Schabat Schalom - das Magazin

NDR Info

Das Magazin Schabat Schalom berichtet aus dem jüdischen Leben mit Nachrichten, Interviews, Berichten und Kommentaren. Dazu die Wochenabschnittsauslegung der Thora.

Israel Story

Israel Story

Israel Story is an award-winning podcast that tells true stories you won't hear on the news. Hosted by Mishy Harman, the bi-weekly show brings you extraordinary tales about ordinary Israelis. The show is produced in partnership with The Jerusalem Foundation. For Hebrew episodes, see סיפור ישראלי, or go to our website: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Unpacking Israeli History


Go behind the scenes of Israeli history with self-confessed history nerd Noam Weissman. Each week, he offers a fresh perspective on some of the most controversial and interesting events in the country’s history. If you’ve ever wanted to know more about what Israel is all about -- from multiple angles and viewpoints -- this is the podcast for you.

Take One Daf Yomi

Tablet Magazine

As Jews around the world engage in a seven-and-a-half year cycle of Daf Yomi, reading the entire Talmud one page per day, Tablet Magazine's new podcast, Take One, will offer a brief and evocative daily read of the daf, in just about 10 minutes. New episodes will be released daily Monday through Friday.

hr2 Jüdische Welt


Die Jüdische Welt ist größer, vielfältiger, bunter geworden. Einmal im Monat berichtet hr2-kultur über das Leben in jüdischen Gemeinden und Organisationen. Dazu eine jüdische Ansprache zum Schabbat.

Jew Oughta Know

Jason Harris

Jewish History Nerds


Whoever said history was boring clearly never heard these stories…Welcome to Jewish History Nerds! Join hosts Yael and Schwab each week as they take a dive into some deep cuts of Jewish history. From the Jewish Da Vinci Code to mass suicide pacts, explore true stories that feel larger than life. Be in touch:

Рав Хаим Бурштейн — Еврейский взгляд на мир

Цикл аудиоуроков рава Хаима Бурштейна «Еврейский взгляд на мир» – о ключевых моментах еврейского мировоззрения. Еврейская вера строится на знании. Мы не верим в Бога – мы про Бога знаем, и основа нашего знания – это Исход из Египта и Синайское откровение. Речь на лекциях также идет о Земле Израиля, о Ган Эдене, о разрушении Храма, о пророчествах, об изгнаниях, о Катастрофе – и обо многом другом, без знаний о чем невозможно понять, в чем суть еврейского мировоззрения.

Tanya With Rabbi Gordon Yehoshua B. Gordon

Textual study of the daily section of Tanya, the foundational text of Chassidic philosophy.

עושים תנ"ך עם יותם שטיינמן Osim Tanach

רשת עושים היסטוריה

יותם שטיינמן ואורחים יוצאים למסע היסטורי אל תקופת המקרא - Daily Torah Study

Classes on Tanya, divided according to the daily schedule; the book of Rambam - Maimonides and his Sefer Hamitzvos, also divided according to the daily study cycle.

Rav Mota Frank Podcast

Rav Mota Frank

Torah Classes From World Renowned Lecturer and Famed Breslov Mashpia Rav Mota Frank. In Hebrew and Yiddish


Bayerischer Rundfunk

Was bewegt die jüdische Gemeinschaft in Bayern, Deutschland, Israel und dem Rest der Welt? Worüber spricht man in den bayerischen Kehilóth (Gemeinden)? "Schalom" heißt die wöchentliche Sendung des Landesverbandes der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinden. "Schalom" will ein Forum jüdischen Lebens und jüdischer Religion sein und auf den Schabáth einstimmen. "Mir sejnen do!" – "Wir sind da!"


Tablet Magazine

Unorthodox is the universe’s leading Jewish podcast, hosted by Stephanie Butnick, Liel Leibovitz, and Joshua Malina. Each week we bring you News of the Jews, interesting guests—one Jewish and one gentile—and so much more.

