Trashkurs – Der Reality-TV-Podcast


Trash-TV mit den dazugehörigen Z-Promis ist unser Guilty Pleasure 💁🏻‍♀️ powered by TAG24

Elefant, Tiger & Co. - Der Podcast

Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk

Am Anfang war "Elefant, Tiger & Co.", dann kam der Zooreporter, und ab jetzt gehört auch der Podcast zur Familie. Der beliebte Einblick in die Tier- und Menschenwelt des Zoos Leipzig bekommt eine weitere Facette, und mehr Zeit für seine Geschichten. Unser Zooreporter Dirk Hentze, jahrelanger Radio-Begleiter des Fernseh-Quotenrenners, besucht jeden im Zoo, der ihm die Tür offenhält und über seinen "Traumberuf" plaudert. Da treffen sich zwei, die gern erzählen, und zum Glück ist auch ein Mikrofon dabei.

Avatar: Braving the Elements


Enter the amazing world of Avatar through the official companion podcast, Avatar: Braving the Elements from Nickelodeon. Join hosts Janet Varney (the voice of “Korra”) and Dante Basco (the voice of “Prince Zuko”) each week as they re-watch every episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender then break down key themes, notable battles, and behind-the-scenes trivia you can’t get anywhere else. Special guests from cast members to producers join them to explore elements of the Avatarverse, including the origins of the story and how Avatar was brought to life. Braving the Elements listeners can use discount code "AVATAR20” for 20% off all Avatar: The Last Airbender products on

3 Body Podcast


3 Body Problem arrives on Netflix on March 21st, and The 3 Body Podcast will be with you every step of the way to dissect and discuss this mind-boggling series.   Hosts Dr. Maggie Aderin-Pocock and Jason Concepcion will talk to a range of people involved in the making of the show, including the showrunners, directors, and the VFX supervisors, to give unparalleled behind-the-scenes insight. They’ll also chat with experts in the field, from NASA scientists, to ex-CIA operatives, about the real-world implications of what unfolds on screen.   The 3 Body Podcast, coming March 21st. New episodes every Thursday.

The Helveticas

The Helveticas

Drag Race Germany Season 1 stars, Tessa Testicle and Victoria Shakespears, are the only two queens from that season hailing from Switzerland. They review the season they participated in, in a series they've dubbed 'Switzerland vs. the World.' Tune in every two weeks for a new episode.Links: The Helveticas Helveticas Youtube Websitetessatesticle.comVictoria Websitevictoriashakespears.comVagabunda

What a Barb! A Polin Podcast

What a Barb!

A fan podcast celebrating all things Penelope and Colin from the Netflix show Bridgerton and Julia Quinn book series, complete with episode deep dives, theories and speculation, and plenty of spiralling from a group of friends anxiously awaiting Season 3.

Keeping Up Appearances: The Luxury Podcast

Audio Always

The companion podcast for exploring the world of Hyacinth Bucket in the hit BBC sitcom Keeping Up Appearances with William Hanson and Jonathan Vernon-Smith. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Alles was zählt - Der Podcast

RTL+ / Audio Alliance

Ab sofort gibt es „Alles was zählt“ nicht mehr nur montags bis freitags um 19:05 auf RTL im TV, sondern auch auf deine Ohren! Immer Donnerstags gibt es hier eine neue Folge. Du hörst deine Lieblingsschauspieler:innen ganz privat und bekommst Einblicke hinter die Kullissen von AWZ, die du im Fernsehen so niemals sehen wirst. „Alles was zählt“ sind große Gefühle: Leidenschaft, Liebe, Verrat, Eifersucht und der ewige Kampf zwischen Herz und Verstand. Die Charaktere sind scharf gezeichnet und wissen genau, was sie wollen. Das Herz der Serie aber ist der Sport. Ob auf dem Eis, im Tanzsaal, am Basketballkorb oder im Pool – „Alles was zählt“ zeichnet sich aus durch Bewegung und Dynamik. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Essener Steinkamp-Clan und die Mitarbeiter des Steinkamp Sport- und Wellness-Zentrums. Der Wettkampf ist ihr Geschäft und die Sportler, die sie vermarkten, geben alles, um ganz vorne auf dem Treppchen zu stehen.

DARK Aftershow

Netflix Deutschland

Netflix Deutschland / Österreich / Schweiz

Olivenliebe - Reality TV behind the scenes

Vanessa Rappa

Immer is' was ...

Sarah von Neuburg, Andreas Piasek, Lars-Christian Karde

Sarah von Neuburg und Lars-Christian Karde sind die Moderatoren der MDR JUMP Morningshow - beim meistgehörten Sender im Osten. UND sie präsentieren zahlreiche TV-Events im MDR Fernsehen. Jetzt zittert Mitteldeutschland – ist das noch nicht genug? Muss es jetzt auch noch ein Podcast sein? Ja, es muss! Denn jetzt wird ausgepackt – ungefiltert und persönlich. Mit delikaten Stories aus dem Leben der beiden „Provinz-Celebrities“ und mit den Geschichten aus Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen, die garantiert nie im Radio zu hören sein werden. Aus gutem Grund. Mit dabei ist Andreas Piasek, Autor für die MDR-Unterhaltungs-Shows, Edelfeder auf dem ehrwürdigen Unterhaltungsdampfer, Urheber von Sätzen wie „Wollt Ihr alle den Schlager feiern wie nie zuvor?“. "Immer is' was..." ist irgendwas zwischen Therapiestunde (sagt Sarah), Life Coaching (glaubt Lars) und dem Abwrackhafen unserer Träume (meint Andi)... Seid dabei :)

