Genre Geschehen

Daniel Schröckert, André Hecker, Tino Hahn, PodRiders Netzwerk

Genre Geschehen ist der Film-Podcast für alle Sucher, Spürnasen und Trüffelschweine. Abseits der gängigen Sehgewohnheiten wühlen sich Daniel Schröckert, André Hecker und Tino Hahn durch den etwas anderen Filmstoff, um die Perlen aus den Trögen heraus zu picken und euch wöchentlich in diesem Format zu präsentieren.

10 Minuten Mittelerde - Der Herr der Ringe Podcast

Pixel Taverne Network

Herzlich willkommen im tänzelnden Pony! Holt euch beim Wirt ein Glas und lauscht unseren Geschichten aus einem fernen Zeitalter. Daniel und Dennis nehmen euch mit nach Mittelerde und analysieren in entspannter Atmosphäre die gesamte Herr der Ringe Trilogie, häppchenweise anhand von 10-minütigen Filmabschnitten. Seid ein Teil der Gemeinschaft des Rings und reist mit uns gemeinsam zum Schicksalsberg! 10 Minuten Mittelerde - Der Herr der Ringe Podcast Eine Pixel Taverne Network Produktion

The Video Archives Podcast with Quentin Tarantino & Roger Avary

Insertomatic • Video Archives Podcast

Quentin Tarantino & Roger Avary invite you to become a customer at Video Archives, the video store where it all began. Joined by their trusty producer Gala Avary, they’ll travel back in time to revisit old classics and discover new favorites, pulled from the thousands of actual VHS tapes that Quentin & Roger used to recommend to customers back in the day at the original Video Archives store in Manhattan Beach. From controversial James Bond films to surprising exploitation flicks, the Video Archives team will expose you to movies you didn't know you'd love, give awards to their favorites, and of course, rate the quality of the video transfer.

Lichtspielplatz – Der Podcast von Wilsons Dachboden

Christian Genzel

Salzburgs hellster Film-Podcast: Im Lichtspielplatz sprechen Christian Genzel und Dr. Wily über bewegte und bewegende Bilder.

Bahnhofskino - Der Filmpodcast von A bis Sleaze

Patrick Lohmeier & Daniel Gramsch

Der dienstälteste deutschsprachige Genrefilm-Podcast. Seit 2012 sprechen wir, Patrick Lohmeier und Daniel Gramsch, wöchentlich über Kino abseits des Mainstreams sowie kleine und große Filmperlen aus Kindheitstagen. Egal, ob Horror, Action, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Eastern, Western oder Exploitation - kein Genre ist sicher. Alle besprochenen Filme werden kritisch seziert, wobei der persönliche Blick und die kulturhistorische Einordnung immer wichtige Rollen spielen. Feedback und Filmwünsche bitte an Der Bahnhofskino Filmpodcast ist ein privat finanziertes, inhaltlich unabhängiges und garantiert werbefreies Format. Bitte unterstützt unsere Arbeit bei Patreon. Dafür gibt es jede Episode eine Woche vorab, regelmäßig erscheinende Bonusfolgen sowie exklusiven Zugriff auf das Podcast-Archiv der ersten vier Jahre.

Popkultur Plusquamperfekt

Philipp Klein & Florian Westphal

Popkultur Plusquamperfekt ist ein Podcast über die Popkultur unserer Kindheit. Wir, das sind Philipp und Flo, treten an zu einer abenteuerlichen Reise durch die popkulturellen Ausgrabungsstätten unserer Jugend.  Auf welche Artefakte wir stoßen und was unser Blick mit halbwegs erwachsenen Augen über sie verrät, das erfahrt ihr bei Popkultur Plusquamperfekt – jeden zweiten Mittwoch.

Der Herr der Ringe pro Minute

Manuel Pöppel, Torben „Eisenkessel“ Klie

Der Herr der Ringe - die Filmtrilogie minütlich erklärt! In diesem Podcast wird die Filmtrilogie „Der Herr der Ringe“ Minute für Minute analysiert. Neben dem Making-Of wird auch ganz tief der Bezug zum literarischen Werk von Autor J.R.R. Tolkien beleuchtet. Besucht uns auch bei Discord: Musik: Ben Hofer & Clara Anna Altmann Falls du unser Projekt unterstützen möchtest:


Earwolf, Paul Scheer & Amy Nicholson

Each week actor & comedian Paul Scheer (Black Friday, The League) and film critic Amy Nicholson (New York Times, Washington Post) break down the greatest films of all time. From the classics, to new releases and every indie film in-between. Along the way, they’ll dissect iconic scenes, spotlight their favorite characters, and talk to some of the actors and directors who worked on these classics. Join Paul and Amy every Thursday as they “Unspool” a new film and decide if it still stands the test of time.

Cinema Classics – Der Making-of Podcast


Hinter den Kulissen von Hollywood ging es nur selten harmonisch zu: narzisstische Stars, unfähige Autoren, oder Regisseure, die ihren Allmachtsfantasien freien Lauf ließen. Erlebt in diesem Podcast die Geburt wegweisender Filmklassiker – von „James Bond“ über „Star Wars“ bis zu „Alien“ und „Der Pate“. Präsentiert von den CINEMA-Redakteuren Ralf Blau und Volker Bleeck.

Filmology - فیلمولوژی

Alvis Wolff

بررسی تکنولوژی و هنر سینما در برنامه فیلمولوژی به میزبانی اویس وولف، کارگردان و تهیه کننده مقیم سوئد. Link: 🔴Spotify: 🔴Castbox 🔴Apple Podcast: 🔴Youtube:

Männer, die auf Videos starren | Trashfilme, schlechte Musik und grottige Games


Männer, die auf Videos starren bietet euch jeden Monat einen Einblick in die schlecht beleuchteten Seitenstraßen der Filmindustrie – vom Kino Nordkoreas über den italienischen Erotikfilm bis zu den dadaistischen Machwerken des Donald G. Jackson findet hier der Filmfreund mit dem Geschmack für das Absurde alles, was das Herz begehrt. Dabei geht es in unseren Folgen eher selten um einzelne Trashfilme. Wir versuchen vielmehr einen Überblick über bestimmte Genres, Darsteller, Regisseure und deren oft überraschend komplexen Hintergründe zu geben. Zudem verlassen wir auch immer wieder mal die ausgetretenen Pfade und widmen uns vergessenen Serien, verhunzten Videospielen oder grauenhaften Büchern. Damit es nicht zu steif wird, bereichern wir unsere Episoden mit einer ordentlichen Portion schräger Witze und Stories, die selbst den derbsten Trucker vom Bock hauen.