The Rabbi's Husband


The Torah (Bible) is the fundamental text of Biblical and Western thought and it is a guidebook for our lives. Mark Gerson, The Rabbi's Husband, will explore the greatest hits of Jewish thought in conversation with some of the most interesting thinkers from varying religious persuasions. The discussions on this show will reflect the understanding that the Torah and all associated books are intended to guide us through our challenges and in our decisions today. We will strive to understand how Torah passages, Biblical verses and ancient teachings can guide us towards happier, clearer and more meaningful lives today. We will show how the most helpful answers to the pressing contemporary questions are provided in the Biblical stories, characters, laws and commentaries that constitute our ancient heritage. Stay connected with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and by signing up for our newsletter at For more, head to our site To submit a question, please email


France Culture

Future of Jewish

Future of Jewish

Our mission is simple, and hopefully worthwhile: to help everyone better understand and become smarter about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world. In addition to our podcast, you’re invited to check out our digital publication:

Mischna Tora Talmud

Igor Itkin

Judentum auf Deutsch, gelesen und erläutert, mit historischen Hintergründen und neuster Forschungsliteratur

The Jewish History Podcast - With Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe


Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe's Jewish History Lectures. Please email questions or comments to

Committing High Reason

Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro

Join scholar, international speaker, and author Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro for cutting-edge discourse on important issues such as morals, free will, religion, politics, mathematics, critical thinking, and science. Learn to recognize propaganda, and make more logical and better-informed decisions.

Brennpunkt Nahost

Johannes Gerloff

Zwischen Juni 2001 und Dezember 2015 haben sich Horst Marquardt und Johannes Gerloff jeden Monat über Aktuelles und Hintergründiges in und um Israel unterhalten. Jetzt wollen wir Ihnen nach all den Jahren diese Sendereihe auch hier zugänglich machen.Deshalb werden wir in Zukunft jede Woche eine neue Folge veröffentlichen.

Messianic Jewish Teachings: David Levine

David Levine

Teachings from Rabbi David Levine and Beth Israel Messianic Synagogue in Jacksonville, Florida.

The Parasha with Rabbi Dweck

Joseph Dweck

30 minute insights to take with you each week from Rabbi Dweck on the parasha.

Рав Гедалия Шестак — Еврейская история со времен постройки второго

For Heaven's Sake

Shalom Hartman Institute

Thoughtful debate elevates us all. In For Heaven’s Sake, Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain revive the Jewish art of constructive discussion on topics related to political and social trends in Israel, Israel-Diaspora relations, and the collective consciousness of being Jewish. JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST FOR MORE HARTMAN IDEAS

Gemeinsam Bibellesen mit Johannes Gerloff

Johannes Gerloff

Eine Online-Veranstaltung in Kooperation mit den Sächsischen Israelfreunden ( Wir treffen uns an jedem zweiten Dienstag im Monat zu dieser Veranstaltung. Für mehr Informationen besuchen Sie uns unter Credits Johannes Gerloff (Autor & Sprecher): Ruben Wallmeroth (Technische Leitung & Schnitt): Sächsiche Israelfreunde:

Kabbalah for Everyone

Rabbi Yisroel Bernath

You have probably heard about Kabbalah either as a Hollywood phenomenon or something that is beyond the world that we live in. Kabbalah actually has incredible secrets that can transform your daily life. This is your chance to connect to this incredible ancient wisdom and change your life for the better. Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, this hipster is not your typical rabbi. He is real, raw, unconventional and loved by thousands across the world. Rabbi Bernath has been teaching Kabbalah for over 15 years. He is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer and documentarian, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the award winning CBC Documentary "Kosher Love".  

Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices For Every Day


Overstressed, overworked, overstimulated? Close your eyes, take a deep breath and tune in. In each episode Rabbi Josh Feigelson will guide with ancient wisdom and modern mindfulness practices to help center your soul and ease you into your week. Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality.

Judaism Unbound

Institute for the Next Jewish Future

Listen in as Dan Libenson and Lex Rofeberg analyze pressing issues for 21st century American Judaism. Mixing their own analysis with interviews of leading thinkers, practitioners, and even "regular Jews," Dan and Lex look to push past the bounds of what it means to be Jewish in the 21st century. You can support Judaism Unbound at

The Q & A with Rabbi Breitowitz Podcast

Rabbi Dr Yitzchak Breitowitz

Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz's weekly Question and Answer sessions at Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem. A Project of Questions? Comments? We'd love to hear from you at:

History for the Curious - The Jewish History Podcast


History for the Curious The most talked-about Jewish History Podcast History for the Curious features the dynamic historian and famous tour guide & lecturer: Rabbi Aubrey Hersh, live from the JLE in London, hosted by myself: Mena Reisner Join us as we cross continents, sail through the centuries, tracing lives, uncovering events and following epic journeys, to reveal the untold stories, the scandals, and the mysteries, that have impacted our history and shaped us into who we are today. Encounter leaders, visionaries, spies, heroes & traitors and unpack 2,000 years of Jewish heritage. Go back to the story of Jews in the Temple of Jerusalem. Confront the dilemmas of the Holocaust. Visit Paris, Prague, Vilna, London, Venice, New York & the Cairo Geniza. Meet The Russian Czar, Ramchal, Maharal, Maimonides, Churchill, Shabbetai Zvi and the Hapsburgs.

