What Brands Need in an Influencer Marketing Platform

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For too long, influencer marketing was a channel shrouded in mystery; traceable ROI was allegedly evasive and audience size was practically the only metric that mattered. While creativity and aesthetic might still reign supreme for most of the market, times have changed and at Cure Media, we look at things a little differently. 
In this week’s episode, we invited Babak Faramarzian, Co-founder and Head of Product at Cure Media to sort out what brands need to look for when choosing an influencer marketing platform and what role data and technology have in this growing industry - both today and in the future. 
We’ll cover:
The most common technology approaches to influencer marketing 
How the right technology can help overcome your biggest challenges 
What to ask for when partnering up with a data-driven influencer marketing agency 


What Brands Need in an Influencer Marketing Platform

What Brands Need in an Influencer Marketing Platform
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