Kino to Go

Alles über Filme, Serien und Streaming!

Alles rund um die Welt des Films und Streamings.

Projektionen Kinogespräche

Marcus Stiglegger, Benjamin Johann, Julia Weigl

Welche Rolle spielen Räume bei David Lynch? Haben die Filme von Lars von Trier einen problematischen Umgang mit Frauenfiguren? Was ist intensives Kino? Und wie verändert sich das Kino in Zeiten von Streaming und Internet? Die Projektionen sind ein Kollektiv, ein Netzwerk an der Schnittstelle von Kunst, Filmkritik und Filmwissenschaft. Marcus Stiglegger (Filmwissenschaftler), Benjamin Johann (Filmkritiker und Autor), Julia Weigl (Künstlerische Co-Leitung Filmfest München). Viel Spaß beim Entdecken und Hören. Das Impressum findet sich unter:

Kino Korea

Stephan Fasold

Kino Korea - der Podcast über koreanische Filme und ihre Geschichte. Stephan Fasold spricht mit wechselnden Gästen über alles, was das koreanische Kino ausmacht. Von den Anfängen im 20. Jahrhundert bis hin zur koreanischen Welle (Hallyuwood) der letzten Jahre. 


Sebastian Schmidt Fred Handrick Udo Fischer

In den Nostromo- Gesprächen schnacken Fred, Sebastian und Udo mal im Duo, mal im Trio und ab und an mit erlesenen GästInnen über ihre große Leidenschaft - Filme. Der Schwerpunkt der cineastischen Auseinandersetzungen liegt zum einen auf formalen Qualitäten, wie der Inszenierung, der Produktion und Herstellung, darüber hinaus auf technischen Aspekten, wie Kamera, Lichtsetzung, Schnitt und Colorgrading, und zu guter Letzt auf der inhaltlichen Interpretation der Stoffe. Unsere Herzen schlagen für den Genrefilm, allerdings mit offenem Blick über den Tellerrand in alle erdenklichen Richtungen. Wir wünschen fröhliches Lauschen und freuen uns auf Eurer Feedback.

The Film Talk

Jett Loe and Gareth Higgins

After a 10 year break they've returned! The Ongoing Conversation about Movies and their Meaning with Jett Loe and Gareth Higgins continues to explore what films are really telling us about our lives and world, what we can learn about life through the eyes of others, and how movies can help us get through hard times - and affirm us in the better ones.

Bombay Talkies

Vera Wessel, Carolin Wart, Lisa Schlegel, Dennis Kowall

Wer mit indischen Filmen oder Serien aufgewachsen ist oder diese Leidenschaft irgendwann für sich entdeckt hat, muss sich häufig abschätzige Kommentare anhören. Daher ist es langsam an der Zeit mit den Klischees aufzuräumen: „Bollywood“ ist kein Genre, sondern nur eine Filmindustrie von vielen, in einem Land, das im Jahr 2023 circa 17% der Weltbevölkerung stellt. Entdeckt das indische Kino noch einmal aus deutscher Perspektive mit all seinen Eigenarten, durch Leute, die es bereits lieben oder gerade erst richtig kennenlernen... BOMBAY TALKIES ist ein Community-Projekt, das vom ISHQ-Magazin und dem Bennohaus Münster gestartet wurde. Im ersten Podcast auf Deutsch, der sich mit dieser großen Filmkultur und ihren Hintergründen befasst, laden wir ein, über den Tellerrand zu schauen, mitzudiskutieren und Vorurteile abzubauen.

Awesome Movie Year

Awesome Movie Year

Awesome Movie Year is a podcast co-hosted by film critic Josh Bell and filmmaker and comedian Jason Harris. Each season looks at why a certain year was an awesome movie year. Each episode focuses on a different film from the year being investigated. Produced by David Rosen of the Piecing It Together Podcast for the All Points West Podcast Network

Intresseklubben Antecknar

Per Perstrand & Jesper Wiking

Intresseklubben Antecknar är en podcast om regissörer och deras filmer, med Per Perstrand, filmskribent och Jesper Wiking, grafisk formgivare.

The James Bond A-Z Podcast

Tom Butler, Brendan Duffy, Tom Wheatley

Hosted by lifelong James Bond fans – film journalist Tom Butler, journalist Tom Wheatley, and improviser Brendan Duffy – The James Bond A-Z Podcast is an encyclopaedic introduction to the people behind the world’s greatest spy film franchise. Going from A-Z, each episode covers the key creatives and characters from every James Bond film from 1962’s 'Dr No' to 2021’s 'No Time To Die', talking about Ken Adam to Max Zorin, and everything in-between (and yes, that includes 'Never Say Never Again'). The show shines a light on every aspect of the filmmaking process answering many of the questions you always wanted to ask about the 007 films, and we are occasionally joined by guests who offer a unique perspective on the films. "Endearing" - Radio Times. Note: This podcast is not affiliated with the James Bond brand, Eon, MGM or the Ian Fleming estate.

Im Gehörgang Ihrer Majestät | Der deutschsprachige Podcast über James Bond 007

Commodore Schmidlabb

Im Gehörgang ihrer Majestät ist der erste und einzige deutschsprachige Podcast über James Bond 007. Seit Februar 2020 zelebrieren Kai Sternberg und Sebastian Meinke jeden Monat die Abenteuer des britischen Geheimagenten – von Ian Flemings Romanen, über die Comics und Videospiele, bis zu den beliebten Filmen. Dazu gibt es die Bond-Nachrichten, Reiseberichte von Drehorten und Interviews mit Akteuren der Fan-Szene.

The Baton: A John Williams Musical Journey

Jeff Commings

Take a musical journey through the 60-year career of film composer John Williams!

Lovers Forever

Amber Nelson

Tales of legendary Hollywood romance.