The Podcast of Jewish Ideas

Torah in Motion

A space for exploring the great ideas at the heart of the Jewish tradition.

This Jewish Life - With Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe


This Jewish Life is Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe’s flagship podcast. Since its founding in January of 2013, This Jewish Life has featured a delightful potpourri of podcast episodes on a myriad of Jewish subjects. In its current incarnation, the podcast focuses on exploring the deeper elements of Jewish life and philosophy. In each episode our objective is to go a bit deeper into subjects that we may be familiar with, to plumb the depths and uncover the essence of the beauty and sublimity of Jewish life and customs, and Torah wisdom. Please email any questions, comments, or feedback to

Рав Элиезер Ксидо — Недельная глава

Этот цикл аудиоуроков рава Элиезера Ксидо по недельным главам Торы был прочитан на женском семинаре «Олей Натив». Мудрецы разделили Пятикнижие на 54 главы, и каждую неделю евреи всего мира читают публично в синагогах и изучают одну и ту же главу с комментариями. Удивительным образом, в каждой главе находятся ответы на актуальные вопросы современности. К сожалению, из всего цикла уроков рава Ксидо было записано только 25.

Рав Цви Патлас — Короткие видео по недельным главам

Цикл коротких видео по недельным главам Торы известного раввина, преподавателя, автора документальных фильмов рава Цви Патласа. Рав Патлас берет одну из основных идей каждого недельного раздела Торы и представляет ее в виде очень короткого, но полноценного фильма: с продуманным сюжетом, заставляющим задуматься авторским текстом, волнующей музыкой и подходящим видеорядом.

Coordenadas para un mundo mejor

Coordenadas Jabad

Programa "coordenadas para un mundo mejor" a cargo del Rabino Tzvi Grunblatt. Emitido por Radio Nacional

Wondering Jews with Mijal and Noam


Рав Элиезер Ксидо — Книга Мишлей

Цикл видеоуроков известного русскоязычного раввина и лектора рава Элиэзера Ксидо по Книге Мишлей (Книге Притч), одной из книг второго раздела ТаНаХа (Ктувим, Писания). Автор Мишлей - царь Шломо (царь Соломон). Виленский Гаон учит, что у любой вещи есть четыре элемента: материал, из которого она состоит; субъект, который на нее воздействует; форма, которую она принимает; и цель, ради которой всё это происходит. Материалом книги "Мишлей" являются сами "мишлей", то есть примеры или притчи; субъект - сам царь Шломо; а цель книги состоит не в том, чтобы выучить из нее "мусар", то есть моральные качества, а в том, чтобы выученное обратить в действия.

Рав Элиезер Ксидо — С самого начала

Цикл из пяти видеоуроков рава Элиезера Ксидо по первой из книг Пятикнижия – «Берешит». Речь пойдет о нескольких глобальных событиях в истории человечества: о кардинальных изменениях в строении мира, к которым привел грех первого человека – Адама; о Всемирном Потопе; и о строительстве Вавилонской башни.

Jewish Heretics Podcast

UJPO / Winchevsky

Welcome to "Jewish Heretics," the podcast that delves into the lives of extraordinary individuals

Heretic in the House

Shalom Hartman Institute of North America

America has a fascination with Hasidic Jews; they show up frequently in memoirs, in newspapers, and even on Netflix. But these popular depictions don’t tell the whole story; they just tell the story the public wants to hear. What they hide is a complicated dance between Orthodox Judaism and those who leave the community, and a web of stereotypes that trap Hassidim, rebels, and the public alike. In this limited four-part series, Professor Naomi Seidman takes us on a deeply moving journey with believers and heretics alike to uncover their hidden stories. Heretic in the House is a podcast from the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America. It's written by Naomi Seidman and produced by M. Louis Gordon. David Zvi Kalman is our senior producer. It is mixed by Cory Choy at Silver Sound NYC with theme music from Luke Allen.