De mediameiden

Tamar Bot & Fanny van de Reijt

Op speelse wijze nemen tv-redactrices, collegaatjes en beste vriendinnen Tamar Bot & Fanny van de Reijt je mee achter de schermen van de showbizzindustrie. Wat is preppen en is dat eigenlijk hetzelfde als fluffen? Hoe bel je een BN'er twee uur voor de uitzending af? Wat is het geheim van Frits Sissing? En waarom zijn woonprogramma’s zo onweerstaanbaar? De mediameiden praten je bij over het sappigste medianieuws van de week en bespreken hét programma waar iedereen naar keek - of naar had moeten kijken. In ‘Het etablissement van een BN’er’ gaan ze op bezoek bij de sterren. Want hoe smaakt de havercappuccino van Gordon? Tussendoor trakteren ze op gênante carrièreverhalen uit de oude doos. Want één ding staat vast: There's No Business Like Show Business. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Midsomer Murders Mayhem

Midsomer Murders Mayhem

Midsomer Murders Mayhem delves into the history of the hit television show whilst discussing the eternal question of how such a quaint county in England can be host to so many murders and such a staggering death toll. Hosted by Nicki Chapman with insights from the cast, each episode of the podcast focuses on a single episode of the television series. Special guest Scottish comedian Ashley Storrie (Dinosaur) features alongside Nicki Chapman as a regular guest and host of the superfan quiz, while the series guests include American TV writer Bill Young, professional detectives, pathologists and crime-scene experts who will share their insights and opinions into the eternal appeal of the attractive, yet surprisingly lethal drama, which has seen cheese and washing machines used as murders weapons. Launching on March 28 globally.



Jeden Tag starten neue Serien und jeden Monat ein neuer Streaminganbieter. Ganz ehrlich: Blickst Du noch durch? ALL YOU CAN STREAM erleichtert Dir jetzt Dein Streamingleben. Mit dem Podcast der Zeitschriften TV DIGITAL und STREAMING verpasst Du garantiert keines der kommenden Highlights mehr. Wir sprechen mit Stars und Machern, liefern spannende Hintergrundinfos und verraten, welche Neustarts bei Netflix, Disney+, Amazon & Co. sich wirklich lohnen. Das hier ist nicht der 1000ste Serienpodcast. Unser Ziel ist der perfekte Überblick über die besten neuen Filme, Serien und Dokus – eben ALL YOU CAN STREAM. Jeden ersten und dritten Freitag im Monat neu.

Wednesday: A Post Show Recap

Marissa Garza and LaTonya Starks

Post Show Recaps covers "Wednesday," the Netflix coming-of-age supernatural comedy horror television series based upon the character Wednesday Addams from The Addams Family

QVC After Show

QVC Italia

1 ospite, 1 conduttore, 4 buste e tantissimi temi dedicati all'universo femminile. Vi presentiamo QVC After Show, il nuovo talk show dove si parla di bellezza, moda, empowerment femminile, salute, benessere e tanto altro.

Fernsehen für alle

Dennis Müller

Trash-TV, Serien und alles, was man sonst noch gucken kann: Fernsehen für alle – der Podcast, der für dich fernsieht. Mit Dennis Müller und seinen Gästen. Neue Folgen jeden Freitag.

Akte X-Cast

Hendrik Meyerhof & Oliver Glasner

Ein Akte X-Podcast mit Oliver und Hendrik. Wir sezieren die Mystery-Serie "Akte X - Die unheimlichen Fälle des FBI", die in den 90er Jahren ein popkulturelles Phänomen war. - 11 Staffeln, 218 Episoden, 2 Kinofilme, UFO-Mythologie, Monster-der-Woche und mehr... - Alle 2 Wochen eine neue Podcast-Episode!


Benjamin Schubert

 „So viele Leute? Die meisten stehen doch nur rum! Und dafür zahle ich Rundfunkgebühren.“ Eine häufige Reaktion von Passanten, wenn sie Filmarbeiten beobachten. Also was genau machen diese ganzen Leute eigentlich? Was macht z.B. ein Beleuchter*in oder ein Setrequisiteur*in oder ein Kameraassistent*in und warum hängt das Mikrofon an so einer langen Stange? Ist das nicht schwer?Im Podcast „Setgeflüster“, stellt Benjamin Schubert immer wieder Leute und ihre Berufe aus der Film-, Fernseh- und Fotobranche vor. Schubert, der selbst als Filmtonmeister für viele Kino- und Fernsehproduktionen tätig war und ist, kennt das Leben am Set aus dem Effeff.  In kurzweiligen Gesprächen erfahrt ihr Vieles zur Branche im Allgemeinen und zu den einzelnen Berufen. Es gibt Kritik und Lob und auch immer wieder kleine Anekdoten. In „Setgeflüster“ erzählen Insider, wie es wirklich ist! „Und bitte“. 

Rote Rosen Podcast

Rote Rosen

Ein Sommer ohne Rote Rosen? Sicher nicht! Während die Fernsehserie in der Sommerpause ist, geht es in unserem Podcast weiter. Host der aktuellen Sommerstaffel ist Kim-Sarah Brandts, bekannt als Jule Jansen aus der Serie Rote Rosen. Sie begrüßt Menschen aus dem Team und einige Superstars der Serie. Sie alle nehmen kein Blatt vor den Mund und erzählen offen: vom Chaos in der Garderobe, vom Familiy-Life vor und hinter der Kamera und der Musik, die den Herzschlag bestimmt - spannende Infos und Einblicke „behind the scenes“ garantiert! Eure Gastgeberin Kim-Sarah Brandts wünscht Euch viel Spaß mit dieser Sommerstaffel.

The X-Cast: An X-Files Podcast

We Made This

The Truth is In Here... Devoted X-Phile and podcast addict Tony Black, alongside a group of committed Philes, presents THE X-CAST: AN X-FILES PODCAST dedicated to exploring the series from its inception in 1993, up to the latest Season 11 in 2018 and beyond. Supported by a legion of co-hosts and guests, Tony will be picking apart each X-File, exploring the stories, characters and of course monsters that made the show the seminal TV experience of the 1990's, and turned FBI Agents Fox Mulder & Dana Scully into iconic modern heroes. Go with them on the journey. Just remember one thing... TrustNo1 A proud part of the We Made This podcast network.