Filmduelle: Filmanalyse, Making of und Trivia

Rüdiger Meyer / Michael Hille

Alle 14 Tage suchen sich Michael Hille und Rüdiger Meyer zwei Filmklassiker heraus, die überraschend viel gemeinsam haben. Ob nun Blockbuster wie James Bond, Marvel, ”Fluch der Karibik”, ”Lethal Weapon” und ”Star Wars”, Oscar-Gewinner wie die Filme von Pixar und Disney oder Filmklassiker wie ”Pretty Woman” oder die Werke von Alfred Hitchcock. Alles kann dabei sein, egal ob Action, Romanze, Komödie, Animation, Thriller, Horror oder Abenteuer.

Talking Simpsons

Join your friends Bob Mackey and Henry Gilbert for a chronological and cromulent exploration of the greatest show ever made! Each week we're joined by funny guests to tackle a different episode of The Simpsons, breaking down every 22 minutes of animated entertainment into an embiggening discussion about Our Favorite Family. Support us directly at

Film Stories with Simon Brew

Simon Brew

Film Stories with Simon Brew is a podcast that looks to dig into the stories behind popular movies.From troubled productions, to rights issues, to difficulties with release to films nearly falling apart, the podcast will be looking at the stories that don't always seem apparent when watching a movie! The podcast is hosted by Simon Brew, the founder of Den Of Geek. You can find Simon at

The Secret History Of Hollywood

Adam Roche

An ongoing series of specially produced histories, bringing to life the stories and secrets that shaped cinema. @moviehistories

The Wire at 20


Few shows are as beloved as the HBO Original Series The Wire. In honor of its 20th anniversary, HBO is releasing a brand new podcast hosted by musician and actor Method Man and featuring revealing interviews with the show’s most memorable voices. Over eight episodes, the podcast will look back at David Simon’s sprawling five-season drama and unpack its complex themes, cultural influence, and ongoing legacy. The Wire at 20 podcast is produced by HBO and Campside Media.   Stream all five seasons of The Wire now on HBO Max.

Wake Up Heavy

Mark Begley

Wake Up Heavy is a podcast about my memories of strange horror movies from the 1970s and 1980s. I'm Mark Begley, your host. Please check out my other show Cambridge & Wishon.

It Was A Sh*t Show

It Was A Sh*t Show

Why did it take so long to make a Simpsons movie? Did Ed Harris really almost drown on The Abyss? How many times have they attempted to reboot Batman? And who thought Ugly Sonic was a good idea?Well, making stuff is hard. Especially in the entertainment world where big egos, bigger budgets, and just plain bad luck can make things go horribly wrong.In each episode of It Was a Sh*t Show, hosts Ian, Rae, and Clint dive into the unbelievable behind-the-scenes stories of disastrous, never-ending, and often dangerous productions. * New episodes on Wednesdays* Full video versions of Deep Dives can be seen on YouTube* Follow us on on social media @ItWasAShtShow Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Next Picture Show

Filmspotting Network

Looking at cinema's present via its past. The Next Picture Show is a biweekly roundtable by the former editorial team of The Dissolve examining how classic films inspire and inform modern movies. Episodes take a deep dive into a classic film and its legacy in the first half, then compare and contrast that film with a modern successor in the second. Hosted and produced by Genevieve Koski, Keith Phipps, Tasha Robinson and Scott Tobias.

The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of

The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of

From Kane’s Rosebud to Indy’s Whip to Captain America’s shield... Iconic treasures from the world of film and television are centerstage in this podcast hosted by collectors David Mandel (Veep, Curb Your Enthusiasm) and Ryan Condal (Colony, House of the Dragon). Every week, the two writers share their love of Hollywood memorabilia, revealing unbelievable stories around some of the most famous and culturally important props, costumes, art, and ephemera in silver screen history.

State of the Empire: A Lucasfilm Podcast

The Nerdy Show Network

A Star Wars speculation podcast, where we “Look For News in Alderaan Places!” Head to a galaxy far, far away and jump straight down the garbage chute for the latest news and rumors from the Star Wars Universe. We'll do anything to get a scoop, even make it up! And that's not all - we've got Indy Inquiry and Willow Watch, our segments dedicated to Indiana Jones and the Lucasfilm fantasy epic, Willow! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

How Would Lubitsch Do It?

Devan Scott

HOW WOULD LUBITSCH DO IT? is a journey through the life and works of Ernst Lubitsch in chronological order, one film at a time. In this limited podcast series, host Devan Scott will facilitate a series of discussions about all 43 of Ernst Lubitsch’s surviving films, from Wo ist mein Schatz to Cluny Brown. Each episode will consist of a mix of historical background and a discussion with a rotating slate of guests - critics, academics, and filmmakers - about one of Lubitsch’s films.

Café Video

Bastian & Gabriel

Der Filmpodcast für alle, die immer dachten, MacGuffins wären ein Gebäck, Ingmar Bergman eine Frau und PM nur ein Wissenschaftsmagazin ... Die Hosts Bastian und Gabriel machen nicht einfach nur einen weiteren Podcast, der sich um Filme dreht. Also schon, aber hier geht's um tiefgehende Gespräche, die am besten beschrieben werden können mit Schlagwörtern wie 'Genre', 'Nische', 'Filmgeschichte' und 'Popkultur'. Für alle Filmfreunde, die gerne diskutieren, ob der erste oder zweite Terminator der bessere Film ist, ob das Horror-Genre feministisch oder misogyn ist oder ob CGI Fluch oder Segen für das Medium Film ist. Und natürlich auch für alle, die wissen, dass Ingmar Bergman ein Mann ist.

The Movies That Made Me

Trailers From Hell, Josh Olson, Joe Dante

Filmmakers and entertainers discuss the movies that inspired them. Hosted by Oscar nominated screenwriter and TFH Guru Josh Olson and fearless leader himself, director Joe Dante. The Movies That Made Me is recorded live in Hollywood and engineered by film composer Don Barrett.