On the Other Hand: Ten Minutes of Torah

On the Other Hand: Ten Minutes of Torah, a podcast presented by Each week, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, President of the Union For Reform Judaism, will offer divrei Torah (insights into the weekly Torah portion) to help open up Jewish thought and its contemporary influence on your life. He condenses 2,000 years of Jewish wisdom into just 10 minutes of modern-day commentary. There are plenty of ways to interpret Torah and we want to hear what you think. You can weigh in on this week’s Torah portion by talking to us on Twitter @URJ or at

Meaningful People

Meaningful Minute

There are so many Jewish personalities and big people in the world. They all have a story on how they became who they are today. Deep, unboundedly interesting, fun and uplifting, Meaningful People Podcast is a weekly opportunity for Nachi & Momo to talk to the Jewish world's meaningful people.

Kosher Money

Living Lchaim

Living the life of an Orthodox Jew in the 21st Century often necessitates a very significant income. Unfortunately, many are struggling to keep up. The Problem Is Bigger Than We Realize The cost of life for an Orthodox family with children can range from $150,000 to $350,000 or more, depending on city and schools of choice, lifestyle choices and number of children. The median income in America is $68,000 per family. This means that a family would potentially need to be in the top 5% of all income earners in the United States simply to get by! The Solution Solving this challenge begins with an open dialogue to create awareness and education and allowing for impactful feedback and interaction. Kosher Money aims to be a pivotal piece in creating this much-needed conversation. Eli Langer was the former CNBC Social Media Producer and is currently the CEO of Harvesting Media. Each week, Eli sits down with experts to discuss various topics. This is an original podcast by Living Lchaim and its partnered-sponsor is Living Smarter Jewish. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Israel Hour Radio - Israeli Music Podcast

Josh Shron

Want to create a stronger connection with the land of Israel? Israeli music will bring you closer to Israel than ever before. For more than 25 years, Josh Shron's Israel Hour Radio has presented the very best in Israeli music - with news, discussion and FUN in English! Tune in each week for a front row seat to the latest in Israeli culture, and connect with others who share your passion for Israel!

America's Top Rebbetzins

Vera Kessler

Powerful interviews with inspiring rebbetzins who share words of wisdom designed to instill purpose in our lives. Each rebbetzin offers her own unique insights on living a life filled with clarity and meaning.

Inspiration for the Nation with Yaakov Langer

Living Lchaim

The world is made up of a lot of people. Follow this podcast for conversations with some of the most amazing individuals. We discuss how they face challenges, how they got to where they are now and what makes them tick.

The Nightingale of Iran

Danielle Dardashti, Galeet Dardashti

It was a golden age for Jews in Iran. In the 1950s, a religious Jew – Younes Dardashti – became a national celebrity, singing at the Shah’s palace and on the radio. In the 1960s, his son Farid became a teen idol on TV. They were beloved by Iranian Muslims. But at the height of their fame, they left the country. It has always been a mystery to our host Danielle Dardashti and her sister Galeet – Why did their family leave Iran? Now, in a documentary podcast series, the sisters reveal painful secrets unspoken for generations. The Nightingale of Iran is a story that will resonate with outsiders everywhere.

The Power Of


What if we told you that Jewish texts written thousands of years ago had something to say about our personal experiences today? Join Dr. Noam Weissman each week for honest and relatable conversations with a diverse range of guests. Each episode in this 10-part series offers new approaches for how to navigate your own life. Brought to you by Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media.

Homeland: Ten Stories, One Israel


When a bus breaks down off an Israeli highway and leaves its passengers stranded, Emily, American journalism student, decides to put her skills to the test...much to the chagrin of her fellow travelers. As she eventually coaxes each person to share their story, Emily uncovers the rich and complex history that every Israeli holds. Each episode is a deep dive into a new character’s world; from Morocco to Russia, all paths lead to Israel in this narrative style pod.


Shalom Hartman Institute

TEXTing with Elana Stein Hain delves deeply into Jewish texts to guide and inspire us as we grapple with the concerns and meaning of this moment. Join Elana as she addresses the issues of our day through the lens of classical Jewish texts, in conversation with Hartman scholars Christine Hayes, Yonah Hain, and Leora Batnitzky.  TEXTing. Where ancient wisdom meets contemporary relevance.  We are grateful to the Walder Charitable Fund and Micah Philanthropies for their generous support of TEXTing. 

Nice Jewish Girls


This podcast is not about Nice Jewish Girls. It’s about Jewish girls who are so much more than nice. It’s about journalists and authors, speechwriters and senators, prime ministers and rock stars. This podcast will redefine the way we see Jewish women—not as Jewish American Princesses, not as nags or klutzes, not as bossy or loud. As strong, as smart, as fearless. As Esthers, as Rachels, as Miriams. Every week, host Julia Jassey will be speaking to Jewish women who are breaking new ground and changing history.

