starring Peter Davis and Matthew Woodcock. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.



Diego Boneta, Naomie Ackie, Rupert Friend, Dillon Francis star in this musical comedy for the full family. Making up for lost time, Grandpa tells Jason and Dylan about Cupid and his quest for the missing Loomjuice. When Cupid wakes up from a night of partying in Hollywood to find that all of his mother’s powerful love potion is missing, he is stripped of his godly powers and exiled to Earth where he has only 7 days to recover the magical potion. If he fails, his new eternity will consist of constant combat training in his father Ares’ brutal bootcamp. Twists and turns and some unexpected allies await, and the clock is ticking… ~~ From the makers of Classified and Electric Easy comes Cupid, a rom-com featuring original music premiering October 17. All 7 episodes will be available for free, but QCODE+ subscribers get early, uninterrupted access to the entire series. Learn more at apple.co/qcode. Listen to the Original Soundtrack. ~~ Produced by QCODE, Double Garage Films, and Three Amigos. Written and directed by Katy Cavanagh-Jupe. Starring Diego Boneta, Naomie Ackie, Rupert Friend, Dillon Francis and more.

One Shots: A Live-Play Mini Series Podcast

Dumb-Dumbs & Dice

One Shots is a Dumb-Dumbs & Dice live-play podcast where professional voice actors and improvisers tackle "one shot" adventures set in different RPGs. Join us in Eberron, Avernus, an 80's Buddy Cop Film, Star Trek, the grim future of Warhammer 40K and more! Our intrepid heroes and villains are joined by various DMs, GMs, and more as they explore new worlds and new games! The show is hosted by our Dungeon Master, Tom McGee (@mcgeetd), and our regular players Ryan LaPlante (@theryanlaplante) and Tyler Hewitt (@Tyler_Hewitt)! Follow our heroes, experience new RPGs and enjoy the ongoing insanity!



Pen-&-Paper-Hörspiele von den Machern vom Heldenpicknick-Podcast. Eine Produktion von Klappkatapult.

Dumb Scum & Villainy: A Star Wars RPG Podcast

Dumb-Dumbs & Dice

Dumb Scum & Villainy is a Dumb-Dumbs & Dice live-play podcast where professional voice actors and improvisers explore the underworld of the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire roleplaying game. Join our crew of bumbling criminals - the seductive pilot Brash (Ryan LaPlante, @theryanlaplante), the hapless gambler Vic Denbar (Tyler Hewitt, @Tyler_Hewitt), and the amnesiac bounty hunter Wakka Wakka Fonzie (Adam McNamara, @adammcnamara13) - as they try and heist their way out of a debt to a deadly Hutt! Hosted by our incredible Game Master, Tom McGee (@mcgeetd)!

Quest Fantastic

Sara Keep, Paul Goodman

Season 2: An actual-play podcast in the world of Orbital Blues by Soul Muppet Publishing! Three crewmates aboard The Moose (formerly the Duchess) are hired to rid the oil town Humberstone of a meddlesome and aggressive young woman, but how long can they outrun their past – and evade a permanent case of the orbital blues? Season 1: An actual play podcast in the world of Dungeons & Dragons! Ten years after a band of adventurers became heroes, the Justyce Loving Friends are living lives of contentment in the market town of Lower Coastberg. When a new threat arises that cannot be ignored, our heroes must dust off their helms, sharpen their battleaxes and squeeze into their armour for one last quest. Come be a Justyce Loving Friend on Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Death by Dying

Evening Post Productions

The Obituary Writer of Crestfall, Idaho finds himself deeply in over his head as he investigates a series of strange and mysterious deaths… when he is supposed to simply be writing obituaries. Along the way he encounters murderous farmers, man-eating cats, haunted bicycles, and a healthy dose of ominous shadows. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/deathbydyingpod

The Critshow

Critshow Studios

A group of friends have their lives turned upside down when they find themselves placed as the last line of defense between the everyday world and the things that go bump in the night. This actual play podcast uses Monster of the Week and other Powered by the Apocalypse games, all within the same dimension hopping narrative, to follow the Indiana Paranormal Task-force (IPT) as they are thrust into the front lines of a battle they didn't know existed.