My Hero Academia: Afterwatch

Fictional Characters

Welcome to Level Seven

Ben Avery, Stewart, and Samantha

Dig deep into the Marvel Cinematic Universe: from Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Agent Carter to Disney+'s WandaVision and Moon Knight, from Runaways, Cloak & Dagger, and Inhumans to Netflix's Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and the Punisher, to the Avengers movies and now to the Sony movies with Venom, Spider-Man and Morbius, we explore the MCU with theories, comic-book backgrounds, and your feedback! Ben Avery, Daniel Butcher and friends analyze, theorize, and discuss episodes of the various TV series, related comics, the Marvel movies, and more! Welcome to Level Seven is an unofficial podcast and not affiliated with ABC Studios.

Sturm der Liebe

Lena Conzendorf & Johannes Huth

Der „Sturm der Liebe“-Podcast ist ein wöchentliches Talk-Format, in dem die Hosts Lena Conzendorf und Johannes Huth, beide vormals Teil des Maincast von „Sturm der Liebe“, gemeinsam die jüngsten Folgen der Erfolgstelenovela besprechen. Neben den Hosts kommen auch regelmäßig Gäste von vor und hinter der Kamera sowie Fans zu Wort. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

White Collared: A White Collar Podcast

Eric Alton-Glenn Hilliard

A retrospective commentary on the hit USA Network television series White Collar, starring: Matt Bomer, Tim DeKay, Willie Garson, and Tiffani Thiessen; created by: Jeff Eastin. Hosted by Eric Alton-Glenn Hilliard. New episodes on the 1st Friday of the month. A production of Twylo Zone Media.



黑水公园是一档以电影、剧集、科幻、动漫为载体,畅谈人生的趣谈节目。 (金花微信:uwwwsc;金花微博:黑水公园_金花)

The Shuttlepod Show

The Pines

Connor Trinneer, Erica LaRose & Mark Cartier explore the world of Star Trek and life on Earth. Guests. Fan questions answered. Watch on YouTube. Listen here. Patreon for those who just love us.

The House of Halliwell / A Charmed Rewatch Podcast

(Drew Fuller, Brian Krause, Holly Combs)

Join original Charmed cast members Holly Marie Combs, Drew Fuller, and Brian Krause (also known as Piper Halliwell, Chris Halliwell, and Leo Wyatt) as they discuss their time on the hit TV show episode by episode. Hear behind the scenes stories and get insight into the production process of the hit cult show.

The Rings of Power Wrap-up

The Prancing Pony Podcast

Alan Sisto from The Prancing Pony Podcast, and his new co-hosts Sara Brown and James Tauber discuss, analyze, and speculate all about Amazon's new television adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth! Join the team as they dive into the lore behind the show - or the lore that *should* be behind the show - talk about their favorite themes and characters, and explore The Rings of Power, all with plenty of nerd humor!

Yellowjackets wtf?


Yellowjackets is dark, edgy, mysterious, well-written, well-acted, and crazy AF, and we're as obsessed about it as you are! Come join us for some fun, in-depth discussions about this incredible show. We're Podcastica, and we've been doing episode-by-episode deep dives into amazing TV shows for over a decade now. Check out our other fare at Buzz buzz buzz! (Podcast art by Ellie Duke.)

The Antler Queens: A Yellowjackets Pod

Antler Queens

We discuss, theorize, and breakdown Showtime’s hit TV show, ”Yellowjackets.” Visit our Patreon and join the hive for BUZZworthy perks: If you’re more of a visual person, search ”The Antler Queens” on YouTube to subscribe to our videos. Thank you for being here! BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ!

Lords of Grantham: The Gilded Age, Downton Abbey, The Crown & More

Lords of Grantham

A podcast covering Downton Abbey, Bridgerton, The Crown, The Gilded Age and more period dramas. Hosted by two American men. It won’t be long now!

By Order Of The: Peaky Blinders

Daniel Gillman

A detailed and enjoyable breakdown of the most dangerous family around, the Shelby's, and the BBC/Netflix show Peaky Blinders. FULL EPISODE BREAKDOWNS FROM SEASONS 1-6. Daniel and Josh break down episodes, interview fan favorites, and even journey into Joe Cole's 'Gangs of London' crime drama.

Greatest Trek: New Star Trek Reviewed

Uxbridge-Shimoda LLC

The unofficial, irreverent and filthy aftershow for all the new Star Trek television: Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, Short Treks, Prodigy, Strange New Worlds, and anything else they throw at us. Each Friday after a new episode of Star Trek, Adam and Ben recap, review and roast all the New Trek. Check out our other show, The Greatest Generation, a Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys who are a little bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek podcast!

Newcomers: Batman, with Nicole Byer and Lauren Lapkus


In Newcomers, Lauren Lapkus and Nicole Byer take a deep dive into cultural staples they haven’t gotten around to just yet. So far, they have covered Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Tyler Perry's body of work, the Fast & Furious Franchise, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the many interpretations of Batman. Next up, Lauren and Nicole get into the filmography of Martin Scorsese.

Rob Has a Podcast | Survivor / Big Brother / Amazing Race - RHAP

Survivor Know-It-All, Rob Cesternino | RHAP Productions

Do you love shows like Survivor and Big Brother like we do? We can't wait for you to become part of our Reality TV podcast comunity! The ultimate Survivor Know-It-All, Rob Cesternino, leads the RHAP network as we bring you all of the best commentary and interviews around SURVIVOR, BIG BROTHER, THE TRAITORS, THE AMAZING RACE and much more. You won't find more comprehensive coverage around your favorite Reality TV Games than here on RHAP Follow ► Website: YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: Patreon:

The Problem: A Lockwood and Co Podcast

Hallowed Ground Media

Caitlin and Alan watch Lockwood & Co. We talk about everything we love about these ghost-hunting teens, and the fascinating world they are trapped in.

Real Moms of Bravo


Listen to real moms and long time friends Abby and Vanessa recap your favorite Bravo two times a week. They’ll dive into all their favorite shows including Housewives, Vanderpump Rules, Southern Charm and if you ask nicely they’ll add listeners requested shows too. Plus a weekend bonus sharing all the hot Bravo and pop culture tea. These moms know that balancing kids, work, and Bravo can be tough so they’re here to help you out!