In These Times with Rabbi Ammi Hirsch

Stephen Wise Free Synagogue

Every other week, Rabbi Ammi Hirsch hosts intellectually honest conversations unpacking current events through the lens of Jewish wisdom. Unbound by politics and untethered by party lines, Ammi and his expert guests discuss everything from race and antisemitism to all the other issues that keep you up at night. This show is recorded from New York’s Stephen Wise Free Synagogue, a historic Reform congregation deeply rooted in liberalism, support for Israel and social justice.

This Week Unpacked


In a world that is increasingly polarized, we invite you to break out of the echo chamber to hear what’s really going on. Each Tuesday, Rivky Stern, senior podcast producer for Unpacked, will unpack the most interesting, controversial news stories from Israel and the Jewish world.

The Parsha Podcast - With Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe


Join Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe for a parsha by parsha journey through the entire Torah. Every week we will outline of the parsha, delve into its major themes and draw valuable and interesting insights from it.

The Promised Podcast

TLV1 Studios

An inside view of how Israel can warm your heart and make your blood boil. It’s a show by a journalist, a professor and an NGO professional who live in and love Israel even though it drives them crazy, and who each week discuss the latest in Israeli politics, culture, and society.

Talking Talmud

Yardaena Osband & Anne Gordon

Learning the daf? We have something for you to think about. Not learning the daf? We have something for you to think about! (Along with a taste of the daf...) Join the conversation with us!



Chutzpod is a frank and wide-ranging conversation on how to build a good life, using real-life quandaries and millennia-old Jewish wisdom. Each week, Rabbi Shira Stutman and podcast host Hanna Rosin bring a Jewish lens to life's toughest questions, asked by our listeners: Do I offer forgiveness to a friend who refuses to apologize? Am I right to be annoyed at all the service dogs on the plane with me? How do we work to heal this broken world? It's a podcast for people of all or no faiths; Hebrew school truants and proud yeshiva graduates; those who want to be inspired but don't want to schlep to synagogue; basically, anyone trying to live a meaningful life during these trying times. One part advice column, one part reflection on what Judaism teaches on how to build a good life, using real-life stories and millennia-old wisdom.

New Books in Jewish Studies

Marshall Poe

Interview with Scholars of Judaism about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member!

The Rabbi Manis Friedman Podcast

Rabbi Manis Friedman

Empowering talks by Rabbi Manis Friedman changing your life for the better, one idea at a time. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

The Tikvah Podcast

The Tikvah Fund

The Tikvah Fund is a philanthropic foundation and ideas institution committed to supporting the intellectual, religious, and political leaders of the Jewish people and the Jewish State. Tikvah runs and invests in a wide range of initiatives in Israel, the United States, and around the world, including educational programs, publications, and fellowships. Our animating mission and guiding spirit is to advance Jewish excellence and Jewish flourishing in the modern age. Tikvah is politically Zionist, economically free-market oriented, culturally traditional, and theologically open-minded. Yet in all issues and subjects, we welcome vigorous debate and big arguments. Our institutes, programs, and publications all reflect this spirit of bringing forward the serious alternatives for what the Jewish future should look like, and bringing Jewish thinking and leaders into conversation with Western political, moral, and economic thought.

Рав Цви Патлас — Пиркей Авот, сборник изречений мудрецов Торы

Этот обширный цикл видеоуроков рава Цви Патласа посвящен трактату Мишны «Пиркей Авот» (Поучения отцов). Виленский Гаон писал: если ты прожил день и не занимался исправлением какого-то из своих качеств – для чего тебе жизнь? «Пиркей Авот» как раз учит нас работать над собой и становиться лучше каждый день. На уроках рава Патласа вы узнаете: что значит – любить другого еврея; какое у евреев есть секретное оружие; как греться у огня мудрецов; как не стать наивным дикарем; как заслужить корону… И многое другое – всего 338 уроков!

Good Faith Effort


The Hebrew Bible is every bit America’s moral founding document as the Constitution is our political founding document. Every week, Rabbi Dr. Ari Lamm, speaks with thinkers, writers, artists, and faith leaders to explore how the Bible continues to inform our lives today, from politics to psychology to pop culture, bringing Americans of different traditions and persuasions closer together as so much else threatens to pull us apart.