The Projection Booth Podcast

Weirding Way Media

The Projection Booth has been recognized as a premier film podcast by The Washington Post, The A.V. Club, IndieWire, Entertainment Weekly, and Filmmaker Magazine. With over 600 episodes to date and an ever-growing fan base, The Projection Booth regularly attracts special guest talent eager to discuss their past gems, including Ellen Burstyn, Willem Dafoe, Joe Dante, Bruce Dern, Chris Elliott, William Friedkin, Jeff Goldblum, Elliott Gould, Ed Harris, John Landis, Dolph Lundgren, Michael Palin, Sir Tim Rice, Julie Taymor, John Waters, and more. The podcast features discussions of films from a wide variety of genres with in-depth critical analysis. Visit us at Become a supporter of this podcast:

90 Minutes Or Less Film Fest

90 Minutes Or Less Film Fest

Sam Clements is curating a fictional film festival. He’ll accept almost anything, but with one catch - the movie must not be longer than 90 minutes. This is the 90 Minutes Or Less Film Fest podcast.

Filme in Serie

Filme in Serie

Der Name ist Programm. Wir, das sind Thomas, Raphael und Simon, reden über Filme und beleuchten diese auf abschweifende, umfängliche und humorvolle Art und Weise. Dabei sprechen wir über viele wichtige, aber meistens über unwichtige Details und äußern völlig subjektiv unsere Sicht der Dinge. Ein Spoiler-Alarm ist ab sofort ausgerufen und es gilt "no offense".  Folgt uns auf Instagram, wir brauchen das für unser Ego 👉

The Jurassic Park Podcast

The Jurassic Park Podcast

Your source for the Jurassic Park Franchise! Discussing the movies, shows, theme parks, toys, videos games, music and more!

The Soundtrack Show


The Soundtrack Show is a look at film scores and soundtracks for some of the most popular movies, TV Shows, Video Games and Theater pieces of all time.


Treksperts Podcast Network


Carli & Max

Jeden Monat schauen wir einen ausgewählten Film der Kinogeschichte und plaudern anschliessend darüber. Ausführlich, subjektiv und garantiert nicht spoilerfrei.

James Bond & Friends


007 experts and fans from around the world discuss the latest news and views on the James Bond universe covering the films, books, games, comics, collecting, events, and Moore!

The Plot Thickens

TCM & Novel

Our fifth season is Decoding John Ford, a seven-episode series about cinema's most mysterious auteur. Using scores of never-before-heard archival interviews, host Ben Mankiewicz strips back John Ford's self-spun mythology to reveal his brilliance behind the camera – alongside the often ugly, uncomfortable truths about his life and movies, asking whether we can ever truly separate art from the artist. Decoding John Ford starts June 6.

Spielfilmen - Der filmographische Podcast

Patrick Lohmeier & Dennis Bastian

Patrick Lohmeier und Dennis Bastian blicken einmal monatlich auf die Filmographien großer und kleiner Regielegenden zurück. Von Hollywood bis Babelsberg - von Kinohit bis Kassengift. Viel Spaß!

The Evolution of Horror

Mike Muncer

Welcome horror fans! The Evolution of Horror is a weekly movie discussion podcast that covers the history of horror cinema, one sub-genre at a time. From Universal Monsters to 80s slashers, from Alfred Hitchcock to Jordan Peele, we've got it covered! Each week, host Mike Muncer is joined by a different guest from the world of horror to discuss a movie in depth and its place in horror history.

The LexG Movie Podcast

LexG Podcast

A podcast for former comic and beloved film historian LexG to just ramble on and reminisce about beloved movie favorites, with the occasional new review.

Hello, Sidney: The Scream Podcast

Mike Muncer & Anna Bogutskaya

Do you like scary movies? We do, a lot! Made by horror fans for horror fans, Hello Sidney is a deep dive discussion podcast in which our hosts, Anna Bogutskaya, Mike Muncer and Louise Blain slice and dice their way through all the films in the Scream franchise one by one. From Woodsboro, to Windsor College to Hollywood, we'll be discussing favourite kills, scariest moments and speculating and predicting ahead of the new SCREAM coming in January 2022!

Vampire Videos

We Made This

Welcome, children of the night! Join Dan Owen and Hugh McStay for VAMPIRE VIDEOS as they explore a century of bloodsucking cinema with weekly guests and experts... From early German Expressionism and Hollywood's Golden Age, into 1950s B Movies and Hammer horror, to modern blockbusters, comedies, indie dramas, and romantic fantasies, we'll cover every variety of the vampiric on screen... one bite at a time. Visit our Linktree for all socials and links. A proud part of the We Made This podcast network. Become a supporter of this podcast:

Ein Filmarchiv

Brockmann & Ecke

Jeden Monat erscheinen frisch aufbereitete Klassiker und vergessene Filmperlen auf Blu-ray, zumeist bei mit Herzblut kuratierten Reihen von Boutique-Labels. Knut Brockmann und Jochen Ecke picken sich die Werke heraus, die sie besonders interessant finden, und sie reden darüber: über die Form, die filmhistorische Einordnung und filmische Besonderheiten.

artepod by artechock Filmmagazin

artechock Filmmagazin

Filmkritiken und weitere aktuelle Beiträge aus der Welt des Films

Halloweenies: A Horror Franchise Podcast

Bloody FM

Halloweenies® is a weekly horror franchise podcast. Each season, co-hosts Justin Gerber, Dan Caffrey, McKenzie Gerber, Rachel Reeves, and Michael Roffman slice and dice through one iconic series one movie at a time. In the past, they've covered Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Scream, The Evil Dead, and Chucky. This year? The Alien franchise. As always, there will be tricks, there will be treats, and, yes, there will be blood. Produced by Michael Roffman. Edited by Mae Shults. Music by The Most/Charlie Laurence and Billy Yost/The Kickback.

Dearly Departed Podcast

Mike Dorsey

Hollywood's dark side from historian Scott Michaels & filmmaker Mike Dorsey

Cinema Shock

Cinema Shock

Exploring the stories behind your favorite cult and genre films

La Saga

Plan Séquence

Le podcast La Saga vous invite dans un voyage à travers les franchises du cinéma. De mythiques à humoristiques en passant par horrifiques ou désastreuses, le podcast se penche avec minutie sur TOUTES les sagas cinématographiques, grandes ou petites, de France, d’Hollywood et d’ailleurs. Entouré d’invités journalistes, critiques ou influenceurs ainsi que de grands fans, Sofiane Aït-Kaci (Lynchsplaining, The Marvel Initiative...) tentera de répondre aux questions ultimes : Qu’est-ce qui fait une bonne saga ? Et lesquelles peut-on considérer comme les meilleures ? Les seules règles du jeu : on ne parle pas de Star Wars et chaque nouvelle saga est tirée au sort parmi une soixantaine d’autres franchises ! Rejoignez nous sur Patreon pour nous filer un coup de pouce financier et découvrir du contenu exclusif comme nos épisodes bonus en rapport avec les films dont on parle dans le podcast : ( Suivez nous sur Twitter et Instagram : @LaSagaPod ( Présenté par Sofiane Aït-Kaci Générique par Guillaume Brunet Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

The Cusack Cult Cast

Spellabee Space

Dylan MR Davis and Lucas F, the #1 & #3 Cusack Cute boys, go through acclaimed actor John Cusack's entire filmography, one film at a time.