Burning For Bridgerton

Vermont Moms

Dearest Listener, It has been said that season 2 of Bridgerton will be more scandalous than the last. In anticipation, we podcasters have been honing our skills and sharpening our knives. For all of you. As the members of the ton gather to watch season two of Bridgerton on Netflix, we can not be the only ones wondering… will the Viscount take a wife? …will the Duke return, even just for one scene? Join us here on Burning for Bridgerton each week as we dissect and over-analyze each episode of season 2 of Bridgerton. Yours Truly, Lady Claire and Lady Julie of The Basic Moms

Lost Hyperspace: Star Wars podcast, The Bad Batch After Show

Star Wars

Join us each week Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, in their Star Wars adventurer as they discover the galaxy far far away. Subscribe to Lost Hyperspace Podcast on YouTube and for more Podcast and Watch video the best story mode game, If you like what you've heard, please leave us a rating or review on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google podcast, which will also help more people discover this Star Wars Podcast. follow us on YouTube Website

Dishing on Julia, the Official Julia Companion Podcast


Dishing On Julia is the official companion podcast for the Max Original series Julia, inspired by the life of Julia Child. Join host Kerry Diamond of Radio Cherry Bombe each week as she talks to the creatives and crew behind Julia as well as the culinary superstars and thought leaders who share their perspective on, and personal connection to, the OG food celebrity. Learn how Julia’s talent, determination, and joie de vivre changed cuisine and culture at a pivotal time in American history.  Episodes of Dishing On Julia are available on Thursdays when new episodes of Julia stream on Max, starting November 16th. Dishing On Julia is produced by Max and The Cherry Bombe Podcast Network. 

The Prime Subjective: A Star Trek Podcast

Crossroads Comedy Theater

The Prime Subjective is a podcast covering all aspects of the Star Trek universe with recaps, reviews, news, and more. Hosted by Chris Newcomer and featuring Karen Coleman Hinners, Michael Henley, and Jai Nim.

LOVE ISLAND | Der Morgen danach

LOVE ISLAND | RTL2 / Audio Alliance

Am 22. März geht es wieder los mit der Frühlingsstaffel von "Love Island"! Ein luxuriöses Paradies wird für eine Gruppe aufgeregter Singles in den kommenden Wochen wieder zum Schauplatz für heiße Flirts, wildes Herzklopfen und wahre Leidenschaft. Wenn du gar nicht genug von "Love Island" bekommen kannst, dann gibt‘s jetzt für dich „Love Island“ to go - den Love Island Podcast „Der Morgen danach“! Diese Staffel werden euch die originale Love Island-Stimme Simon Beeck und Ex-Islander Tim Kühnel durch den Podcast führen. Sie unterhalten sich mit spannenden Gästen über Island-Gossip, Exits, neue Islander und alles, was du rund um „Love Island“ wissen musst. Den Podcast „Der Morgen danach“ bekommst du ab dem 22. März dreimal pro Woche überall, wo‘s Podcasts gibt! Eine Produktion von ITV und Audio Alliance im Auftrag von RTLZWEI.

It’s Become a Whole Thing

The Sonar Network

A look at the best and worst moments of unscripted TV history, from cult documentaries to trashy early 2000s reality tv. High-brow analysis of the low-brow trash we love.

Avatar: The Podcast

The Geek Generation

RealiTea Time

RealiTea Time

Wir blicken auf die Reality hinter dem TV Bei drei Wochen Promi Big Brother, zwei Wochen Dschungel Camp, wöchentlich Temptation Island /-VIP, Are you the One /-Reality Stars in Love, Couple Challenge, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Bachelor in Paradies, Prominent getrennt, das Sommerhaus der Stars u.v.m. haben wir (Vanessa und Sarah) auch bei größtem Bemühen es nicht mehr geschafft uns zu jeder Folge einen Drink zu genehmigen. Daher heißt es nun, zu jeder neuen Folge "It´s RealiTea Time"

A More Civilized Age: A Star Wars Podcast

A More Civilized Age

Join Rob Zacny, Natalie Watson, Ali Acampora, and Austin Walker as they dive headfirst into the fall of the Galactic Republic, debate which Jedi is messiest, and dig into the themes and politics of The Clone Wars. Cover Art by @XeeceeVEVO on Twitter.

Mention It All

Betches Media

Betches Media presents Mention It All, a podcast dedicated to breaking down all things Bravo. Your host, certified Bravoholic Dylan Hafer, is covering everything Real Housewives and more, including weekly episode recaps and analysis, the latest social media drama, and interviews with your favorite Bravolebrities. For more Bravo memes, commentary, and special guests, follow @bravobybetches on Instagram.

The Randy Disher Podcast

Mouthful Media

Jason Gray-Stanford brought heart and humor to the hit series MONK as Lieutenant Randy Disher, whose boyish charm and far-fetched theories provided comic relief to some of MONK’s most serious cases. Now, Jason is hosting The Randy Disher Podcast, and inviting listeners to join him as he talks "all things MONK & more." The show will feature behind-the-scenes stories from Jason and his castmates and visits from some of the many actors who appeared on MONK during its highly successful run. With fan interaction and relatable conversation, the podcast welcomes listeners to “dish with Disher” in a relaxed and accessible style. The Randy Disher Podcast is sure to provide the nostalgia MONK viewers have been craving, as well as interesting discussions for everyday entertainment enthusiasts.

The Crown: The Official Podcast


The Crown: The Official Podcast is the exclusive companion podcast to accompany the Netflix Original Series The Crown. Hosted by Edith Bowman, the podcast follows the show episode by episode, diving deep into the stories and taking listeners behind the scenes with insights from many of the people involved in making the show. The Crown returns for season 6 on November 16th and The Crown: The Official Podcast is back to follow the show episode by episode, diving deep into the stories and speaking with many of the talented people involved, including show creator Peter Morgan and cast members Imelda Staunton, Elizabeth Debicki, Dominic West and Jonathan Pryce. The Crown: The Official Podcast is produced by Netflix and Somethin’ Else, in association with Left Bank Pictures.