Progressively Jewish

Progressively Jewish

As you continue on your Jewish journey, join rabbis, cantors and other Jewish educators in exploring many facets of Judaism. Contact us on Progressively Jewish is a collaboration between Liberal Judaism, Reform Judaism, and Leo Baeck College. Remember to subscribe to Progressively Jewish and, if you like what you hear, leave us a podcast review.

Bodies & Souls

Rivky Boyarsky

Bodies & Souls is the podcast created with YOU in mind. This podcast meshes all parts of a Jewish woman’s role. We are deeply spiritual yet grounded in our physical being. We care about our self-development, our relationship with Hashem, our family, our work, and our homes. With a focus on multi-dimensional well-being, you will feel like your spiritual, emotional, physical, and intellectual self is being nurtured. Every episode is relevant, timely but most importantly in line with our spiritual values. You will walk away feeling inspired, uplifted and connected. 

"HaJom Jom" - Die tägliche jüdische Weisheit!


Habt ihr den Wunsch, so wie wir, den Tag sinnvoller zu erleben? Hier bringen wir tagtäglich einen kurzen Gedanken um den Tag bedeutungsvoller zu machen, etwas was wir mit uns durch den Tag tragen können. Die Gedanken stammen alle vom bekannten Buch "HaJom Jom" des Lubawitscher Rebben. Es enthält jüdische und speziell chassidische Weisheiten, aufgezeichnet von Chaim Rittri. Willkommen zu vier Minuten Weisheit! Ergreife den Tag!

The Weekly Squeeze With Chanale


When Chanale is not making music and busy being a supermom of her Israeli kids she is diving deep into Jewish culture. If it’s happening in the Jewish world you’re gonna hear about it here first. Heavy on humor, light on sarcasm, always interesting, The Weekly Squeeze Podcast is served fresh twice a week and features some of the best guests and most exciting, thought provoking and entertaining conversations in the Jewish podcasting world.

A Torah State Of Mind

Rabbi Shlomo Farhi

Welcome to our daily podcast, where Rabbi Shlomo Farhi shares a short idea based on thousands of years of Jewish Wisdom. Tune in each day to start your day healthy and strong and stay in the Torah State of Mind! Rabbi Shlomo Farhi is the Rabbi of the Edmond J. Safra Synagogue in Manhattan and the founder of Chazak. Support this podcast:

People of the Pod

American Jewish Committee (AJC)

People of the Pod is an award-winning weekly podcast analyzing global affairs through a Jewish lens, brought to you by American Jewish Committee. Host Manya Brachear Pashman examines current events, the people driving them, and what it all means for America, Israel, and the Jewish people.

IKAR Podcasts


Sermons, talks, classes, and more from IKAR Rabbis and the IKAR community.

Tehilim by Meaningful Minute

Meaningful Minute

Follow along and recite the words of Tehilim wherever you are and whatever you are doing. This project by Meaningful Minute, powered by the Eisenberger Family, enables everyone to be able to recite Tehilim while driving without comprising their safety.

Jewish Inspiration Podcast · Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe


This Jewish Inspiration Podcast is dedicated to learning, understanding and enhancing our relationship with Hashem by working on improving our G-d given soul traits and aspiring to reflect His holy name each and every day. The goal is for each listener to hear something inspirational with each episode that will enhance their life.


Laibel Weiner & Dovi Neuburger

Two Jewish Dudes Take On Relationships, Business, Sports, Politics And Pop Culture

Daily Jewish Thought (Rabbi Yisroel Bernath)

Thoughts on spirituality, Kabbalah, Jewish thought, Judaism and Relationships. Rabbi Yisroel Bernath is the Senior Rabbi at Rohr Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, this hipster is not your typical rabbi. In 2012, Rabbi Bernath founded the smashing success JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. He has made 104 matches (that he knows of) to date! In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer, and actor, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the hit CBC Documentary "Kosher Love". - Hamburger Jüdische Mediathek

Raawi News

Der Podcast zum jüdischen Leben in Deutschland

Judaism's Top Talks

National Jewish Retreat

Listen to highlights from a variety of first-rate speakers from past sessions of the National Jewish Retreat. The National Jewish retreat is the premier Jewish event of the year, bringing 1200 Jews of all backgrounds together for 5 days of learning, inspiration and good times. get a taste of it by listening to these excerpts ranging from Talmudic interpretation to fascinating first person human interest stories. Featuring speakers from all walks of Jewish life. Register at

Ami's House

Ami's House

Official weekly podcast of Ami Kozak! Best shmooze in the game.