Blake Barbour


Antenne Traumstadt - Der Filmpodcast

Bjoern Candidus & Gregor Grote

Betreiber:  Bjoern Candidus, Gregor Grote, Patrick Müller und Patrick Siebold Technik: Arne van Lessen Musik: Carlos Ebelhäuser Der Podcast ANTENNE TRAUMSTADT legt seinen Fokus vor allem auf Filme aus der zweiten und dritte Reihe; konzentriert sich dabei auf sämtliche Genre mit dem Schwerpunkt Horror, Scifi, Fantasy und Thriller, ist aber auch offen für alle anderen Genre-Bereiche. Hier soll es nicht nur um Filmbesprechungen gehen, sondern auch um Filmzeitschriften, Comics, Soundtracks, Bücher, Romanvorlagen, kulturelle Entwicklungen, aktuelles Zeitgeschehen, Interviews, Berichte usw. Ziel des Podcast ist die Präsentation und Instandhaltung filmischer Kultur. Mit persönlichen Erfahrungen und Fakten basierenden Infos will ANTENNE TRAUMSTADT dem Zuhörer Filme nahebringen und so einen fruchtbaren Boden schaffen.

One Heat Minute Productions

Blake Howard

ONE HEAT MINUTE PRODUCTIONS began with film journalist Blake Howard examining Michael Mann's 1995 crime opus HEAT chronologically, in 60-second increments, in the aptly titled "One HEAT Minute." The finale featured the legendary mastermind director, screenwriter and producer behind the film Michael Mann. The show continues with: MIAMI NICE is a "Modern Mann" campfire podcast that pours over every loveable morsel of Michael Mann's misunderstood masterpiece Miami Vice (2006). The show's expanding catalogue frequently strays into the world of other contemporary Mann productions like Collateral (Collateral Confessions), Tokyo Vice (Tokyo Nice) and Blackhat. Hosted by Katie Walsh and Blake Howard THE BLUS BROTHERS/IMPRINT COMPANION is a physical media podcast to unbox, unpack and unveil upcoming releases from Australia's boutique Blu-Ray label Imprint Films (and more). Alexei Toliopoulos and Blake Howard host them. TOO MUCH MOVIE is a show lost in 90s movies that are "too much" in the best possible way. Rob Belushi, Chris Candy and Blake Howard host it. Completed series: THE LAST (12 minutes) OF THE MOHICANS A TWELVE-EPISODE LIMITED PODCAST SERIES FOCUSING ON THE CLIMAX OF MICHAEL MANN'S 1992 EPIC THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS. INCREMENT VICE, Paul Thomas Anderson's Inherent Vice, a scene at a time. Hosted by Travis Woods ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MINUTES is a podcast where conversations about movies, journalism, politics and history meet. JOSIE AND THE PODCATS is a limited podcast series diving into the history, the production, the music, the legacy, and the fandom surrounding the 2001 cult classic Josie and the Pussycats. Maria Lewis hosts it. ZODIAC: CHRONICLE a 24-part investigation into David Fincher's 2007 genre-altering masterpiece Zodiac.

Miskatonic Filmclub

Miskatonic Filmclub

Lars und Hendrik sprechen über Horrorfilme. Ob von Ingmar Bergmann über Val Lewton zu Robert Eggers, von Hershell Gordon Lewis über Fred Vogel zu Damien Leone oder so international, dass wir die Namen nicht fehlerfrei auswendig hier hin schreiben können - In diesem Podcast wird stets das Unerwartete zu erwarten sein! Schnallt euch an, nehmt euch ein kaltes Getränk und dann auf in die filmhistorische Bildung!

Deutscher Filmpodcast

Deutscher Filmpodcast

Deutschlands kompetentester Filmpodcast, mit Reviews zu aktuellen Kinofilmen sowie Streaming. Natürlich auch mit Serien. Seit 2018. Immer mit Luke und Janosch sowie jeder Menge gute Laune. Bestimmt. Und jetzt: Aufhören zu lesen, das ist ja keine Zeitung.

All The Right Movies: A Movie Podcast

All The Right Movies

The best movie podcast around. Full making of stories behind classic and hit films, with big opinions and bigger laughs. Watch and subscribe now.

Journey Through Sci-Fi

James Payne

Are you feeling lost in the vast expanse of science fiction film and TV? Let Journey Through Sci-Fi be your audible guide to safety. Embark on a fortnightly odyssey into the heart of cinema and television with your dedicated hosts, James and Matt. We're here to explore the rich history of science fiction, one sub-genre at a time. From mind-bending AI, interstellar adventures, spine-chilling dystopias, and epic Space Operas, we've got it all covered! In each episode, we dive into the intricacies of two sci-fi movies or TV shows. We delve deep into their themes, uncover behind-the-scenes anecdotes, and examine their lasting influence on cinema and television. Come join us as we venture through the fascinating world of science fiction! To access bonus episodes and support the show, visit

ANSA Cinema: ieri, oggi, domani


Un podcast che aiuta a scegliere tra i film in sala nel fine settimana, attraverso la presentazione delle trame, degli attori e delle curiosità legate al film, ma non solo. E' un podcast che parla del cinema di ieri, di oggi e di domani.

Kill By Kill: Talking Horror Characters One Death At A Time

We Write Good

In each episode, Patrick Hamilton and Gena Radcliffe unpack all the gory details of horror cinema's least discussed topic: the characters. From Friday the 13th to Nightmare on Elm Street and beyond, our mission is to detail each hack, slash, and decapitation in the hopes that a victim's untimely end is just the beginning of the jokes we can make about them.

WTF Happened To....?!