Michelle Rojas Is Not Okay

Audible Originals

Michelle Rojas is not okay. In fact, she’s burnt out. With a PsyD from Yale and a job at a renowned Connecticut therapy practice, Dominican psychologist Michelle Rojas is a Washington Heights success story. When she gets fired for lashing out at co-workers and giving patients questionable advice, Michelle returns home. Ashamed yet bullish, she lies to her family and friends: Michelle—voiced by Dascha Polanco (Orange is the New Black, Samaritan) —opens a therapy practice in a local bodega under the false pretense of expanding the therapy practice from Connecticut to New York. But where she’s from, people just don’t go to therapy. It’s a struggle to pierce the tough resistance from the community, even with support from her free-spirited cousin Dora (Darlene Demorizi) and her quick-witted childhood friend Niño (The Kid Mero). Michelle Rojas is Not Okay follows Michelle as she struggles to grapple with both her professional and personal identities. Throughout her journey, she faces setback after setback before it slowly becomes clear that she’s there not only to offer help to her community, but also to receive it. Michelle Rojas is not okay, but will she be?

Bad Influencer

Emerald Audio

A wannabe nobody makes a wish and wakes up a famous influencer only to find herself caught in non-stop scandals. Featuring Deuxmoi, Kristen Doute, Perez Hilton and Christy Carlson Romano, Bad Influencer is a romantic comedy for your ears set in the current New York City Influencer world. Supported by: First Round’s On Me (FROME), a dating app for people who want to date intentionally and actually meet in person for a real date. First Round’s On Me is now available for Android and iOS! Bring back real dating. Learn more: https://bit.ly/fromexbadinfluencer If you like Bad Influencer, find us on IG and TikTok @emeraldaudionetwork and try out these other titles!  The Royals of Malibu The Key of Love Rainbow Girl

The Encounter Table

Encounter Co.

A D&D real play podcast where three best friends "encounter" guest(s) each campaign, strive to entertain, make you laugh, and make a positive impact on the world! CURRENT CAMPAIGN: Marvin's Game FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES: contacttetpod@gmail.com



TripleTwenty ist der Rollenspielpodcast einer Anfängergruppe und lädt alle zum mithören ein, die sich für Pen&Paper wie "Das Schwarze Auge" oder "Dungeons & Dragons" interessieren - oder nur mal reinschnuppern wollen.

Pink Fohawk

Pink Fohawk

An actual play podcast set in the Shadowrun universe, following two rad shadowrunners making names for themselves in the streets of Seattle in the year 2053.

Trice Forgotten

Rusty Quill Ltd

Alestes likes to keep her head down while she works as a merchant, couriering deliveries and carrying travelers to destinations across the seas. Only as her travelers gradually become permanent crewmates, she realises her ship has become a floating museum, laboratory, vault of repatriated ‘treasures’, and a chef’s kitchen. After spending most of her life with the understanding that nothing changes, no matter how hard you fight, Alestes is faced with a choice: Will she use her new network of allies to build safe harbour and potentially a future for her new community, or will she once again put her head down and drown in her sea of excuses… Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Latest Peppa pig Stories

Rimpi Garg

Hi Everyone, I am three and I love to read books. Me and my dad are starting to share this time with everyone across world. I have read all the stories so now my dad is writing the stories and making new stories with different characters. Read Along with Peppa pig, Pig the pug, pete the cat and many more You can follow me & my other fun content on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSOa1ha9G9d-k_iACXb9DHg Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/funwithanayra/support

Curse, Code & Crown: A D&D Podcast

Dumb-Dumbs & Dice

Curse, Code, and Crown is an actual-play Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition podcast created by Dumb-Dumbs & Dice. A princess trapped in a suit of armour, (Laura Elizabeth, @elhamstring), a disillusioned royal guard (Ryan LaPlante, @theryanlaplante) and a fungus-worshipping Tortle (Tyler Hewitt, @Tyler_Hewitt) are forced to work together to save a fully original world created by our Dungeon Master Tom Mcgee (@mcgeetd)!