הידברות - מדברים יהדות


הפודקאסט של ערוץ היהדות הגדול בעולם. הרצאות של הרב זמיר כהן, הרב יצחק פנגר, הרב יגאל כהן, הרב שניר גואטה ועוד

J-TV Podcasts

J-TV: Jewish Ideas. Global Relevance.

Welcome to J-TV Podcasts! We feature weekly segments on Jewish wisdom, Current Affairs and entertainment! Click "Subscribe" now to stay updated! Please consider supporting us so we can continue to grow -


Rav Shlomo Katz

A collection of shiurim by Rav Shlomo Katz on the topic of the month of Nisan and the holiday of Pesach.

Jewish Priorities: Life After 10/7

Tablet Studios

Jewish Priorities: Life After 10/7 is a six-episode series about the future of the Jewish people, religion, identity, American Jews, the Holocaust, Israel, and more. These panels were held at the Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History, and led by Stephanie Butnick and Liel Liebovitz, hosts of the Unorthodox Podcast. The conversations took place just weeks after Hamas terrorists attacked Israel, and sought to kick off a global conversation and bring together some of the most distinguished Jewish leaders and thinkers in the U.S.

Du Potentiel au Réel avec le Rav Benchetrit


Retrouvez l'ensemble des cours donnés par le Rav Yehia Benchetrit, à travers le monde,  enfin en version audio.

Rise & Shine with Adrienne Gold Davis

Momentum Podcasts

Open your eyes. Center your soul. Refresh your mind. Start your mornings feeling nurtured and enlightened with Adrienne Gold Davis. Her universal lessons steeped in Jewish values will give you just the boost you need.

Adventures with Dead Jews

Tablet Magazine

This companion podcast to Dara Horn’s new book People Love Dead Jews takes listeners beyond the book to some of the strangest corners of Jewish history, exploring how the popular mania for dead Jews warps our understanding of both past and present. In this series, you’ll meet flamboyantly gay Civil War Jewish spies, Japanese “Jewish specialists” trying to build their own Jewish state, genius Victorian identical twins and genius Lubavitcher identical twins, American and Soviet Jewish moviemakers hoping to become Hebrew prophets, adorable imaginary Jewish children, and a very righteous Tyrannosaurus Rex. With these strange, dark, hilarious, and fascinating stories, Dara Horn guides listeners through the outsized role that dead Jews play in other people’s imaginations— and sometimes still play in ours. Join us on our Adventures with Dead Jews!

The Jewish Lives Podcast

Jewish Lives

The Jewish Lives Podcast is a monthly show that explores the lives of influential Jewish figures. Hosted by Alessandra Wollner, each episode includes an interview with an acclaimed Jewish Lives author. Jewish Lives is a prizewinning series of biography published by Yale University Press and the Leon D. Black Foundation. Join us as we explore the Jewish experience together.


Shalom Hartman Institute

In a frenzied media cycle, Identity/Crisis delves into the big ideas behind the news from a uniquely Jewish perspective. From the Shalom Hartman Institute, host Yehuda Kurtzer invites leading thinkers to unpack current events effecting Jewish communities in North America, Israel, and around the world, revealing the core Jewish values underlying the issues that matter to you. JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST FOR MORE HARTMAN IDEAS

Как принято у евреев

Гедалья Шестак

Главный подкаст о еврейской культуре и ролевых моделях для русскоговорящей диаспоры по всему миру. Рав Гедалья Шестак рассказывает о самых интересных тонкостях еврейских будней, начиная рецептом самой вкусной шакшуки, заканчивая секретами еврейского сватовства. Подписывайтесь на наши каналы и подкасты, чтобы получать еженедельный заряд позитива и мудрости: Проект осуществлен при поддержке Melamed Foundation.


Nachi Weinstein

The Seforimchatter podcast is dedicated to the discussion of Seforim (holy texts and works pertaining to them), Jewish (non-sacred) Books, Jewish History and more. The variety of guests include rabbis, professors, historians, authors, editors, and others in the field. For more information or to sponsor a show, check out or  email

Conversion To Orthodox Judaism (

Conversion to Orthodox Judaism with Rabbi Yaron Reuven to give a lecture at your synagogue, home or office please call 917.468.2324. Yaron Reuven is based out of Boca Raton, Florida, but travels around the country to give lectures to different groups. Please join our Facebook group "Torah Lessons To Help Our Lives". This Group is solely about publicizing HaShem's holy Torah from my lectures as well as great Rabbi's such as Rabbi Efraim Kachlon, Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, Rabbi Zamir Cohen, Rabbi Pinto, and anyone else that is teaching interesting and relevant Torah. We will also bring you some brand new lectures directly from a Kollel in Jerusalem you won't find anywhere else. Torah posts will be in Hebrew and English.