Overly Animated Miraculous Ladybug Podcasts

Overly Animated

Join Ladybug experts Dylan, Delaney, & April who've been podcasting on Miraculous Ladybug since Season 1 to talk about the latest Ladybug episodes and other fun topics! We actually like this show and think it's really good, but also very intentionally absurd and fun :)

Mindhunter Companion

Doug and Peter

Companion podcast for Mindhunter, the Netflix true-crime series. Episode-by-episode synopsis and analysis. (Produced independently)

The Talking Dead

Chris & Jason

The Talking Dead is a fan podcast dedicated to The Walking Dead Universe on AMC and AMC+. Tune in for full episode recaps, news, rumours, and any other info related to The Walking Dead.

Reality Life with Kate Casey

Kate Casey

Daily podcast about unscripted television. Kate Casey interviews the talent, producers, and directors of reality shows, documentaries, and docuseries. Saturday episodes tell incredible person stories.

Talking Sopranos (podjams)

Sopranos co-stars Michael Imperioli and Steve Schirripa host the definitive Sopranos re-watch podcast. Michael and Steve follow the Sopranos series episode by episode giving fans all the inside info, behind the scenes stories and little-known facts that could only come from someone on the inside. Talking Sopranos also features interviews with additional cast members, producers, writers, production crew and special guests. Along with talking about the Sopranos, Michael and Steve will also share candid conversations about the entertainment business, their friendship and all the folks they’ve met along the way. This is a must listen for all Sopranos fans.

Grey's Academy: A Grey’s Anatomy Podcast

Carmen G. Mugnolo and Kelcey Werner

Kelcey, a Grey's Anatomy expert, and Carmen, a Grey's Anatomy rookie, watch every episode of the show from season 1 episode 1. Every episode is full of thoughts, predictions, rankings, and reviews. Listen along on this journey as your favorite episodes are revisited!

Rebel Force Radio: Star Wars Podcast

Star Wars

Long-running, award-winning STAR WARS program hosted by podcasting veterans Jason Swank and Jimmy Mac, Rebel Force Radio provides STAR WARS information and entertainment. From the Classic Trilogy to the Prequels... From THE FORCE AWAKENS to ROGUE ONE to SOLO...Rebel Force Radio puts you on the front lines of fandom. Plus, plenty of CLONE WARS and REBELS too! Featuring celebrity guests, news, opinions, comedy, reviews, contests, and more.

Alright Mary: All Things RuPaul's Drag Race

Colin Drucker & Johnny Also

Alright Mary is two parts Drag Race viewing party, one part queer studies lecture and a healthy dose of obscure pop culture references, all wrapped in a nuanced layer of dad jokes and pun-offs served weekly with a side of piping-hot tea.

Sina Peschke - BEST OF GUESTS

Sina Peschke

Radio ist Leidenschaft, die man hören kann! Echt jetzt ! Seit 2008 treffe ich mich meist persönlich mit interessanten Menschen aus der Kunst-und Medienbranche für mein Interviewformat "Sina Peschke trifft .." Nach 15 produktiven Jahren findet Ihr hier die besten Interviews aus meiner Interviewreihe, auch aus Zeiten, in denen es noch keine Möglichkeit gab, Radioproduktionen irgendwie nachzuhören. Dafür gibt es jetzt diesen schönen PODCAST ! Foto: Guido Werner

RuPaul's Drag Race Recap

Authentic Podcast Network

Join Joe Betance and a rotating panel of co-hosts as they recap the latest episodes of RuPaul's Drag Race. Irreverent, smart and hilarious, Drag Race Recap will satisfy your craving to eavesdrop on gay friends as they critique their favorite reality show.

Reality Steve Podcast

Reality Steve

The #1 source on the internet for all your "Bachelor," "Bachelorette," and "Bachelor in Paradise" spoilers, Reality Steve talks about each episode, answers your emails, and covers everything you need to know about what's going on in Bachelor Nation. For years, he's been giving you the inside scoop on all things "Bachelor"-related. Now, hear him speak weekly on the subject, along with candid conversations with former contestants and others in the reality TV world, along with all your latest juicy gossip. It's candid, it's colorful, and it may be crass, but that's why he's Reality Steve.

Talk Ville

Tom Welling & Michael Rosenbaum

It was only a matter of time! Join costars Tom Welling (Clark Kent) and Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor) as they take you behind the scenes of one of the greatest shows of all time, Smallville. With this weekly dose of nostalgia you will get an inside look at what it was like to film each episode and hear fun facts that only those on set could tell you! Tag along with Michael and Tom to revisit the iconic series that changed the way you look at one of America’s favorite superheroes!

This Time Around: A Rewatch Podcast

Melissa Mirch & Kate Tucci-Share

This Time Around is a television recap podcast where Melissa Mirch and Kate Tucci-Share watch and discuss every episode of a TV show one of them loves and the other has never seen. Currently watching: Everwood (2002). Previously discussed: Roswell (1999).



总是胡说八道,尽量保持真实的闲谈节目。 原本想聊自己对生活和内心的感悟,无奈发现主播三人对彼此毫无倾听欲望。 所以, 影视、综艺、明星、吐槽、发疯,这里有你不一定关心的文娱行业的种种,也有我们几个控制不住的一面。 本节目由未来欣、锅锅 、叉叉,三位女性共同主持。 听了快乐亚军,希望大家都能成为快乐冠军。

The Lord of the Rings: Extended - A Middle Earth Podcast


Dylan Blight, Ashley Hobley & Ciaran Marchant discuss all things Middle Earth and break down and review each episode of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.

The Dorota Diaries: A Gossip Girl Podcast

Talea & Maria

Talea and Maria walk you through the 2007 CW original show Gossip Girl.

