275. Time is a great HEALER with Larry and Rachelle Topliff

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John 3:30, “He must increase, but I must decrease.”
Larry fell in love with wrestling as a 6th grader. He enjoyed every minute on the wrestling mat. Larry got better as each year past. In high school he won the Triple Crown his senior year. Larry decided to go the University of Oregon to wrestle after high school graduation. Winter semester at the U of O, Larry had gone to a wrestling meeting by in Pendleton Oregon. The following morning on January 21, 1984, Larry, 9 teammates and 2 coaches loaded into a van to head to Pullman, Washington for another wrestling tournament. That day Larry's life changed forever when the van hit a patch of ice and flipped over 6 times down into a riven. 2 teammates died and Larry held onto for dear life as he spent the next several months in the hospital trying to stay alive and begin life now as a quadriplegic. Join me today as Larry and Rachelle share their incredible journey of trusting in God, never stopping and witnessing the many miracles performed as God increased in Larry's life.

Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” January 21, 1984


275. Time is a great HEALER with Larry and Rachelle Topliff

275. Time is a great HEALER with Larry and Rachelle Topliff
Release Date