KMH Days Are Coming

KMH - Khal Mevakshei Hashem

Yemos HaMoshiach How will it be different from now?

Mishnah Yomit Shiurim

Yisrael Bankier Daily Shiurim by Yisrael Bankier

Шауль Резник — Поём на иврите

В аудиоцикле «Поём на иврите» Шауля Резника вы услышите, как поются субботние и праздничные песни, и узнаете, о чем в них поётся. Кроме того, на лекциях приводится дословный перевод текста и грамматический анализ самых популярных старинных песен, которые сопровождают все еврейские трапезы в шабат и праздники: «Шалом алейхем», «Эшет хайль», «Цур мишело», «Даейну» и другие. Как правильно произносить текст «Кидуша» (освящения субботы) и «Авдалы» (отделения святого от будничного» – также можно выучить на этих лекциях.

Answers WithHeld

Hadar Institute

When kids ask big questions, how do you respond? This podcast, hosted by Rabbi Shai Held, doesn’t have all the answers, but it can give you the language and frameworks to engage meaningfully with these questions. 

Рав Бенцион Зильбер — Недельные главы Торы (Пятикнижие Моисея — Ху

В этом цикле аудиоуроков рава Бенциона Зильбера по недельным главам Торы – более двухсот уроков, он записывается уже несколько лет. Рав Зильбер на своих лекциях рассказывает о недельных главах пяти книг Хумаша (Пятикнижия), каждый раз раскрывая в них новые аспекты, делая другие акценты и показывая связь Торы с современностью.

Rabbi Shaul Youdkevitch – Zohar & Kabbalah Study

Live Kabbalah

Kabbalah, Zohar Study, Spiritual Growth. Connecting people to knowledge, wisdom and to each other. Join our course program: Join our Zoom Program: Support our efforts to provide you with more materials, donate to Live Kabbalah:

KMH Mishna


MISHNA for the NESHAMA LET'S GO THROUGH SHAS ONE MISHNA AT A TIME with Harav Yussie Zakutinsky Shlita

Collected Talks of David Solomon

David Solomon

A Jewish podcast experience like no other. David Solomon's "enlightening and engaging" talks on the Hebrew Bible, Jewish History, Kabbalah, and Jewish Philosophy and Thought will leave you immersed in information and inspired to learn more. Collected Talks of David Solomon is a podcast of lectures by internationally renowned educator, writer, translator, and scholar David Solomon. With the skill of a seasoned story-teller, David delivers dynamic and entertaining lectures filled with volumes of fascinating, well-researched content. His lectures explore topics as vast as the revolutionary (and resonant) messages of the Prophets of Israel; the amazing lives and remarkable contributions of countless men and women in Jewish History; the powerful meanings and revelations of sacred Jewish texts; and the reverberating lessons that four-thousand years of Jewish continuity give to each generation. These lectures, recorded before live audiences around the world, are delivered with clarity and insight, poignancy and humour by a world-class Jewish educator who is not to be missed. Download and subscribe now or learn more at

Guided Jewish Meditations

Guided Jewish Meditations

This channel contains guided Jewish meditations for personal spiritual growth. What is the soul? How does consciousness connect you with the Creator of All, the Source of all of consciousness and life? How can spirituality help you deal with stress and anxiety, and help you live a more fulfilling life? This channel contains guided Jewish meditations that explore these and other questions. The meditations, which combine classic breathing and meditation techniques with the ancient Jewish wisdom of the Torah, are each about 20-30 minutes long, and are inspired by the teachings of Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, זצ”ל.

Tel Aviv Review

TLV1 Studios

Showcasing the latest developments in the realm of academic and professional research and literature, about the Middle East and global affairs. We discuss Israeli, Arab and Palestinian society, the Jewish world, the Middle East and its conflicts, and issues of global and public affairs with scholars, writers and deep-thinkers.

Special Dates - Yoma Depagra's - with Rabbi Yossi Paltiel

Inside Chassidus

Stories, thoughts and Fabrengens around special dates in the Jewish and Chassidic calendar