The Wire Stripped

Stripped Media

Wow! The Wire at 20!?... ...20 years ago, HBO released a show that nobody was talking about. But then, everyone slowly realised that The Wire might be the most incredible show of all time. We're Dave and Kobi, returning to the Baltimore pits to rewatch EVERY EPISODE in our podcast – The Wire: Stripped. We’ll break down the lingo - like re-ups, burners and wiretaps. We’ll analyse critical scenes too. We talk to the creator David Simon, key cast members, including Frankie Faison, better known as Deputy Commissioner Burrell, Lance Reddick, who played Lieutenant Daniels, And of course, the one, the only… the Bunk. Wendell Pierce. Also, listen to celebrity guests and superfans. So if you're watching for the first or the ninth time, join us as we revisit one of the greatest shows ever. Here is a short list of who we have lined up for Season 4: David Simon - Creator of The Wire Maestro Harrell - Randy Wagstaff Julito McCullum - Namond Jermaine Crawford - Dukie Tristan Mack Wilds - Michael Nathan Corbett - Donut Delaney Williams - Landsman Anwan Glover - Slim Charles Chad Coleman - Cutty Panama (Armando Cadogan Jnr)- Bubbles Tormentor Brandy Burre - Theresa D'Agostino Sandi McCree - De'Londa Brice Paul L Nolan - Hardware Store Employee  Trey Chaney - Poot Alexa Fogel - Casting Director Joilet Harris - Caroline Massey. Aiden Gillen - Carcetti Thuliso Dingwall - Kenard  Wendell Pierce - Bunk Clarke Peters - Freamon Ernest Dickerson - Director Dominic Lombardozzi - Herc Get Subscribed now!

Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro

The Three Who Rule

Radio Free Skaro is possibly the most popular, most prolific and charmingly irreverent (but never irrelevant) Doctor Who podcast around. Since August 2006, hosts Warren (in Vancouver, BC) and Steven (in Edmonton, AB) have provided listeners with their brand of amusing Doctor Who praise and punishment. A year later, Chris (also in Edmonton, AB) was added to the team, and The Three Who Rule were born. Recommended by Doctor Who Magazine, Radio Free Skaro provides an entertaining and diverting listen for the diehard or casual Doctor Who fan. New episodes usually appear on Sundays, following a loose magazine format of the three hosts discussing the news and events of the past week in the worlds of Doctor Who, Torchwood, and the Sarah Jane Adventures. They have also recorded special commentary podcasts for classic series and new series episodes of Doctor Who along with interviews of some of the brightest of the Doctor Who luminaries. Radio Free Skaro is also the official podcast of Gallifrey One, the world’s largest and longest-running annual Doctor Who convention.

The Rookie Podcast

AfterBuzz TV

Nathan Fillion returns to TV as John Nolan in The Rookie Aftershow Podcast. This show is all about second chances and showing that it's never to late for you to try something new. If you're a fan of Crime dramas such as Criminal minds, Law and Order, Blue Bloods etc... you will not want to miss this show! Each week the panel will discuss a new episode while bringing you fun segments as well as news and gossip.

Seaweed Brain: A Percy Jackson Podcast

Seaweed Brain Podcast

Discuss, overanalyze, and generally fangirl about each Percy Jackson book *AND TELEVISION EPISODE* whilst applying a critical fandom studies lens and seeking to answer the question, is Percabeth the greatest love story ever told? Warning: This Podcast contains ⚠️Spoilers⚠️ for the Riordanverse through Trials of Apollo!

Vault 33

Deep Geek Media

A podcast for Amazon Prime's Fallout series. Hosted by Andrew Sorcini, Dwayne D, and Tosin Onafowokan.

Bridgerton With Mary & Blake: A Bridgerton & Queen Charlotte Podcast


"Bridgerton With Mary & Blake," the ultimate podcast dedicated to the hit TV show from NETFLIX and Shondaland Media, Bridgerton, and the captivating spinoff, Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story. Join hosts Mary and Blake as they embark on an immersive journey through the world of Bridgerton, exploring themes of mental illness, family, love, faith, passion, friendship, dissecting the performances of Regé-Jean Page, Gabrielle Collins, Tom Verica, and Jonathan Bailey, Simone Ashley, India Amarteifio, and unraveling the intricate dynamics of the Bridgerton family. Bridgerton, an American historical fiction-romance streaming television series created by Chris Van Dusen for Netflix, marks Shondaland's first foray into scripted content for the streaming platform. Based on Julia Quinn's book series, the show transports viewers to Regency era London's ton, where the marriageable youth of nobility and gentry navigate the social season. Mary and Blake leave no stone unturned as they delve into character arcs, favorite moments, production secrets, and predictions, providing an all-encompassing exploration of Bridgerton on Netflix. Since its debut on December 25, 2020, Bridgerton has taken the world by storm, captivating audiences with its captivating storytelling. The second season, which premiered on March 25, 2022, and features the story of Anthony and Kate Sharma, exceeded expectations and solidified Bridgerton as a franchise with its renewal for third and fourth seasons. Mary and Blake's insightful discussions celebrate the series' success and delve into the intricacies of each season, inviting listeners to join them in analyzing the phenomenal performances and the mesmerizing world of Lady Whistledown. In addition to Bridgerton, Mary and Blake explore the riveting spinoff, Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story. Created by the visionary Shonda Rhimes for Netflix, this historical drama limited series delves into the rise of Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz to prominence and power in the late 18th century as well as the marriage between Charlotte and George. The podcast shines a spotlight on the compelling plotlines, the historical significance of Queen Charlotte's journey, and the exploration of King George's mental illness within their marriage. Listeners can expect thought-provoking discussions that unpack the nuanced themes and rich storytelling of this captivating spinoff which features “The Great Experiment”. "Bridgerton With Mary & Blake" honors the exceptional achievements of Bridgerton, including its critically acclaimed direction, outstanding performances, and awe-inspiring production and set design. With Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards, Make-Up Artists And Hair Stylists Guild Awards, and nominations at prestigious ceremonies like the Primetime Emmy Awards, Screen Actors Guild Awards, Satellite Awards, and NAACP Image Awards, the series has left an indelible mark on the television landscape. Join Mary and Blake as they navigate the captivating world of the Bridgerton family, unraveling the intricacies of the siblings' lives within the London high society. Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinth take center stage as Mary and Blake explore their relationships, triumphs, and challenges. Together, they traverse the twists and turns of love and scandal, offering their unique insights and perspectives on the captivating characters that have captured the hearts of millions. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Bridgerton and Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story with "Bridgerton With Mary & Blake." Engage in their dynamic discussions, uncover hidden gems, and indulge in the irresistible allure of Bridgerton's seasons. Don't miss out on this captivating podcast that celebrates the magic of Bridgerton and invites fans to embark on a journey of discovery alongside Mary and Blake.