Hollywood has had its fair share of historically troubled productions and actors/actresses that were "hot" one minute and gone the next. Whether it was casting changes, actor deaths, fired directors, in-production rewrites, constant delays, budget cuts or studio edits, many films had such behind the scenes issues that we will discuss in our shows. We'll also delve into the lives of some Hollywood folk who seemed to have disappeared after striking it big at first. Either way, we have to ask: WTF Happened To....?!


Epicleff Originals | Cadence13

Award-winning miniseries about the filmmakers who revolutionized the movies. Season 1: George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and the 1970s Movie Revolution. Season 2: The Story of James Cameron. It's a movie for your ears.

Forgotten Hollywood

JLJ Media

Producer/Creator/Host Doug Hess takes you on a journey back in time and shares with you pieces. of Hollywood you may or may not have known about!

Location Sound Podcast

Michael The Sound Guy

Each episode we talk with location sound mixers, boom ops and other industry pros about the various aspects of recording sound on-location for feature and independent films, TV commercials, interviews, anytime where dialog from actors is recorded. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or just starting out, this podcast is packed with great stories and lessons about recording on-location.

Eye of the Duck

Dom Nero and Adam Volerich | Morbid Network | Wondery

A podcast about movies and the scenes that make them special. Each week, hosts Dom Nero and Adam Volerich explore a movie by finding the scene at its core–what David Lynch calls an "Eye of the Duck" scene. Join Dom and Adam as they celebrate cinema's greatest scenes, charting franchises such as Alien, The Evil Dead, and Indiana Jones, and major movements in film history, like '80s Dark Fantasy, Winter Horror, and Cyberpunk.

Full Marx - A Marx Bros. Podcast

Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon's Ian Boothby and David Dedrick take a fun and humorous look at the Marx Brothers - one film at a time.

It Happened In Hollywood

The Hollywood Reporter

On this podcast, Seth Abramovitch, senior writer at The Hollywood Reporter, takes you behind the scenes of the indelible pop culture moments that shaped Hollywood history — with special guests who were actually there. In a town where everything old is eventually new again, Seth gives listeners a front-row seat to the way things were. Welcome to IT HAPPENED IN HOLLYWOOD! Theme music composed by: Paul Masvidal and Sean Malone

Vintage Tingles

Vintage Tingles

Tuesday: Soothing vintage movie clips with improved sounds and ambient background sounds in audios where it adds something relaxing to the scene. Thursday: Audiobook in public domain read by me or librivox narrator with improved sound quality and ambient background noise. Sunday: Vintage radio show or music

Godzilla Final Podcast

Matin Gamarra - Stéphane Bouley

Dans godzilla final podcast, nous remontons la chronologie godzillesque, des origines à aujourd'hui, en chroniquant 2 à 3 films par épisode et en essayant de comprendre en quoi ils nous parlent du contexte, politique, sociétal ou artistique, de leur époque. Pacifisme, animisme, capitalisme, et plein d’autres mots en -isme au programme (et des calembours) Et évidemment, on va pouvoir vous parler de vos monstres préférés : Mothra, Anguirus, Kong, King Caesar, Mecha Godzilla, Jet Jaguar, Biollante, Gigan, Ebirah, Hedorah, Ghidorah, Space Godzilla, Mecha Godzilla, Zilla, et même Mechani-Kong si vous êtes sage ! - Un podcast de Martin Gamera et Stéphane Bouley, générique par Stéphane Bouley et Max Besnard. Visuel de Stéphane Bouley, tous droits réservés - si vous les utilisez sans autorisation Godzilla viendra piétiner votre maison.

Edgar Allan Poe


Conspiracy theories of Edgar Allan Poe

Der Schauspielpodcast


Hier erfahrt ihr immer neues über verschiedene Themengebiete zum Beispiel Schauspiel und vieles mehr...😄😁

Failure to Franchise

Trev & Chris

A bi-weekly podcast devoted to infamous examples of failed film-franchise starters. In a Hollywood landscape dominated by giant tentpole movies, not all attempted franchises can succeed. Many intended first entries of a series fail to generate the planned sequels due to low box office, poor judgement, or, simply put... utter incompetence. This show is a celebration of (or perhaps a memorial for) those failures, as hosts Trev and Chris dissect what went wrong with these cinematic misfires. @F2Fpod on all the socials! Like us there, Like us everywhere!

The Final Girls: A Horror Film History Podcast

Anna Bogutskaya

A weekly podcast dedicated to exploring horror film history, one trope at a time. Each series we dissect a trope to death through deep dive conversations hosted by film writer Anna Bogutskaya.


Lucky Red

Dietro ogni film c’è una storia gigantesca, quasi più grande di quella del film stesso. È la storia dell’intreccio di capitali, intenzioni, rischi e follie che sono servite per farlo. Sono storie che coinvolgono persone fuori dal comune, capitalisti senza scrupoli, artisti ingestibili, personalità egoiste, titaniche o anche solo refrattarie al compromesso. Nei casi migliori sono storie tipiche del loro tempo, che parlano di un pezzo di storia del Novecento. In tutti gli altri fanno semplicemente molto ridere.

The Tinsel Factory: A Film History Podcast

Katelyn Amber

The stories behind the lights, cameras, and action are now at your fingertips. The Tinsel Factory gives you, the listener, an introductory look at some of the greatest stories from the world of film. Each month your host, a filmmaker who daylights for a major Hollywood studio, picks a theme and choses four topics from within to broaden your film knowledge. Not a film snob? Put off by film bros? This podcast is for you - everything is broken down for the causal film goer or someone looking to start dipping their toes into the world of cinema. Come on in, take a seat, it's showtime. Support this podcast:

Psyop Cinema

Thomas Millary

Psyop Cinema is a podcast about the film industry and its intimate connections to mass manipulation, conspiracy, and the occult. Hosts Thomas Millary and Brett Carollo explore film from a deep politics perspective, demonstrating how the artistry of cinema combines with psychological and technological knowledge to engineer culture in subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) ways— making each of us the subject of the greatest mind control experiment in history.

Movie Tales

Sundance Kids

Movie Tales

Really, 007!

Really, 007!

