27. Acne Undercover: Unmasking Comedogenic and Acnegenic Ingredients

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If you feel like you've tried every product out there and your skin is still breaking out, you're not alone. The reason why is likely due to the ingredients in your products. Surprisingly, most products on the market, even those labeled for acne-prone skin and skincare prescriptions from doctors, contain ingredients that trigger new breakouts - very frustrating, but true! In this week's episode, we're going to explore the complex world of pore-clogging ingredients. I'll be debunking popular myths, clarifying the confusion between comedogenic and acnegenic substances, and revealing how these culprits hide in plain sight. So join me as we delve into details behind comedogenic and acnegenic ingredients, and learn how to break the cycle of persistent skin flare-ups. Podcast Highlights Comedogenic vs Acnegenic ingredients How to avoid pore-clogging ingredients The issue with terms like “non-comedogenic”   Links Mentioned Acne-Safe Makeup List: https://emmediane.com/blogs/skin-tips/acne-safe-makeup-list  Acne-Safe Haircare List: https://emmediane.com/blogs/skin-tips/acne-safe-hair-care  Pore-Clogging Ingredient List: https://emmediane.com/blogs/skin-tips/pore-clogging-ingredients  Check to see if your makeup and haircare is acne-safe: https://share.hsforms.com/12Ib8hLJWQAmoL1_Ki-B8OQe652m    Special Offers Have skin concerns or looking for help building a routine? Work with me directly for FREE: http://emmediane.typeform.com/to/uVuLYeg2#source=skintheory Sign up for our newsletter for 15% off + expert skincare advice delivered directly to your inbox! Sign Up: https://emmediane.com/pages/newsletter  

27. Acne Undercover: Unmasking Comedogenic and Acnegenic Ingredients

27. Acne Undercover: Unmasking Comedogenic and Acnegenic Ingredients
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