Harry Potter and the First Time Readers

Jon, Danny, Kristen, Jenn

It's every Harry Potter fan's dream to read the books for the first time again. The wonder, the joy, the excitement and forums and not knowing what is going to happen on the next page. It's one of the best experiences ever. Join four readers (Jon is a read-harry-potter-every-year kinda guy, Kristen has only read it once, and Jenn and Danny haven't read it at all) as they read and talk about Harry Potter, theories, plot points, favorite characters, and everything else Harry Potter universe. So come vicariously live through some first-time readers!

Drop Your Buffs: A Survivor Podcast

Sean Ross & Evan Ross Katz

Sean Ross and Evan Ross Katz take a deep dive into all things SURVIVOR. Drop Your Buffs takes a retrospective look at the greatest seasons, players and iconic moments from the reality show that started it all. Plus, we go straight to the source, interviewing legendary contestants of the game.

SUCC OFF (a succession podcast)

Karsten Runquist & Christian Borkey

A Succession podcast where Christian Borkey (Busted Business Bureau) and Karsten Runquist (Karstcast) break down the hit HBO show one episode at a time and decide which character won and lost each episode. New episodes every Monday.

Oysters Clams & Cockles: Shōgun

Oysters Clams & Cockles

Now covering "Shōgun" on Hulu and FX. Hosted by Ross Bolen and Barrett Dudley. Presented by Bolen Media. Exclusive ad-free bonus episodes, hotline calls, and further digestion:

Children of the Watch: A Star Wars After Show

Children of the Watch

Children of the Watch is the number one podcast in the galaxy for all things Star Wars live action television, formerly The Mandalorian Watch. A positive, upbeat after show for Star Wars television. Join your hosts Alex Maxwell and Mac Lacey after each episode as we break it down with in depth analysis and commentary, as well as your hotline calls! Your number one spot for all things Star Wars TV! (205)259-6675 Voicemail Hotline Twitter and Instagram: @CotWatch

The Storm: A Lost Rewatch Podcast

Dave Gonzales, Joanna Robinson, and Neil Miller

Having survived the long night of Game of Thrones, podcasters Dave Gonzales, Joanna Robinson, and Neil Miller had to go back for a massive rewatch of ABC's hit show Lost.  And don't be surprised if a few other major storm-fronts open up along the way.

Vulcan Hello (Star Trek Discovery, Picard, Strange New Worlds)

Scott McNulty and Jason Snell

Scott McNulty and Jason Snell discuss brand-new Star Trek as it happens, including episode-by-episode coverage of “Discovery”, “Picard”, and “Strange New Worlds”, along with occasional check-ins about what’s going on with animated Star Trek series.

Media Club Plus

Friends at the Table

Welcome to Media Club Plus: a podcast about diving into the media that interests us and the stories that excite us, as always we are brought to you by Friends at the Table. This season, we're watching 2011's Hunter x Hunter, based on the manga by Yoshihiro Togashi

Авторская комната

Белов А./Вялых А.

Это подкаст от сценаристов для сценаристов о так любимом всеми нами сценарном мастерстве. Каждую неделю Александр Белов и Александр Вялых обсуждают подробности сценарной кухни и индустрии, пытаясь разобраться в главном - как прокачать свои сценарные навыки и писать всё лучше с каждым днём.

Watching Friends

Watching Friends

Join friends Marc and Ryan as we go on a chronological journey through the TV Show Friends. Each week we will discuss an episode scene by scene, filled with clips and our own life stories. So if you love friends and want to know behind the scenes trivia, opinions and more then we'll be there for you with this podcast. Follow us @watchfriendspod and

Daily DVR

DVR Podcast Network

The Master Feed of all the podcasts brought to you by The DVR Podcast Network. From Podcast Winterfell to Watchmen, Westworld Theorycast, Bach It Up, Another Week and so many more!

Friends with Friends

KTLA Audio Network

KTLA in Los Angeles is known for many things, being the first TV station west of the Mississippi, legendary local news brand, and the place you can watch Friends every night. Former KTLA News Director Jason Ball and Producers Jackie Rodriguez and Vanessa Martinez analyze all 236 episodes of Friends one at a time with different perspectives.  Jason is the OG who is the same age as the Friends and watched the show in the 90’s.  Jackie is the a Friends fanatic. She has a Friends sweaters, bracelets. She’s been on the set and met the monkey that played Marcel. Vanessa is the newbie who just started watching Friends while staying at home because of the Pandemic.

Bikini Bottom Radio: A SpongeBob Podcast


Bikini Bottom Radio is a SpongeBob themed Podcast that is hosted by 3 best friends. We will be talking about all things SpongeBob starting from episode 1 . This will include all different kinds of SpongeBob media, memes, etc. Join us as we venture to Bikini Bottom and find out why we all love SpongeBob so much!

Drag Her! A RuPaul's Drag Race Podcast


Welcome to the INTERNET'S ONLY drag race podcast! Comedian and self-proclaimed Drag Race her-storian Mano Agapion dives deep into the latest episodes of drag race every single week for your gag-ger-taint-ment with a heavy focus on laughs above accuracy. Joined by special guests like Rachel Bloom and Nicole Byer as well as former contestants like BenDeLaCreme & Peppermint, this pod is TRULY walking children in nature! You will be obsessed with this pod's deranged observations about the queens, the lip syncs, and each other BUT THAT'S NOT ALL- this is the queer pop culture kiki you've been needing, hunty! For all the tea on previous seasons of Drag Race, including All Stars and international seasons, take a look at our past episodes.