Really, 007! is a fresh podcast dedicated to exploring all things James Bond. Our team of lifelong fans will bring you in-depth Bond film reviews, analysis of elements of the series, and up-to-date news on your favourite British secret agent - plus exclusive interviews with actors, directors, novelists, special guests and more...! Really, 007! is an unofficial entity, and in no way affiliated with United Artists, EON Productions Ltd, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., Columbia/Sony Pictures, Ian Fleming Publications, or Danjaq LLC. It is not supported or endorsed in any way by the aforementioned. The 007 Logo and James Bond copyrights and trademarks, remain the sole property of the original holders.Really, 007! is not associated in any way, with those mentioned above. This is an independent podcast to provide news, reference, opinions, updates, and commentary on all subjects associated with James Bond for the Fans of 007 worldwide.Copyright information pertaining to all other content is listed below:-James Bond Character created by Ian Fleming.Copyright © Ian Fleming Publications Ltd.007 Gun Symbol Logo © 1962 Danjaq S.A. and United Artists CorpDr. No © 1962 Danjaq S.A. and United Artists Corp.From Russia With Love © 1963 Danjaq S.A. and United Artists Corp.Goldfinger © 1964 Danjaq S.A. and United Artists Corp.Thunderball © 1965 Danjaq S.A. and United Artists Corp.You Only Live Twice © 1967 Danjaq S.A. and United Artists Corp.On Her Majesty's Secret Service © 1967 Danjaq S.A. and United Artists Corp.Diamonds are Forever © 1971 Danjaq S.A. and United Artists Corp.Live And Let Die © 1973 Danjaq S.A. and United Artists Corp.The Man With The Golden Gun © 1974 Danjaq S.A. and United Artists Corp.The Spy Who Loved Me © 1977 Danjaq S.A. and United Artists Corp.Moonraker © 1979 Danjaq S.A. and United Artists Corp.For Your Eyes Only © 1981 Danjaq S.A. and United Artists Corp.Octopussy © 1983 Danjaq S.A. and United Artists Corp.A View To a Kill © 1985 Danjaq S.A. and United Artists Pictures Inc.The Living Daylights © 1987 Danjaq S.A. and United Artists Pictures Inc.Licence To Kill ©1989 Danjaq S.A. and United Artists Pictures Inc.GoldenEye ©1995 Danjaq Inc. and United Artists Pictures IncTomorrow Never Dies © 1997 Danjaq LLC. and United Artists Pictures Inc.The World is Not Enough © 1999 Danjaq S.A. and United Artists Pictures Inc.Die Another Day © 2002 Danjaq LLC. & MGMCasino Royale © 2006 Danjaq LLC MGM & Columbia Pictures SONYQuantum Of Solace © 2008 Danjaq LLC MGM & Columbia Pictures SONYSkyfall © 2012 Danjaq LLC. MGM & Columbia Pictures. (SONY)Spectre © 2015 Danjaq LLC. MGM & Columbia Pictures. (SONY)No Time To Die © Danjaq LLC. UA Releasing,MGM & Universal Pictures Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

SpyHards - A Spy Movie Podcast

Scott Hardy & Cam Smith


Davide Zagnoli

Il cinema dagli...affetti speciali, le opere che hanno fatto la storia e quelle che ci hanno provato. Le epoche e gli autori, le grandi star, i periodi storici ma anche le nuove uscite. Geni e visionari, indipendenti e sovversivi, ma anche b-movie e artisti borderline. Un percorso in ordine sparso condotto da Davide Zagnoli e con (a rotazione) Massimiliano Bolcioni, Michela Gorini, Edoardo Saccone, Fabio Gorini, Luca Antoniazzi, Filippo Reina, Francesco Menici, Luca Mancini e tanti altri Per info, comunicazioni, consigli, dubbi, richieste, proposte e perplessità

Caged In: Coppola Connections

Petros Patsilivas

Welcome to the family. After Petros watched, reviewed and lost his mind watching every Nicolas Cage film. It's time to look at the Coppola family, whether it's Francis Ford Coppola or Patricia Arquette for the 5 years she was married to Nicolas Cage in the pursuit to answer the ultimate question; Are they the greatest film family of all time. Each week Petros is joined by a guest where they discuss their relationship with the Coppola family and dissect a film in order to piece together their mark on cinema history. Get bonus content on PatreonSupport this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Who Analyzed Roger Rabbit?

Dueling Genre Productions

The daily podcast in which hosts Chris Blair and Annie MacMullan analyze Who Framed Roger Rabbit? one minute at a time.

How the West Was 'Cast

A podcast

Whether you grew up watching the movies of John Wayne, cut your teeth on Clint Eastwood’s “Man with No Name” trilogy, or consider Kevin Costner to be the screen’s quintessential cowboy star, HOW THE WEST WAS ‘CAST is just the podcast you’ve been waiting for. Join screenwriter and journalist Matthew Chernov and film historian and professor Andrew Patrick Nelson as they discuss the beloved masterpieces, forgotten treasures, and curious cult movies that make up the Western film genre. From the timeless classics of the 1940s and ‘50s, to the bold and bloody titles of the 1960s and ‘70s, to the prestige Westerns of today, HOW THE WEST WAS ‘CAST explores one of cinema’s most fascinating and enduring genres.

麥嫂俱樂部・電影供三曉 - 麥嫂與路卡糾眾一起從影劇看世界大小事

My Sound Club

中年影痴講電影、談影集、譙明星...... 週三晚9:00|#鄭醫師供三曉電影:光能身心診所院長鄭光男醫師,專業深入解析電影中的人心 週四晚9:00|#麥嫂撟影劇:資深影癡-麥嫂X路卡天南地北聊影劇 ▶️追蹤全連結:​ $$ 贊助我們: 📩 聯絡我們 Powered by Firstory Hosting

Inside Jaws


From the creators of Inside Psycho and Inside the Exorcist comes a new story about a classic movie and its inspirations. A tale of a modest thriller that became an ordeal and then a disaster and then a phenomenon and then a classic. A story of one man, a fresh-faced, inexperienced director who nearly wrecked his promising career and became the most important filmmaker of our era. This is Inside JAWS. You can binge all episodes of Inside Jaws exclusively and ad-free on Wondery+. Find Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts.

Just The Discs Podcast

Brian Saur

Just The Discs is a podcast about Blu-rays. Each episode, Brian Saur (of The Pure Cinema Podcast) will go through a stack of discs from various distributors and talk about them.