Wacky Stories

Dylan Ficken

Well I have fun stories to share

قصه‌های ایرانی

محسن سعادت

قصه‌های شفاهی که تا امروز دوام آورده‌اند میراث فرهنگی، هنری و خیال‌پردازی اجداد ما هستند. باید آواها، معناها و روایت‌های جان‌سختی باشند که هنوز از خلال قرن‌ها بر زبان آدم‌ها جاری می‌شوند. ما در این پادکست برخی از آنها را که بازمانده‌اند، انتخاب و برای شما نقل می‌کنیم.این پایان ماجرا نخواهد بود. از فصل چهارم یعنی از اپیزود 125 به بعد، دربارۀ کارکردها، مضامین، ویژگی‌های زبانی، هنجارها و ناهنجاری‌ها و در برخی موارد ریشه‌های اساطیری این قصه‌ها صحبت خواهیم کرد. گاهی ویژگی‌های فرهنگی و فکری ساکنان این سرزمین از میان کلمات این قصه‌ها بهتر قابل ردیابی و شناسایی است تا از خلال ابیات شاهنامه، رباعیات خیام، بوستان یا گلستان سعدی. پس این شما و این خیال و اندیشۀ اجداد عوام ما. www.giyomebaz.ir

Заметки Краммтона


Всем привет, Нас зовут Дима и Антон, а вместе мы называемся "Заметки Краммтона". В своём подкасте мы обсуждаем новости, разные реальные, интересные истории. Рассказываем о персонажах, известных и не очень. Шутим над самым серьезным.

Bons baisers de partout


INA Podcasts présente un trésor des archives de la radio : « Bons baisers de partout », en version restaurée. Avis aux amateurs de calembour et de création sonore ! “Bons baisers de partout”, la série totalement loufoque de Pierre Dac et Louis Rognoni est de retour en version restaurée, sur INA Podcasts. Cette parodie de série d’espionnage diffusée de 1966 à 1974 met en scène le Service de Documentation Unilatéral et de Contre-espionnage (le SDUC) dirigé par le Colonel Hubert de Guerlasse, interprété par Pierre Dac lui-même. À retrouver tous les mercredis à 18h.

Where It All Started Novel

J. Allison Baird

"A good old fashioned love story between a workaholic submissive, who has her whole life planned ahead of her, and a Dominant who would take every day as it comes, if she weren't so terrified that everyone will one day leave her." This is the audio version of Where It All Started, a novel written by J. Allison Baird and illustrated by S. M. Shifflett which is being released online for free, one chapter a week in both text and audio format. At the end of which a limited physical print run is planned for those who enjoyed the novel and wish to support it. Or just want it as a very pretty book they can hold in their hands. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts and see whereitallstartednovel.com for the illustrated text version. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

AudioSerie La Que Se Avecina

Comunidad Montepinar

NUEVO: Las divertidas historias de la Comunidad Montepinar llegan en Exclusiva en formato AudioSerie Audible. 4 Horas de LQSA en Podcast. Disfruta de un total de 10 Capítulos ubicados en la Temporada 12 de la Serie con las voces de sus Protagonistas. Pablo Chiapella (Amador), José Luis Gil (Enrique Pastor), Jordi Sánchez (Antonio Recio) o Nathalie Seseña (Berta), entre otros, llevarán a tus oídos las desternillantes aventuras de esta Comunidad de vecinos nada convencional. Sumérgete en todo un universo de nuevas tramas fuera de la Comunidad, en el que Amador cumplirá al fin su promesa de llevar a su Familia a Disneylandia o en el que Menchu (Loles León) y Fina (Petra Martínez) acompañarán a Yoli (Miren Ibarguren) a Turquía para que se haga un injerto de pelo en su zona genital.