The Good Place: The Podcast

NBC Entertainment Podcast Network

Holy motherforking shirtballs! This is the official comedy and entertainment podcast for NBC's TV show The Good Place. Subscribe and you'll get weekly behind-the-scenes stories, episode and performance insights and funny anecdotes. Hosted by actor Marc Evan Jackson (Shawn) with a rotating slate of co-hosts and special guests, including actors, writers, producers and more, this podcast takes a deep dive into everything on- and off-screen.  Follow: @nbcthegoodplace NBC Entertainment Podcast Network ©2019

Survivor: 46 - Recaps from Rob has a Podcast | RHAP

Survivor Know-It-All, Rob Cesternino

Recapping Survivor 42 and talking with previous Survivor contestants and breaking down who got voted out and why. Rob Cesternino brings humor and strategic insight to every episode airing on CBS in 2022

Bachelor Happy Hour

iHeartPodcasts and Warner Bros

Bachelor Nation, can we steal you for a second?! The one and only official Bachelor Nation podcast is here! Hosted by “Bachelor In Paradise” Season 7 newlyweds Joe Amabile and Serena Pitt, “Bachelor Happy Hour” takes you behind the scenes with all things Bachelor Nation. Joe and Serena talk to current cast members who reveal first-hand details about what really goes on at the iconic Bachelor Mansion and they’ve got all the inside information about “The Bachelor,” “The Bachelorette,” and “Bachelor in Paradise” that you simply won’t hear anywhere else. From chatting with fellow franchise alumni to doling out relationship advice and sharing exclusive material, you’ll find it all on “Bachelor Happy Hour.” Welcome to your new home for all things Bachelor Nation! Be sure to tune-in on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, or wherever you listen to podcasts. You won’t want to miss it! 

Enemy in Paris: An Emily in Paris Hate-Watch

Bec Hill and Sam Kieffer

A rage-watch podcast recapping every awful episode of the show we all love to hate: Emily in Paris. Begrudgingly hosted by Bec Hill and Sam Kieffer.

The Betchelor

Betches Media

The Betchelor is a Bachelor recap podcast hosted by Kay Brown and Jared Freid of Betches Media. This weekly podcast follows the latest episodes and makes fun of all the ridiculous things the contestants say and do – because honestly, why else watch the show if not for the commentary? For more info check out weekly recaps at or follow our Instagram, @thebetchelor.

We Signed An NDA

Amanda Lifford, Miki Ann Maddox

A comedy podcast hosted by two former assistants that dissects pop culture and modern celebrity, with a focus on reality TV, and platforms the voices Hollywood overlooks ... WITHOUT GETTING SUED. We're not here to be mean or violate privacy -- we're here to humanize people who seem larger than life and have fun doing it!

Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, The Official Podcast

Shondaland Audio and iHeartPodcasts

Host Gabrielle Collins continues her Bridgerverse deep dive, this time taking on the Shonda Rhimes helmed prequel Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story.  Every episode, we’ll explore Shondaland’s official take on the one-of-a-kind story. Binge the series on Netflix and join us for character deep-dives and the creative processes that brought the show to life with Shonda Rhimes, Tom Verica, India Amarteifio, Corey Mylcreest and more. Listen to new episodes of Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, The Official Podcast every Thursday starting May 18. For More Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story content, visit: &

Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast

Stranded Panda | QCODE

Fans talking all things MCU! Going on 10 years of discussions and deep dives into every episode and movie connected to the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Your one stop hub for all discussion, news, and insight into what is happening with Marvel Studios. We love this stuff and want you to, too!

Unpacking The Toolbox

Shondaland Audio and iHeartPodcasts

Shondaland Audio in partnership with iHeartPodcasts present: Unpacking The Toolbox. Each week, BFFs and Scandal co-stars Katie Lowes and Guillermo Diaz dive into an episode of Scandal, reliving their favorite memories from the set and breaking down the episode with plenty of behind-the-scenes stories and even more laughs. Joined by some of their fellow Scandal stars, Katie and Guillermo are sure to cover it all from the Olitz romance to the down-and-dirty deeds as Huckleberry Quinn. Calling all #Gladiators – Come join the Scandal fam for new episodes every Thursday, starting February 9th.

Obsession: Bluey

Jonathan Minnema

Obsession: Bluey is a podcast about this stupid little Australian children's show called Bluey. It's probably one of the greatest TV shows of all time...not just in the children's genre either. And this host is obsessed. Absolutely obsessed.

Jackast: A Jackass Podcast

Mikey Ehrenworth, Chris Ehrenworth

Welcome to Jackast! Warning: The following show features episodic breakdowns of Jackass either performed by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Join three lifelong Jackass fans (ft. Mikey Ehrenworth and Chris Ehrenworth) as they revisit all of the Jackass and Jackass related content like Viva La Bam and WildBoyz that they can get their hands on!

Station Eleven: The Podcast


A behind-the-scenes companion podcast for the new HBO Max limited series, “Station Eleven.” Hosted by Patrick Somerville (Station Eleven, The Leftovers, Maniac) and Angelica Jade Bastién (New York Mag/Vulture), this podcast allows fans to experience the show on an entirely new level with behind-the-scenes insights and deep dives into storylines, themes, and characters through conversations with the cast and crew of “Station Eleven.”  

Popcorn Culture

J and Ben Carlin

Popcorn Culture is brought to you by J and Ben Carlin aka the SuperCarlinBrothers on YouTube. The two are most well known for the The Pixar Theory, Rampant Predictions of your favorite upcoming movies, Harry Potter Trivia Fiends, and for being a pair of man childs. Man children? Men Children. None of those seem right. You get the point. Anyway, they wanted a way to talk more in depth about their theories and BEYOND! And this is their solution.

The Mandalorian

Perfectly Honest Podcasts

A podcast after show on The Mandalorian is an upcoming American space western web television series scheduled to premiere on Disney+ on November 12, 2019.