Film & TV Kamera: Meine Lieblingsszene

Timo Landsiedel

Welche Szene aus der Filmgeschichte hat die deutschsprachigen DoPs und Kameraleute am meisten geprägt? Im Podcast "Meine Lieblingsszene" geht das Fachmagazin "Film & TV Kamera" dieser Frage auf den Grund. Gastgeber Timo Landsiedel spricht in jeder Folge des Podcast mit Bildgestalter*innen aus Kino, Fernsehen, Werbung oder Web über die ganz persönlichen Favoriten. Powered by Xinegear – Professional Tools for Filmmakers!

Podcast Disney100

Disney Polska

Disney100 to oficjalny podcast stulecia Disneya w Polsce. Świętujemy w nim 100 lat najpiękniejszych opowieści ze światów Disneya, Pixara, Marvela i Gwiezdnych wojen. Gośćmi Kamila Bałuka są ludzie, których prywatne i zawodowe losy splotły się z Disneyem w rozmaitych okolicznościach, często z niezwykłym skutkiem. W kolejnych odcinkach poznamy historię dubbingu w Polsce i początki komiksów z Kaczogrodu. Aktorzy, tłumacze i reżyserzy odsłonią kulisy powstawania polskich wersji językowych - zarówno klasyki animacji, jak i najnowszych przebojów kinowych. Będziemy wspominać czas na planie zdjęciowym: w Polsce z obsadą Do dzwonka z Disney Channel i w Stanach - z Piotrem Adamczykiem zdjęcia do serialu Marvel Studios Hawkeye. Z miłośnikami animacji porozmawiamy o tym, co wyróżnia produkcje Pixara, a z fanami Gwiezdnych wojen o tym, jak Saga Skywalkerów pokierowała ich życiowymi wyborami.  Podcast tworzymy z myślą o młodych i młodych duchem; o tych, którzy z nostalgią wspominają seanse sprzed lat i tych, którzy dziś dzielą się historiami Disneya z kolejnymi pokoleniami widzów. Jak powiedział Wat Disney: "To marzenie spełniło się dzięki wam”.

The Monsters That Made Us

Dan Colón and Mike Manzi

Welcome to The Monsters That Made Us! Join “The Invisible Dan" Colón and “Monster Mike" Manzi as they celebrate all of the SPOOKTACULAR characters and films in the Universal Studios Classic Monsters series. 

Filmgeschichte in Objekten

DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum

Welche Geschichte verbirgt sich hinter den roten Haaren aus LOLA RENNT? Wie stellte sich Filmarchitekt Otto Hunte die Zukunftsstadt Metropolis vor? "Filmgeschichte in Objekten" gibt Einblicke in die Ausstellungen, Archive und Sammlungen des DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut und Filmmuseum. In kurzen Beiträgen erzählen Mitarbeiter:innen die spannenden Geschichten hinter den Objekten - von der Anekdote zu ihrem Einsatz beim Filmdreh über ihren mitunter unerwarteten Gegenwartsbezug bis hin zu ihrer bewegten Provenienzgeschichte. Abonniert auch den DFF-Podcast "Alles ist Film"!

Midnight Local

Greg Titian & Meredith Ambelang

When you spend all day in a studio shooting a YouTube series about drinking, things can run off the rails in a hurry, and carefully managing that chaos is vital if you’re going to make a show like How to Drink, and that’s what Greg & Meredith have done for years. Here at Midnight Local we give into that chaos and let the rails be damned. These are the conversations that make you pause the movie because it just can't wait. Things like how the Hays Code destroyed cinema from 1934 - 1968, why David Lindelof should never be able to hold a pen again, and the fact that Joss Whedon doesn't live up to the morality of his own characters and also has tiny teeth. Midnight Local is a place to get weird about movies and shows and the rest and go beyond the who, what and where.

Presenting Hitchcock

Cory Metcalfe and Aaron Peterson

Gooooood evening. Alfred Hitchcock is long believed to be the Master of Suspense in film circles. His ability to craft engaging tales of espionage, murder, and debauchery - all while entrenched in the plight of the Everyman - have stood the test of time. Each month, Cory and Aaron look at a randomly drawn film of Hitch's and examine what makes it so inherently Hitchcockian. Since beginning the show in 2019, they have discussed every available film in Hitch's catalogue, and are now examining sequels, contemporaries, other Hitchcock media, and his far reaching influence over cinema.

Klassiker der Filmgeschichte

Kulturpessimist*innen Productions

Die Kulturpessimist*innen ( senden live vom Untergang des Abendlandes. Und das als Audio-Format. Einmal pro Monat kommen wir (die eigentlich an ganz unterschiedlichen Orten in Deutschland leben) in diesem Spin-Off zusammen, um über ältere Filme zu sprechen. Mit illustren Gäst*innen geht es um deren liebste Filmklassiker. Einzige Regel: Sie müssen älter als 15 Jahre sein. Also die Filme. 📽️🎟️🎬 Wir stellen gerne Fragen, analysieren, beziehen gesellschaftspolitische Diskussionen mit ein, lassen uns auch von unterschiedlichen Meinungen im Team nicht abschrecken und versuchen, den Hörer*innen am Ende einen recht umfassenden Blick auf ein Medium zu ermöglichen. Dabei ist uns ein emanzipatorischer Ansatz wichtig: Besteht ein Film den Bechdel-Test? Sind seine weiblichen Charaktere sinnvoll gezeichnet und ausreichend motiviert? Schaffen es die Filmschaffenden, den „male gaze“ auch mal hinter sich zu lassen? Wie werden gesellschaftliche Machtverhältnisse in einem Film abgebildet oder utopisch modifiziert? Und wie sieht es mit Repräsentationen aus – von LGBTQI*-Charakteren, von schwarzen Menschen und anderen People of Color, von marginalisierten Gruppen? Mit solchen Fragen beschäftigen wir uns genauso wie mit filmischer Stilistik, Schauspieler*innen, Plotholes in Drehbüchern, Musik, Animationsqualität – und natürlich der alles entscheidenden Frage: Warum ist dieser Film eigentlich ein Filmklassiker?

The Terror Vision Home Video Podcast

Terror Vision Records and Video

Terror Vision’s Ryan Graveface, Brad Henderson, and Ryan Verrill discuss company news and dive deep on new releases.